April 28, 2016

COVER REVEAL: Struck from the Record (Record #4)

I have been waiting for STRUCK FROM THE RECORD by K.A. Linda for EVER. And, now, not only do we have a date, but we have a cover! Check out the cover of Struck from the Record... Clay Maxwell is almost here!

Struck from the Record (Record #4), by K.A. Linde
Publish Date:
June 7, 2016
Publisher: self-published
Genre: adult contemporary romance
To Buy: iBooks

(Synopsis) Clay Maxwell is a smart, quick witted, sex-driven, manwhore with the good looks to match. Plenty of women have shared his bed, but only one has ever been constant, Andrea.

Their rules were simple. When they’re together, it’s just the two of them. When they’re apart, anything is fair game. And it worked. For ten years.

But one of them has changed the game…

Clay must decide if his player ways are worth losing the one girl who has always been there.

K.A. Linde is the USA Today bestselling author of the Avoiding series and the All That Glitters series as well as seven additional novels. She grew up as a military brat traveling the United States and even landing for a brief stint in Australia. She has a Masters degree in political science from the University of Georgia and is the current head coach of the Duke University dance team.

An avid traveler, reader, and bargain hunter, K.A. currently live in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, with her husband and two super adorable puppies.




April 27, 2016


When I learned that JA Huss was planning a new series with a new team of hot men in suits, I got a case of the fan girls. Office shenanigans as written by JA Huss? Yes, please. Check out my review of this awesome book. Then, don't forget to enter to win a $25 Amazon GC and a signed copy of Mr. Perfect.

Mr. Perfect (Misters #1), by JA Huss
Publish Date:
April 27, 2016
Publisher: self published
Format: e-ARC, provided by the author
Genre: adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Rating: 5 STARS

(Synopsis) Wanting the perfect man doesn’t make me crazy. I just know what I like.

A powerful billionaire in a suit wasn’t even my first choice. McAllister Stonewall was never on my radar, I didn’t even know he existed.

But I do now.

His hands are all over me at work. The heat of his chest pressing against my bare back as he bends me over the desk is the only thing on my mind.

He is my most forbidden desires unleashed. He is my new secret obsession. He is my Mr. Perfect.

Until the moment I realize… There’s no such thing as perfect.

What is "perfect" to you? Is it some abstract concept, or do you have a specific vision in your head of what the perfect man, the perfect house, the perfect life, etc. looks like? Mr. Perfect brings up the question of whether there is anything wrong with striving for perfection, or is "perfect" just a myth? 

Deep thoughts aside, I loves me a good office romance. Mr. Perfect is that, and more. It's funny and mysterious and a little sad and a lot dirty. After I finished reading, I wanted Zombie Dust beer and a sheepdog and a dress with a zipper over my ass. I wanted a slide at work and celebrity friends and I wanted to give my husband and his friends super cool code names. And I wanted to read this book over and over and over again.

Ellie is floundering. She feels stuck in a dead-end job and the boss's son, who could've been her boyfriend, was just shipped off to work in their China office. The Worst Day Ever is capped off by the arrival of the boss's OTHER son, who turns out to be pretentious, irritating and too hot for his own damn good. 

But the other thing about McAllister Stonewall is, he doesn't allow Ellie to hide her head in the sand anymore. He makes her uncomfortable and he gets her to talk about things she would've preferred to keep hidden. While doing all that, he makes her feel beautiful and wanted and talented. Mac's methods may be a bit... unconventional. But, he sees Ellie as exactly the change he needed in his life, and he's determined to make her his. 

Mac comes with his own baggage. And, most of it is wrapped up in events that happened a decade before that also involve four of his closest friends. As you might've figured, these five men adopted code names - Mr. Perfect. Mr. Romantic, Mr. Corporate, Mr. Mysterious and Mr. Match. Seriously - how cool is that? The reason why they needed these names, however, is not so cool. 

If you're at all familiar with the awesome JA Huss, then you know that she loves a good twist in a story. You know - that point in a story, usually toward the end, where you go...

The thing about Mr. Perfect is, that didn't happen here. Oh, sure there were surprise revelations and secrets that came out, but nothing like what we've seen from this author lately. Well, not yet anyway. Keep in mind, there is still four books left in this series, and although Mr. Perfect can be read as a standalone, I know this back story that came to light is going to build and build and get more crazy as each book comes out. And, we've been promised a huge surprise when we get to the final book - Mr. Match. So, you know Joey's face above? Let's just put a pin in that, shall we?

For now, start with Mr. Perfect. It's office romance at its best. It's sweet, it's seductive, it's secretive. It. Is. Awesome.

“We own most of the land in the Tech Center. My father bought up the land thirty years ago before any of this was here. And we lease it out.”

Jesus. What kind of money is that? I can’t even begin to understand it.

“Anyway,” Mac says, standing. “I’m waiting in here for a reason.”

“Is that right?” I stand up too, but my heart beats a little faster when I take him in. He’s wearing a dark gray suit today, a blue shirt that is so light it’s barely a color, and another brilliant cerulean-blue tie that makes his matching eyes shine as they stare into mine.

I don’t know why, but I step backwards. His full attention on me suddenly feels more like a force than a look. He steps forward, hands reaching for me. I bump against the wall, no escape, and then he fists the front of my blouse and rips it open, revealing my silk cami.

My mouth opens in surprise.

He rips the cami apart too. And then, with one forceful whoosh, both garments are lying in a puddle of fabric on the floor.

“What are you doing?” I yell.

The intense stare turns to a boyish smile. “I’d like you topless for breakfast. And I get to call the shots for our dates.”

“Why do I even bother with you? Just why?” I refuse to cross my arms and cover my tits. Fuck him. Just fuck him. “Every time I start to think you’re not a pig, you go and do something like this.”

“It’s fun, right?” His smile never cracks.

“No,” I say. “It’s humiliating.”

“Your tits are nice, Ellie. You should not be ashamed of them.”

“I’m not ashamed of them—”

“Good. Because I’d like to stare at them while we have coffee and discuss our date tonight.”

A knock comes from Mac’s office and I might have a panic attack that someone will come in and find me bare like this.

“Hold that thought,” Mac says, leaning down to kiss my lips. “Breakfast is here. Sit,” he says, pushing on my shoulders until I slump into the window seat again. “I’ll be right back.”

And then he enters his office, pulling our connecting door closed.

I listen to the conversation in there as I look down at my clothes. What the hell was he thinking? The cami is dust. Ripped straight down the middle. At least the silk button-up shirt is only missing all the buttons. I can probably tie it around my waist to make it out to the parking lot, but—

There’s a jingle of a cart and plates. We have… room service? What kind of company has room service?

I guess I’m not all that surprised they have it up here. We have several restaurants on campus. The Atrium has a cafeteria. Maybe this came from the cafeteria?

Mac is laughing on the other side of the door, then I hear a polite thank you just before the sound of a closing door.

The connecting door swings open again and Mac is there, a wide grin on his face. “I hope you like pancakes.”

“This is not happening.”

“Oh, this is happening, Miss Hatcher. You are sitting here.” He points to the middle of the window seat as he pushes the cart towards me.

“I have no clothes, Mac. You ripped my cami. I’m going to have to tie that over-shirt on and go home to change. In fact,” I say, reaching down to get my blouse and pull myself together, “I’m not coming back. I’m done. Just when I think you’re a human, you act like an ape.”

“Would you just relax, Ellie?” He rips the shirt from my hands, balls it up, and then tosses it in the air, where it arcs perfectly and sails into the new trashcan that matches the desk. “Three points,” he says.

“It’s like you live in your own world or something. I think it’s funny that you accused me of living in some delusional fantasy, but you, Mr. Stonewall, you’re a raving lunatic who thinks the world is his asylum.”

“I’m going to take that as a compliment. Now sit. I’ve got it all under control.”

JA Huss is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty romances. She likes stories about family, loyalty, and extraordinary characters who struggle with basic human emotions while dealing with bigger than life problems. JA loves writing heroes who make you swoon, heroines who makes you jealous, and the perfect Happily Ever After ending.

You can chat with her on Facebook (www.facebook.com/AuthorJAHuss), Twitter (@jahuss), and her kick-ass romance blog, New Adult Addiction (www.newadultaddiction.com).

If you're interested in getting your hands on an advanced release copy of her upcoming books, sneak peek teasers, or information on her upcoming personal appearances, you can join her newsletter list (http://eepurl.com/JVhAr) and get those details delivered right to your inbox.

Author links:
Facebook Author Page: http://on.fb.me/PPpkr3
Facebook Personal Profile: http://on.fb.me/1P7Z485
Facebook Private Group: http://on.fb.me/1oaw5js
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1AzHZbm
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1Nar8Uh
Bookbub Author Follow Page: http://bit.ly/1SW2AB0
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1OakX5v
Instagram: http://bit.ly/1QCqjZ0
Website: http://jahuss.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6446815.J_A_Huss

April 26, 2016

RELEASE DAY REVIEW: Ladies Man (Manwhore #3)

Ladies Man (Manwhore #3), by Katy Evans
Publish Date:
April 26, 2016
Publisher: self published
Format: e-ARC, provided by the author
Genre: new adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Rating: 5 STARS

(Synopsis) Tahoe Roth. Irreverent, cocky, playful and naughty.

He’s not the guy you date.

He’s the one night stand.

The one your mother warned you about.

The one your body craves.

You’d think the man who called me succulent would want to strip me down and spread me out on his bed—like he’s done with countless others.

But he passed on my offer….

Just like I’d once passed on his.

He’s wary, like I am.

He’s broken, like I am.

And everyone knows two broken parts can’t ever make a whole.

Tahoe and I are strictly friends.

So I distract myself with other men.

He doesn’t think my new man is good enough. This blond blue-eyed beast doesn’t think any man is—himself included.

But the more time we spend together, the more confused I feel. I'm trying to open myself to love.

Yet I'm quickly realizing that the only man I want is Tahoe Roth. The one man who will surely break my heart.

Ladies Man absolutely wrecked me. Let's put a pin in the absolutely ridiculous amount of sexual tension that seeped off every single page. What really got to me was how two broken people put on completely different types of masks to hide their fears and guilt and sadness. And how those two people managed to find one another and wipe those masks away. 

We met Gina in the first Manwhore books, as she was Rachel's BFF and roommate. We also learned at that time that she had a hard time trusting men because the one man in which she put all her trust broke it in the worst and most callous way. Gina's never felt good enough for anyone - her parents, her ex, her friends... and now Tahoe. 

Tahoe really is a ladies man. He's this gorgeous billionaire who has parties and friends and lots and lots of women. Except Gina. For some reason, he doesn't seem to want her. And that hurts her deeply. Because she wants him. Just for one night. But, for some reason, Tahoe only wants to be friends. 

Tahoe and Gina's friendship was very bittersweet. They really were great friends. It seems that whenever one needed the other, he or she was there. No matter what. But, it was so obvious that both of them wanted it to be more. You know how I mentioned the sexual tension. Good gracious. It was EPIC. And it was constant. In every interaction between Tahoe and Gina, it was there, along with this underlying sadness that neither felt like they were worthy of the other.

I absolutely loved the theme of masks in Ladies Man. Gina wore makeup constantly. Like, even to bed. It was a very literal and figurative way of covering up someone she didn't like much and creating someone new that she thought everyone would actually like and accept. And it was so, so profound that Tahoe was always wiping her makeup away. It was like, he wanted to see the real Gina. 

Tahoe also wore a mask. The ladies man image wasn't really him. It was a front he put up so that no one knew the pain he had gone through years before. But, Gina was the first woman to ask questions and to make an effort to get to know him. 

"No one is the way they seem. We all hide little pieces, either because we don't want to be judged, or because we don't think we'll be understood, or simply because we don't want those pieces of us to belong to anyone but us."

I absolutely loved this book. It was poignant and heartfelt and sweet. It was sad at times, and I laughed at others. Tahoe's and Gina's relationship was so unique. Ladies Man spans an entire year in their lives, and a lot happens in that time. There was absolutely no insta-love here. In fact, if you're someone who needs lots of sex in your books, you should know you won't find that here. There's almost no sex in this book, but the PROMISE of sex will keep you going. Trust me on this one. 

The great news is, it appears there will be at least one more book from the Manwhore world. Even better, it will involve Tahoe and Saint's other friend Callum and Tahoe's little sister. Oh yeah - it's going to be so good. 

April 25, 2016

COVER REVEAL: Worked Up (Made in Jersey #3)

I am SO in love with Tessa Bailey's Made in Jersey series, and I can't wait until the next one comes out. That would be WORKED UP, and this cover... holy smokes. THIS COVER.

Worked Up (Made in Jersey #3), by Tessa Bailey
Publish Date:
August 2016
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Genre: adult contemporary romance

(Synopsis) New Jersey factory mechanic Duke Crawford has watched his loved ones’ marriages fail, time and time again, so he’s not interested in a relationship. Who could have guessed Samantha Waverly, a fellow commitment-phobe—and his new boss’s off-limits sister—would make him question his dedication to bachelorhood? And get him good and worked up in the process…

Tessa Bailey is originally from Carlsbad, California. The day after high school graduation, she packed her yearbook, ripped jeans and laptop, driving cross-country to New York City in under four days.

Her most valuable life experiences were learned thereafter while waitressing at K-Dees, a Manhattan pub owned by her uncle. Inside those four walls, she met her husband, best friend and discovered the magic of classic rock, managing to put herself through Kingsborough Community College and the English program at Pace University at the same time. Several stunted attempts to enter the work force as a journalist followed, but romance writing continued to demand her attention.

She now lives in Long Island, New York with her husband of eight years and four-year-old daughter. Although she is severely sleep-deprived, she is incredibly happy to be living her dream of writing about people falling in love.

Learn more about Tessa -->  Website ** Facebook ** Twitter ** Goodreads

April 22, 2016

COVER REVEAL & GIVEAWAY: Mr. Perfect (Mister #1)

So, my 2016 is made. JA Huss is writing a new series about sexy suits. And, the first one - MR. PERFECT - is coming out next week. Today, you get to see the cover and enter a giveaway!

Mr. Perfect (Mister #1), by JA Huss
Publish Date:
April 27, 2016
Publisher: Science Fiction Press
Genre: adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

(Synopsis) Wanting the perfect man doesn’t make me crazy. I just know what I like.

A powerful billionaire in a suit wasn’t even my first choice. McAllister Stonewall was never on my radar, I didn’t even know he existed.

But I do now.

His hands are all over me at work. The heat of his chest pressing against my bare back as he bends me over the desk is the only thing on my mind.

He is my most forbidden desires unleashed. He is my new secret obsession. He is my Mr. Perfect.

Until the moment I realize… There’s no such thing as perfect.

JA Huss is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty romances. She likes stories about family, loyalty, and extraordinary characters who struggle with basic human emotions while dealing with bigger than life problems. JA loves writing heroes who make you swoon, heroines who makes you jealous, and the perfect Happily Ever After ending.
You can chat with her on Facebook (www.facebook.com/AuthorJAHuss), Twitter (@jahuss), and her kick-ass romance blog, New Adult Addiction (www.newadultaddiction.com).

If you're interested in getting your hands on an advanced release copy of her upcoming books, sneak peek teasers, or information on her upcoming personal appearances, you can join her newsletter list (http://eepurl.com/JVhAr) and get those details delivered right to your inbox.

Author links:

April 21, 2016


Kylie Scott can do no wrong. Seriously - if you loved her Stage Dive series, just wait until you read DIRTY, the first book in her new Dive Bar series. It was INCREDIBLE. You can see what I mean for yourself below...

Dirty (Dive Bar #1), by Kylie Scott
Publish Date:
April 19, 2016
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Format: e-ARC, provided by TRSOR Productions
Genre: new adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Rating: 5 STARS

(Synopsis) The last thing Vaughan Hewson expects to find when he returns to his childhood home is a broken hearted bride in his shower, let alone the drama and chaos that comes with her.

Lydia Green doesn't know whether to burn down the church or sit and cry in a corner. Discovering the love of your life is having an affair on your wedding day is bad enough. Finding out it's with his best man is another thing all together. She narrowly escapes tying the knot and meets Vaughan only hours later.

Vaughan is the exact opposite of the picture perfect, respected businessman she thought she'd marry. This former musician-turned-bartender is rough around the edges and unsettled. But she already tried Mr. Right and discovered he's all wrong-maybe it's time to give Mr. Right Now a chance.

After all, what's wrong with getting dirty?

A few weeks ago, I saw a fellow blogger and bookish friend posted a pic of her reading an ARC of Dirty. I commented on her picture with one question - "How much did you laugh?" I believe her response went something like, "OMG SO MUCH."

I had no idea Kylie Scott could write like this. I mean, I had an inkling. We've all met Mal from Play (Stage Dive #2). But, really - I just had no clue that Kylie Scott could work this kind of magic. 

The thing you need to know first and foremost about Dirty is that is is HILARIOUS. To be sure, neither Vaughn's nor Lydia's situations are anything to laugh at. Lydia found out her fiancé cheated on her on her freaking wedding day. And Vaughn's band has broken up, so while he figures out his next move, he comes back to his childhood home which holds sad memories for him since his parents are now both dead. You wouldn't think there'd be a lot to laugh about. 

And yet, that's pretty much all you can do when you come home to find a strange woman in your bathtub, crying in her wedding dress. 

Lydia and Vaughn are undeniably perfect for each other (although it takes them forever to realize this, of course). They are both snarky and sarcastic and unwilling to allow life's challenges to beat them down. They're both searching for that thing that makes them truly happy. They have idealized what that thing is, and for both of them, reality is just not meeting their expectations. So, what do you do when life hands you lemons? You make a lemon martini, of course.

While they figure out their next moves, Vaughn and Lydia go to work in Vaughn's sister Nellie's establishment, Dive Bar. It sounds like an awesome place and one I'd definitely frequent if it existed in my hometown. We meet Nell's business partners, who will presumably be the focus of future books in the series. It's at Dive Bar that Lydia finds a second family and totally falls for them and for Vaughn. But, the conflict comes from the fact that Vaughn is not planning to stay - for any reason. 

For as much as I laughed while reading Dive, there were several moments that caused me to tear up as well. It's here that Kylie's magic really showed. Her words took me from laughing out loud to swallowing around the lump in my throat in the span of a few paragraphs. 

Truly, this was an incredible book. If you enjoyed her Stage Dive series, you should absolutely read this one. It was hysterically funny, super sexy, and a little heartbreaking. And, the appearance by some of our Stage Dive favorites certainly didn't hurt either. 

“Once upon a time,” he began, voice low and measured. “There was a princess. A beautiful, occasionally annoying princess.”

“What was her name?”

“Ah, Notlydia.”

I frowned. “Her name is Notlydia?”

“You wanted a story, I’m giving you one. Shut up.”


An even heavier sigh from the man. “Anyhoo, Notlydia was all set up to marry this prince. We’ll call him Prince Bag of Dicks.”

“Works for me.”

“But on the day of her wedding, when she was wearing this sweet dress that served her tits up like they were a fucking platter—”

“Is this an R-rated story?”

“Please,” he said, sliding an arm around my bare waist. And I let him. “R is for rubbish. If you don’t get to see any penetration then you’re wasting your time. This is XXX.”

I laughed.

“So on the day of her wedding to Prince Bag of Dicks, Notlydia kisses him and he turns into a big slimy two-headed toad with terrible breath and even worse foot odor.”

“Whoa.” I rested my head back against his shoulder. “Poor Notlydia.”

“Hell of a plot twist, right?”

“Never saw that one coming.”

“Mm.” He rested his cheek against the top of my head.

“What happens next?”

“Well, she’s completely freaked out, of course.”

“Of course.”

“And she takes off into the woods. She’s running through bushes, jumping fences, climbing trees, you name it. Nothing’s going to stop her from getting the hell away from that toad, Prince Bag of Dicks.” He took a sip of beer. “Unfortunately, she loses her fancy dress along the way. She’s just down to some skimpy underwear and a corset and with all that jogging through the forest, it’s barely holding her in. One decent breath and there’s going to be nipple out there for all the world to see. Did I happen to mention she’d been voted Best Rack in the Kingdom four years running? Anyway, eventually she finds this small cottage. Now, what you don’t know about Notlydia is that she has a shady past.”

I tried to look up at him. But with the angle, all I got was stubble and cheekbone. “That doesn’t sound like Notlydia.”

“Be quiet.” A hand covered my mouth. “Notlydia’s a dirty, dirty girl. Got a bad side like you wouldn’t believe. A little breaking and entering is nothing to her. So into the house she goes. But she’s all muddy from running through the woods, see? She can’t let people see her like this, she’s a princess, for fuck’s sake.”

The hand remained over my mouth. Which was fine, I had nothing to add to his pornographic fairy tale.

“Notlydia gets in the shower and starts soaping herself. There’s lots of bubbles and steam, and she’s a modern woman so there’s a bit of self-love. She even finds time to wash her hair, shave under her pits. Things like that. But then the owner of the cottage wakes up and hears the water running. He stomps into the bathroom saying, someone’s using up my hot water. Notlydia cries out, not me, not me.”

He craned his neck, meeting my gaze. “See, babe, what did I tell you? That Notlydia is a filthy little liar.”

I looked up to heaven. No help was forthcoming.

“Someone’s using up all my soap, says the owner. Not me, not me, cries Notlydia.” He put his lips next to my ear. “She should be ashamed of herself, shouldn’t she? If ever a busty princess deserved a spanking.”

I bit at the palm of his hand, teeth catching at the fleshy mound beneath his thumb.

“Ow.” He laughed, pulling his hand free. “Then the owner said, someone’s been fingering herself in my shower.”

“Stop!” I put my hands over my ears, trying desperately to hold in my laughter. “This is the worst story ever. The Brothers Grimm are rolling over in their graves.”

“Notlydia throws back the shower curtain and says, oh yeah, big boy, that was me. Come and get it. And they have wild sex all over the cottage.” Vaughan’s body jerked beneath mine as he laughed his ass off. “The end.”

“No way. Notlydia is virtuous and pure. She’d never pull that sort of shit.”

“Nah.” He chuckled. “It all happened exactly as I said. Dirtiest princess in all the land.”

“Like hell. The owner of that cottage was a pervert and a deviant. Why, he would have picked the lock on a chastity belt. She never stood a chance.” Difficult to maintain my pious stance, given I’d started laughing so hard tears were pouring down my cheeks. The funny bastard. “I want to know more about this cottage owner. What’s his name?”

“I don’t know. Let me think . . .” He rested his chin back on top of my head. “He definitely isn’t Prince Charming.”

“He could be!”


“If he wanted to. Or not. Whatever,” I added weakly. Crap. “Let’s go back to not talking.”

I was a moron.

We’d been all relaxed and laughing. Me and my idiot mouth. Way to go, Lydia. Just shout out any old impossible daydream to the dude who’s made it clear there was no future “we.” If someone could just direct me to the nearest brick wall, I’d knock a little sense into myself.On the other hand, it was two stupid words. Surely he could have ignored the last hundred years of Disney perpetuating slick-haired young royals gallivanting around the countryside saving hot babes in distress. For the sake of getting along. God knows, Chris never had any problems ignoring or placating me. I’d seen his thoughtless gorgeous smile aimed my way a hundred times. No, a thousand. If only I’d recognized it for what it was.

Ugh. Just the thought of it made me want to punch the douche all over again.

Maybe I needed a bit more than a week to get over that catastrophe. The money would help. Substantially. I’d never imagined that compromising my morals and taking hush money from such foul woe-begotten assholes would feel so good. Maybe I should sell out more often.

“This, ah, this Prince Charming of yours,” he said haltingly.


Vaughan shifted beneath me, pushing out a heavy breath. “I mean, it doesn’t make sense, does it? Why would he be in a cottage instead of a castle?”

“Well . . . his parents, the king and queen of the neighboring kingdom, died in a terrible accident.”

I stayed perfectly still, waiting to see how he’d react.

“I see.”

“And it hurt him so bad he just, he didn’t want to be a prince anymore.”

Nothing from him.

“Bad things happen in fairy tales sometimes.”

A grunt.

“It’s not fair, but it happens,” I said, feeling my way with more caution than skill. “The prince loved his parents and the castle had too many memories.”


“So he ran away into the woods too.”

“Doesn’t sound like much of a prince if he can’t handle his shit,” he said.

“Princes are just men too, human beings. I don’t think a crown or a penis gives you magical invulnerability to loss and pain.” I stared at the wall, thinking the problem through. “Life is hard.

Terrible things happen. We all have feelings. We’re all just flesh and blood, trying to do our best.”

“Running away from problems isn’t doing your best.” His voice echoed around the small room, the same as around in my head.

What with holding the Coeur d’Alene title for runaway bride of the year, I had no answer. None at all. So much for my half-assed wisdom.

Kylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.

Kylie is represented by Amy Tannenbaum at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, New York.

Stalk Kylie Scott: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

April 20, 2016

REVIEW & EXCERPT TOUR: Ride Hard (The Raven Riders #1)

I am so excited to be a part of the tour to kick off Laura Kaye's brand new Raven Riders series. The series starts with RIDE HARD, which was such an incredible read. Read on for my review and an awesome excerpt from the book. Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end!

Ride Hard (The Raven Riders #1), by Laura Kaye
Publish Date:
April 26, 2016
Publisher: Avon Books
Format: e-ARC, provided by Inkslinger PR
Genre: adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Rating: 5 STARS

(Synopsis) Brotherhood. Club. Family.

They live and ride by their own rules.

These are the Raven Riders . . .

Raven Riders Motorcycle Club President Dare Kenyon rides hard and values loyalty above all else. He’ll do anything to protect the brotherhood of bikers—the only family he’s got—as well as those who can’t defend themselves. So when mistrustful Haven Randall lands on the club’s doorstep scared that she’s being hunted, Dare takes her in, swears to keep her safe, and pushes to learn the secrets overshadowing her pretty smile.

Haven fled from years of abuse at the hands of her criminal father and is suspicious of any man’s promises, including those of the darkly sexy and overwhelmingly intense Ravens’ leader. But as the powerful attraction between them flares to life, Dare pushes her boundaries and tempts her to want things she never thought she could.

The past never dies without a fight, but Dare Kenyon’s never backed down before . . .

It's only fitting that Laura Kaye kicks off her new Raven Riders series with the story of the head of the Raven Riders, Dare Kenyon. We first met Dare in Laura's series that spawned this one, the Hard Ink series. Dare was this larger-than-life figure who literally and figuratively charged into battle when some of his own men fell. 

MC books are among my absolute favorites to read. No matter if you're reading about a club that are so-called "one-percenters" who live outside of the law or a club like the Raven Riders who try to abide by the rules whenever humanely possible, the one thing all these clubs have in common is a sense of family. If you are in the club, or bonded closely with someone in the club, then you are cherished, backed-up, protected and valued. This is never more clear and present than with the Raven Riders. 

"This MC is a brotherhood. It's a family," he said, crossing his arms. "But a long time ago, we also made it our mission to be something more. To serve the community we live in. And we do that by fighting for those who can't fight for themselves, and by defending those who can't defend themselves."

In addition to taking care of their own, the Raven Riders have made it their mission to take care of women who need saved from the men in their lives. Which is how Haven came to arrive at the compound. She and her BFF have escaped from their abusive crime boss fathers, and although initially scared out of her mind at all the big bikers, Haven eventually finds the camaraderie and sense of family exactly what she's been missing her whole life. Catching big, sexy Dare Kenyon's attention doesn't hurt either. 

I loved everything about Ride Rough. I loved meeting all the key players in the Rough Riders that, I'm sure, will play parts in their own stories down the road. 

I loved the big age difference between Dare and Haven and that, even though more than 10 years separates them, and even though initially Dare tells himself that matters, eventually they both are forced to admit that it doesn't. Not really. It just means that Dare has lots to teach Haven, and she can have lots of fun learning. 

I also loved the surprising foodie angle to the story. Haven suffers from insomnia, so she bakes in the middle of the night. I loved all the wonderful treats she secretly made for the men. She inspired me to go hunting recipes for cinnamon rolls. 

I especially love the panty-melting and deliciously romantic heat between Dare and Haven. Laura Kaye is so freaking good at balancing the heat and the feelings so that the sex never feels gratuitous or unnecessary. This is one sexy book, and it always just felt so right. 

Ride Hard had all my favorite things - a tough hero with a heart of gold, a shy heroine brought out of her shell by being given a purpose, a group of burly biker men who love each other like brothers, and a dangerous undertone that keeps each page crackling with excitement. If this is how every book in this series is going to be, then we are all in for a very exciting ride. 

One minute Dare was standing on the beach, trying to keep himself from giving in to Haven’s innocent playfulness. The next he was wet from forehead to knees from Haven splashing him.

She actually splashed him.

His reaction was pure instinct. He took off like a shot, bolting toward her like a wild animal after its prey. Haven’s beautiful face went from uncertain to startled to amused, and on a scream and a laugh she turned and ran, her feet kicking up water as she cut through the shallows at the secluded lake’s edge.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she yelled between laughs.

Dare just ran faster, not even caring as his boots hit the water. She didn’t have a chance in hell of outrunning him, and he wasn’t giving up the chase until he had her in his arms—and made her pay.

A burst of laughter exploded out of her as she veered back and forth, pleading words spilling haltingly from her lips. And then Dare clasped his arms around her upper body, hauled her in against him, and took them both down to the sand right at the water’s edge. He turned his body so that he took the brunt of the fall, bringing Haven down on top of him. The chase and the challenge and the closeness had him rock hard in an instant. Not surprising, since he’d been sporting a semi since she’d straddled his bike, spread her legs around him, and taken him into her arms.

“You splashed me,” he said, eyebrow arched, hand fisted around the long braid in her hair.

Wearing a grin so open and carefree that it made his chest feel suddenly too small for his heart, Haven nodded. “Oops.”

“You think that’s funny?” he asking, growing harder as she shifted her weight, making her belly grind against his hard-on.

A small gasp of recognition, and she bit down on her lip as the cast of her eyes went from playful to aroused. “A little,” she said in a breathy voice. She licked her lips. Dare couldn’t help but track the movement, and want to suck the trail of moisture she left there off the plump, pink skin.

What the fuck was he doing?

Haven’s hands gripped his shoulders, and she subtly shifted her weight again, pulling herself up his body—just a little, but enough that her lower belly now pressed and thrust against his cock. And Jesus if the need blazing out of those bright blue eyes wasn’t crystal clear.

For a split second, Dare thought of Haven’s list of things she’d never experienced, her lie of omission, the expression she’d worn on her face when he’d made her come before. And what he wanted to do ran roughshod over what he should do.

Startling a high-pitched gasp from her, Dare flipped their positions so that she lay in the soft sand and his body lay partially over hers. With his forehead against hers, he nailed her with a stare. “You sure you want to provoke me?”

Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense, including the Hard Ink and upcoming Raven Riders series. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.

Connect with Laura Kaye --> Website | Facebook |Twitter | Newsletter Sign Up

April 19, 2016

RELEASE DAY BLOG TOUR: Wicked Need (The Wicked Horse #3)

This series... I am so in love with this series. And the best part is, today is release day for the third book in Sawyer Bennett's Wicked Horse series, WICKED NEED! Read on for my review and go order it!

Wicked Need (The Wicked Horse #3), by Sawyer Bennett
Publish Date:
April 19, 2016
Publisher: Self-published
Format: e-ARC, provided by the author
Genre: adult erotic romance
To Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Rating: 5 STARS

(Synopsis) Rand Bishop’s dreams of Olympic gold were shattered years ago but he’s left that all behind, settling into a new career and lifestyle that would make any man jealous. While he may not be competitively racing down the ski slopes anymore, he’s just as happy getting his rocks off as a Fantasy Maker for The Silo.

He’s good at what he does.
Damn good.

But while life couldn’t be better for Rand, it seems to be falling apart for Catherine Lyons Vaughn, the dark haired, brown-eyed beauty that has captivated an entire sex club.

Having spent years degrading herself on her husband’s whim and now left destitute after his death, Catherine has hit rock bottom. With nothing but her body to peddle, Catherine is merely trying to figure out how to survive in a harsh, cruel world. Lucky for her, Rand has taken her under his tattooed wing, and he’s determined to give her a safe life where she can be the woman she was always meant to be.

Now all Catherine has to do is believe she deserves the chance.

I was super excited when I saw that Rand’s story was going to feature in Sawyer Bennett’s third Wicked Horse series book. I’ve been intrigued by him and Logan since the beginning. They seemed to be big time players at the super hot sex club, The Silo, and they usually played together. So, would Rand’s story involve Logan at all? Would his HEA feature just one woman, or would it be more of a triad-type relationship? All questions were answered in Wicked Need.

Rand actually surprised the hell out of me. For someone so obviously free spirited and into anything goes kink, I didn’t take him for the kind to want to settle down permanently with just one woman. But, I think it was BECAUSE he has this incredibly nurturing, compassionate soul that he was able to be such a popular guy at The Silo. Women and men alike loved to play with him, and Rand was happy with that arrangement while he searched for The One.

Rand was able to put his hero complex through a vigorous workout when it came to Cat. Not only had she just gotten out of a very damaging marriage, but she was now left destitute with only her clothing, her car and her membership at The Silo. It was so telling that Rand immediately offered to help her out, despite the potential awkwardness that might ensue due to the fact that they’d played together at the club. He didn’t even care about that - just saw a woman in desperate need, and offered her a roof, food and his help.

Cat is a smart woman. She doesn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, especially when said gift horse comes in the form of former Olympian and stud in the sack Rand. She very quickly learns, though, that Rand is so much more than the person he is at The Silo. Unfortunately, she constantly feels the taint of her former relationship, and that makes her feel less than worthy of Rand’s sweetness, light and tenderness.

Cat was stuck between a rock and a hard place, and I felt absolutely awful for her. I wanted to cry along with her at the situation in which she was dropped. But, at the same time, I loved everything about her, because this woman was STRONG. She’s been dealt a crappy hand, but she’s still independent and has kept her pride. Honestly, she and Rand were so well suited.

Surprisingly, Logan’s name wasn’t even mentioned until more than 50% into Wicked Need. That surprised me. I thought Rand and Logan were sort of a team - Rand’s ying to Logan’s yang. But, seriously - when Logan does enter the picture, it’s for exactly the reason you would suspect, and the resulting scene is the hottest one I’ve read in all three of these books to date. It. Was. AWESOME.

Once more, we’re told at the end of Wicked Need who will be featured in book four, and it looks like it will be Logan’s turn. I’m both happy and disappointed. Happy because I do like Logan, and it looks like his story will be a doozy. Disappointed because I’m STILL waiting for Bridger’s book. I just KNOW that one will be amazing. He is my favorite character of all of them. He seems to be the best friend a man could ask for, and has been so far to Woolf, Cain and Rand. And yet, he seems very alone in the world. He absolutely fascinates me.

Sawyer Bennett’s Wicked Horse series is one of my favorite sexy adult series ever. The characters are interesting, the setting is brilliant and the sex is absolutely ridiculous. I can’t wait to keep reading!

Since the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, in January 2013, Sawyer Bennett has released more than 30 books and has been featured on both the USA Today and New York Times bestseller lists on multiple occasions. A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real life experience to create relatable, sexy stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to erotic contemporary romance, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone. Sawyer likes her Bloody Mary’s strong, her martinis dirty, and her heroes a combination of the two. When not bringing fictional romance to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to a very active toddler, as well as full-time servant to two adorably naughty dogs. She believes in the good of others, and that a bad day can be cured with a great work-out, cake, or a combination of the two.

Connect with Sawyer --> Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Goodreads * Newsletter
Since the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, in Janu
ary 2013, Sawyer Bennett
has released more than 30 books and has been featured on both the USA To
day and New York Times
bestseller lists on multiple occasions.
A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real life experience to create rel
atable, sexy
stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to erotic cont
emporary romance, Sawyer
Since the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, in Janu
ary 2013, Sawyer Bennett
has released more than 30 books and has been featured on both the USA To
day and New York Times
bestseller lists on multiple occasions.
A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real life experience to create rel
atable, sexy
stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to erotic cont
emporary romance, Sawyer

April 18, 2016

NEW ADULT MONDAYS: The Mistake (Off-Campus #2)

The New Adult genre - their bad boys and big problems and epic loves make them engrossing tales that are so easy to lose yourself in. What's not to love about that? And, now, thanks to the cool chicks at Bewitched Bookworms, we can show these books the love they deserve in a weekly feature - New Adult Mondays.

The Mistake (Off-Campus #2), by Elle Kennedy
Publish Date:
May 6, 2015
Publisher: Self-published
Format: e-book, purchased
Genre: new adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Rating: 5 STARS

(Synopsis) He’s a player in more ways than one…

College junior John Logan can get any girl he wants. For this hockey star, life is a parade of parties and hook-ups, but behind his killer grins and easygoing charm, he hides growing despair about the dead-end road he’ll be forced to walk after graduation. A sexy encounter with freshman Grace Ivers is just the distraction he needs, but when a thoughtless mistake pushes her away, Logan plans to spend his final year proving to her that he’s worth a second chance.

Now he’s going to need to up his game…

After a less than stellar freshman year, Grace is back at Briar University, older, wiser, and so over the arrogant hockey player she nearly handed her V-card to. She’s not a charity case, and she’s not the quiet butterfly she was when they first hooked up. If Logan expects her to roll over and beg like all his other puck bunnies, he can think again. He wants her back? He’ll have to work for it. This time around, she’ll be the one in the driver’s seat…and she plans on driving him wild.

And the awesomeness continues...

Before I was even finished reading The Deal (Off-Campus #1), I had already bought The Mistake. It was really a pretty easy decision. These Briar University hockey players have completely stolen my heart. 

The Mistake follows John Logan - or, just Logan to most everyone who knows him - who is struggling to beat down his feelings for his BFF Garrett's new girlfriend Hannah Wells (the couple from The Deal). Like any good friend, he feels incredibly guilty for wanting her for himself. Since Logan is a viral young male, he tries to screw away his feelings. Ha. 

The Mistake is your classic jock meets wallflower trope. Although at first glance, Grace doesn't seem like the type to be able to bring Logan to his knees and make him forget about Hannah, she does just that. For a few hours. Aaaaaanddddd then Logan screws it up. Of course. 

They spend the summer apart, and while Logan spends that time trying not to think about how he won't be able to do what he wants after graduation, as well as the mousy girl who sort of blew his mind for a night. Grace spends that time shoring up her walls so that when she gets back to school, she can resist the charms of the hot hockey player who seriously hurt her feelings. 

I loved Grace. Like, A LOT. She's shy and a little off the wall. But, she is determined. I felt so badly for her when Logan hurt her feelings, and I have to give her credit for making strides to ensure that it didn't happen again. She makes Logan work for her affections, and as it turns out, that was exactly what he needed in order to prove to both Grace and himself that this was for real. 

For Logan's part, this is a kid who is being pulled in more directions than he should. He's trying to deal with his feelings for Hannah, plus the fact that, even if he's drafted by the NHL, he can't play for them. Grace is the one bright spot in his life. And I loved that about them. 

Elle Kennedy is a master at creating characters who seem to be one thing on the surface, but once you dig a little deeper, you discover they are something completely different. Her characters and her stories have many layers, and while you're peeling away those layers, you don't want to stop reading. You know there's more there than what you think, and that when you get there, it's going to be good. Oh, and did I mention that her books are sexy as hell? Because they are. And that's just the icing on top. 

So, this is now two out of the four roommates' stories told - two more to go. 

April 15, 2016

REVIEW & EXCERPT: Models on Top - Danny

Models on Top - Danny, by S. L. Scott
Publish Date:
April 11, 2016
Publisher: self-published
Format: e-ARC, provided by Inkslinger PR
Genre: adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Rating: 4 STARS

(Synopsis) Everything you’ve heard about modeling is true, and you haven’t heard the half of it.
It’s glamorous.

It’s sexy.
And yes, the line between work and reality often blurs.

We’re not just prototypes of perfection. Models have feelings and desires, too. We may be genetically gifted, but we’re still human.

I’m only human. Yes, an extraordinary specimen that earns more in a day than most make in a year, but this eight pack didn’t create itself. I spend hours working on this body. The good looks just come natural. *Winks* Thanks, Mom and Dad.
I’m Danny Weston, Supermodel.

But one path was traded for another when I chose this career. Ten years later, I would trade my career to have it back. To have her back.
Reese Carmichael is the one woman I would give it all up for, and the only one I can’t have. Yet.

I've got to be honest - Models on Top - Danny was a huge surprise. I started the book expecting a fun romp - a humorous, light-hearted read about a sexy, cocky model who meets his match in his childhood sweetheart. 

This is not that book. 

This is a story about a couple very much in love, but due to life choices and ambitions and misunderstandings, they separated. The separation was painful and heartbreaking and affected them for the next ten years as they tried to move on. But, moving on from the love of your life is sometimes impossible, as they discover when work brings them back together again. 

My heart broke again and again for Danny and Reese. It broke for them as young college seniors, who were desperately trying to make a go of their long distance relationship. It broke for them again when they saw each other ten years later and realized how much they had missed in that time. And it broke again when they rediscovered their connection, only to realize that new circumstances were going to once again prevent them from being together. 

Models on Top - Danny was a really serious book. It seemed that Danny and Reese were constantly finding themselves in impossible situations, which was really frustrating. I wanted to feel some hope for them to be together, but at every turn, it seemed like there was something that was going to keep them apart - whether it be Danny's manwhore past that Reese now has a hard time seeing past, or it's Reese's douchey ex-boyfriend who seems determined to make her life a living hell. For awhile, it seemed their HEA was out of reach. 

This was my first book by S. L. Scott, and I have to say that I was really impressed. I really liked her writing, and I liked how she explored both sides of the advertising industry - both the ad side and the talent side. She also took us to many different locales in the book - Nebraska, New York, LA, Texas, Paris - we were all over the place, which was wonderful. 

The side character of Vinnie, while not entirely believable, was entirely likable and definitely gave some much-needed levity. He was the comedic relief, and I did really enjoy the scenes that he was in. 

So, don't let the description of this book fool you. Models on Top - Danny is angsty romance at its best. It's sad and frustrating and sexy as hell. And I can't wait to see which model on top will be featured next. 

As if reading my mind, she says, “I want to have sex, and I want you to make me forget about tonight. I want to be blissfully unaware of everything, except for right now, here with you.”

I’m already smirking. How can I not when I have temptation in its truest form begging me to fuck her? It’s a hard job… like rock-hard, but I can handle it.

“Sit up here.” I lift her up and place her on the counter. “I’ll be right back. Be ready for me.”

After turning off the water, I slip out and go for a condom from my suitcase. When I return, she has her arms wrapped around her legs, giving me a peek of her sexy pussy. “Open for me.”

She spreads her legs and waits for further instruction. “Put your hands behind you.” She does. After stroking myself while eyeing her incredible tits, I rip open the package and put the condom on.

Her back is curved, pushing them forward, and I run my hand over her sensitive nipples. “You know how sexy you are?”

“No,” she says, the reply jagged. “Tell me.”

“I’ll show you, but brace yourself.” Just as she firms her palms against the counter, I slam forward, holding her by her hips as I thrust in and out several times, hard and fast.

Her warmth draws my eyes to close, the fuse inside sparking to life. I won’t last, not with her, not like this. I’m getting close to release when she says, “Stop. Danny, stop.”

My whole body is alert to the sound of her voice and I stop. Worried, I back up but keep my hands on her. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

Each breath sends her chest rising and falling to a rapid beating heart. “No, this feels good. It’s too much and not enough.” Her hands cover her tits, teasing herself and me. “I want to see you. I need to see your eyes on me, on mine.”

Her pleasure is mine. Touching her cheek, I let my hand drift down and I smile. “I want to watch you come.” My fingers slip between her legs and I find that spot that makes her purr. “Keep your eyes on mine.”

She looks up, pupils wide as she takes me in. Her hands are holding me to the spot, her back to the mirror. I build her up again, tightening the coil that I want to watch unravel. I run my thumb over her bottom lip, wetting it. Then I kiss her as small circles increase in intensity and her moans are swallowed. When she starts holding on to me, I lean back and our eyes meet again—passion, addiction, obsession reside in the clarity of her deep blues and I don’t want her just to physically feel how strongly I feel for her, but to see it. “I’ve always loved you.”

The back of her head hits the mirror, her eyes close, and her mouth opens. “Oh God, Danny.” She shivers as the force of ecstasy takes over her body.

“Look at me, baby.”

I can see her struggle, but when her eyes open and meet mine, I don’t relent until I see her body coming down.

Sitting upright, she kisses my neck and whispers, “I want you inside me.”

New York Times and USA Bestselling Author, S. L. Scott, was always interested in the arts. She grew up painting, writing poetry and short stories, and wiling her days away lost in a good book and the movies.

With a degree in Journalism, she continued her love of the written word by reading American authors like Salinger and Fitzgerald. She was intrigued by their flawed characters living in picture perfect worlds, but could still debate that the worlds those characters lived in were actually the flawed ones. This dynamic of leaving the reader invested in the words, inspired Scott to start writing journeys with emotion while injecting an underlying passion into her own stories.

Living in the capital of Texas with her family, Scott loves traveling and avocados, beaches, and cooking with her kids. She's obsessed with epic romances and loves a good plot twist. She dreams of seeing one of her own books made into a movie one day as well as returning to Europe. Her favorite color is blue, but she likens it more toward the sky than the emotion. Her home is filled with the welcoming symbol of the pineapple and finds surfing a challenge though she likes to think she's a pro.