December 28, 2012

Top 10 Books I'm Looking Forward to in 2013

I love this time of year when all we book bloggers take a look back at everything we've read and attempt the near impossible task of whittling them down to our most favorites in several categories. It's so much fun checking out everyone's choices, and this year I get to add my own to the mix.

The Top 10 of 2012 week is organized and brought to you by co-hosts Rachel from Fiktshun, Lisa from A Life Bound By Books, Jessica from Confessions of a Bookaholic, Jaime from Two Chicks on Books and Mindy from Magical Urban Fantasy Reads. 

I've enjoyed this week so much! Not only has it given me a good excuse to reminisce about all the awesome books I read in 2012, but it's given me a good excuse to visit some really great blogs. Today is the final day of our look back, and it's finishing up with a look forward. These are the top 10 books I'm most looking forward to in 2013.

10. Frost Burned (Mercy Thompson #7), by Patricia Briggs

5. Indigo Spell (Bloodlines #3), by Richelle Mead

3. Unravel Me (Shatter Me #2), by Tahereh Mafi

1. Apollyon (Covenant #4), by Jennifer L. Armentrout

There were a lot of books I could've put on this list. But, ultimately, I chose a lot of the ones I did because they will be the last in the series. The year 2013 will see the end of the Mercy Thompson, Crossfire, Infernal Devices, and Revenants series. It's a bittersweet thing, isn't it? I'm so excited to see how the stories will end, but I'm so sad that I won't get to read about some of my favorite characters anymore. In any case, 2013 is sure to be entertaining.  


LRAtRandom said...

This is the first time I'm see the cover of Entwined With's pretty! I still haven't read the second book in the series though...bad Jen!

Jen @ Greeps Through the Shelves ;)

LRAtRandom said...

I'm seeing** <=sorry bout that lol, my mind must have wandered :)

Claire said...

OMG Frost Bitten is the last Mercy Thompson :( I didn't know that. Totally with you on Lover at Last and House Rules - both of those are epic series.

My Top Ten is here if you'd like a look :)

Krista said...

Bad Jen, indeed! The second book was better than the first!

Krista said...

I can't remember where I saw that, but I know I saw somewhere that Frost Burned is the last Mercy book. I agree with the :(. I love her and Adam together. And, I see you have House Rules on your list too. I LOVE that series!