January 2, 2015

3rd Blogoversary Celebration!

It's my 3rd blogoversary, y'all!!

It's kinda hard to believe it's been three years now. I have to be honest with you. I'm a chronic non-finisher. Not with books, of course. I always finish those unless they're really not doing anything for me. It's more... projects. Activities. When the shiny newness has worn off, a lot of times it's hard for me to stay engaged. I'm not sure what it is about blogging, but that hasn't happened.

So, I don't know about you, but I think this calls for a celebration. Since it's my third blogoversary, I have three prizes for three winners.

Prize 1 - for the YA fan (US only)

Born Wicked, by Jessica Spotswood (paperback)
Isla and the Happily Ever After, by Stephanie Perkins (hardback)

Prize 2 - for the romance fan (US only)

The Homecoming, by Robyn Carr
Contradictions, by Tiffany King (ARC - releases Jan. 6)

Prize 3 - for whatever floats your boat (INT)

A book of your choice, shipped from The Book Depository

From the bottom of my heart - thank you for your support over the past three years. Although I told myself from the beginning that the number of followers I had would never matter, it is rather nice knowing my posts are being read by at least a few people every day.

I have made lasting connections and friendships with so many people across the world. I am thankful every day for the opportunity I have to reach people with my words and actions. Thanks for being a part of it all with me.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Daenielle said...

Happy Blogoversary Krista!

Bube said...

Happy Blogiversary and Happy New Year :)

GFC and Bloglovin Name:Bube

Thanks for the giveaway!

Michele O. said...

Happy Blogoversary! May 2015 be an amazing and unforgettable year to you!

PS: I made a typo with my GFC username... it's supposed to be mikichan.

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Blogversary! :)

sarah said...

Happy Blogoverary and to many more!

Londres said...

I think I have an error when I wrote my twitter acount :( and I can't edit it D:

Diana_Dimovska said...

Happy blogoversary, all the best! :)
If in case I've put in a wrong tweet, here's the right one: https://twitter.com/Diana_Dimovska/status/551697092050038784
And Happy New Year! :)

Krista said...
