When I learned that JA Huss was planning a new series with a new team of hot men in suits, I got a case of the fan girls. Office shenanigans as written by JA Huss? Yes, please. Check out my review of this awesome book. Then, don't forget to enter to win a $25 Amazon GC and a signed copy of Mr. Perfect.

Mr. Perfect (Misters #1), by JA Huss
Publish Date: April 27, 2016
Publisher: self published
Format: e-ARC, provided by the author
Genre: adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Rating: 5 STARS
(Synopsis) Wanting the perfect man doesn’t make me crazy. I just know what I like.
A powerful billionaire in a suit wasn’t even my first choice. McAllister Stonewall was never on my radar, I didn’t even know he existed.
But I do now.
His hands are all over me at work. The heat of his chest pressing against my bare back as he bends me over the desk is the only thing on my mind.
He is my most forbidden desires unleashed. He is my new secret obsession. He is my Mr. Perfect.
Until the moment I realize… There’s no such thing as perfect.
What is "perfect" to you? Is it some abstract concept, or do you have a specific vision in your head of what the perfect man, the perfect house, the perfect life, etc. looks like? Mr. Perfect brings up the question of whether there is anything wrong with striving for perfection, or is "perfect" just a myth?
Deep thoughts aside, I loves me a good office romance. Mr. Perfect is that, and more. It's funny and mysterious and a little sad and a lot dirty. After I finished reading, I wanted Zombie Dust beer and a sheepdog and a dress with a zipper over my ass. I wanted a slide at work and celebrity friends and I wanted to give my husband and his friends super cool code names. And I wanted to read this book over and over and over again.
Ellie is floundering. She feels stuck in a dead-end job and the boss's son, who could've been her boyfriend, was just shipped off to work in their China office. The Worst Day Ever is capped off by the arrival of the boss's OTHER son, who turns out to be pretentious, irritating and too hot for his own damn good.
But the other thing about McAllister Stonewall is, he doesn't allow Ellie to hide her head in the sand anymore. He makes her uncomfortable and he gets her to talk about things she would've preferred to keep hidden. While doing all that, he makes her feel beautiful and wanted and talented. Mac's methods may be a bit... unconventional. But, he sees Ellie as exactly the change he needed in his life, and he's determined to make her his.
Mac comes with his own baggage. And, most of it is wrapped up in events that happened a decade before that also involve four of his closest friends. As you might've figured, these five men adopted code names - Mr. Perfect. Mr. Romantic, Mr. Corporate, Mr. Mysterious and Mr. Match. Seriously - how cool is that? The reason why they needed these names, however, is not so cool.
If you're at all familiar with the awesome JA Huss, then you know that she loves a good twist in a story. You know - that point in a story, usually toward the end, where you go...

The thing about Mr. Perfect is, that didn't happen here. Oh, sure there were surprise revelations and secrets that came out, but nothing like what we've seen from this author lately. Well, not yet anyway. Keep in mind, there is still four books left in this series, and although Mr. Perfect can be read as a standalone, I know this back story that came to light is going to build and build and get more crazy as each book comes out. And, we've been promised a huge surprise when we get to the final book - Mr. Match. So, you know Joey's face above? Let's just put a pin in that, shall we?
For now, start with Mr. Perfect. It's office romance at its best. It's sweet, it's seductive, it's secretive. It. Is. Awesome.

“We own most of the land in the Tech Center. My father bought up the land thirty years ago before any of this was here. And we lease it out.”
Jesus. What kind of money is that? I can’t even begin to understand it.
“Anyway,” Mac says, standing. “I’m waiting in here for a reason.”
“Is that right?” I stand up too, but my heart beats a little faster when I take him in. He’s wearing a dark gray suit today, a blue shirt that is so light it’s barely a color, and another brilliant cerulean-blue tie that makes his matching eyes shine as they stare into mine.
I don’t know why, but I step backwards. His full attention on me suddenly feels more like a force than a look. He steps forward, hands reaching for me. I bump against the wall, no escape, and then he fists the front of my blouse and rips it open, revealing my silk cami.
My mouth opens in surprise.
He rips the cami apart too. And then, with one forceful whoosh, both garments are lying in a puddle of fabric on the floor.
“What are you doing?” I yell.
The intense stare turns to a boyish smile. “I’d like you topless for breakfast. And I get to call the shots for our dates.”
“Why do I even bother with you? Just why?” I refuse to cross my arms and cover my tits. Fuck him. Just fuck him. “Every time I start to think you’re not a pig, you go and do something like this.”
“It’s fun, right?” His smile never cracks.
“No,” I say. “It’s humiliating.”
“Your tits are nice, Ellie. You should not be ashamed of them.”
“I’m not ashamed of them—”
“Good. Because I’d like to stare at them while we have coffee and discuss our date tonight.”
A knock comes from Mac’s office and I might have a panic attack that someone will come in and find me bare like this.
“Hold that thought,” Mac says, leaning down to kiss my lips. “Breakfast is here. Sit,” he says, pushing on my shoulders until I slump into the window seat again. “I’ll be right back.”
And then he enters his office, pulling our connecting door closed.
I listen to the conversation in there as I look down at my clothes. What the hell was he thinking? The cami is dust. Ripped straight down the middle. At least the silk button-up shirt is only missing all the buttons. I can probably tie it around my waist to make it out to the parking lot, but—
There’s a jingle of a cart and plates. We have… room service? What kind of company has room service?
I guess I’m not all that surprised they have it up here. We have several restaurants on campus. The Atrium has a cafeteria. Maybe this came from the cafeteria?
Mac is laughing on the other side of the door, then I hear a polite thank you just before the sound of a closing door.
The connecting door swings open again and Mac is there, a wide grin on his face. “I hope you like pancakes.”
“This is not happening.”
“Oh, this is happening, Miss Hatcher. You are sitting here.” He points to the middle of the window seat as he pushes the cart towards me.
“I have no clothes, Mac. You ripped my cami. I’m going to have to tie that over-shirt on and go home to change. In fact,” I say, reaching down to get my blouse and pull myself together, “I’m not coming back. I’m done. Just when I think you’re a human, you act like an ape.”
“Would you just relax, Ellie?” He rips the shirt from my hands, balls it up, and then tosses it in the air, where it arcs perfectly and sails into the new trashcan that matches the desk. “Three points,” he says.
“It’s like you live in your own world or something. I think it’s funny that you accused me of living in some delusional fantasy, but you, Mr. Stonewall, you’re a raving lunatic who thinks the world is his asylum.”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment. Now sit. I’ve got it all under control.”

JA Huss is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty romances. She likes stories about family, loyalty, and extraordinary characters who struggle with basic human emotions while dealing with bigger than life problems. JA loves writing heroes who make you swoon, heroines who makes you jealous, and the perfect Happily Ever After ending.
You can chat with her on Facebook (
www.facebook.com/AuthorJAHuss), Twitter (@jahuss), and her kick-ass romance blog, New Adult Addiction (
If you're interested in getting your hands on an advanced release copy of her upcoming books, sneak peek teasers, or information on her upcoming personal appearances, you can join her newsletter list (
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