Welcome to my stop on the SWEET RECKONING (Sweet Evil #3) blog tour, organized by Kismet Book Touring. This book... wow. It was completely amazing and a fantastic ending to an exciting and romantic series. I had the especially awesome privilege to ask Sweet Evil Trilogy author, Wendy Higgins, a few burning questions about the series, what comes next, and her BFF. Check out the book info (don't forget to add it to your TBR on Goodreads!), then read on for a conversation with Wendy!
Sweet Reckoning (The Sweet Trilogy #3), by Wendy Higgins
Published April 29, 2014
Publisher: HarperTeen
Genre: young adult paranormal romance
To Buy: Amazon * Barnes & Noble
(From Goodreads) It's Time.
Evil is running rampant and sweet Anna Whitt is its target. Nobody knows when or how the Dukes will strike, but Anna and her Nephilim allies will do anything necessary to rid the earth of the demons and their oppressive ways.
The stakes are higher than ever, and Anna is determined that the love she feels will be her strength, not a liability. But trying to protect the ones she loves while running for her life and battling demonic forces proves to be perilous—especially as faces are changing and trust is fleeting. When the Duke of Lust sends Anna’s great love, Kaidan Rowe, to work against her, Anna must decide how much she’s prepared to risk.
In the most sensual and fast-paced installment yet, Sweet Reckoning brings all the beloved Neph together one last time to fight for their freedom.
Author Interview - Wendy Higgins
Thank you so much for talking with me about SWEET RECKONING, Wendy. This must be a bittersweet experience for you, seeing your first series come to completion. If you could go back and give yourself a piece of advice as you were beginning the writing process on Sweet Evil, what would it be?
Hi Krista! Thanks so much for having me! Okay, if I could go back I would tell myself to calm down because it’s not a race or a competition. I’d say to just have fun and enjoy the process.
What was the most difficult part about writing SWEET RECKONING?
I have some author guilt because I know I have to stick to the rules of my story world, and I know things need to be realistic even though it’s a fantasy, but I feel guilty about one particular thing. I almost changed it so many times.
It’s sad to see it end, but I keep telling myself I can always write more scenes with these characters and revisit them in other ways. It doesn’t have to be completely over.
Which character from the Sweet Trilogy will you miss the most?
There are things I will miss about all of them, but come on. Kai will forever be my favorite fictional boy in the world. His entire story and journey gutted me and challenged me as a writer. He is the epitome of all the things I think are sexy, but it’s his heart I loved the most.
Tell us an interesting fact about SWEET RECKONING that we might not know.
When I finished the first draft I really felt like something was missing. Then I realized…I had no big scenes with Kope. And one of my beta readers mentioned missing him, too. So I got the idea for a scene to add him, and it turned out to be a major scene. It’s just funny how these things happen.
There were a lot of references to actual Biblical scripture in SWEET RECKONING. Was writing about this aspect of angels and demons a stretch for you, or is the Christian faith something you were already familiar with?
I’m familiar with the Bible, and even though the entire trilogy is based in Biblical lore, it still scares me each time I reference it. People’s beliefs are very personal and very special. I worry about making people uncomfortable or making anyone think I have ulterior motives. I think most readers understand that my book is a work of fiction, and appreciate the use of the ancient scriptures in building the story world. I’ve taken a lot of liberties in this novel, but ultimately it’s a romance story with elements of spirituality, not the other way around.
If you were ruled by a “Duke,” who would it be? (Mine would be Javar, the Duke of caffeine consumption, LOL.)
Hahaha, Javar. You so crazy! Seriously, though, one of the reasons I could write Anna is because I’ve had a taste of that lifestyle. From 17-23 I was a mess of a young woman—woo boy. Not even kidding. I’ve seen the fine line of entertainment and recreation veering into abuse and scary stuff. So I was able to chanel some of that with both Anna and Kaidan.
So, what is next? Is there a new series on the horizon? Is there any chance that this is not the last we’ve seen from Anna, Kai and the rest of the Neph?
I am truly open to writing whatever comes to me. If the inspiration hits, I’m there! Things are crazy in my personal life right now because we’re planning a big move and my husband is starting his own business, but I’m really hoping to get back to writing soon. I am 16 chapters in to a fantasy based on a Grimm’s tale, but I haven’t written in months and I miss it. I have no idea what the future holds. I just go where the tides of imagination take me, and hope for the best.
You and Jennifer Amentrout have traded obscure (and not so obscure) references to each other’s books a few times now. Any chance you two will get together on a joint venture sometime in the future?
We have no plans for a co-written book, but this is a future possiblity. ;)
Thank you so much for talking to me about SWEET RECKONING and the Sweet Trilogy, Wendy. I think I'm already going through Kai withdraw!
Make sure to check out the other stops on the SWEET RECKONING tour to learn more about the Sweet Trilogy.
Monday, April 28th - Supernatural Snark
Tuesday, April 29th - Bewitched Bookworms
Wednesday, April 30th - Jenuine Cupcakes
Thursday, May 1st - Krista's Dust Jacket
Friday, May 2nd - Two Chicks on Books
Monday, May 5th - Curling Up with a Good Book
Tuesday, May 6th - Parajunkee
Wednesday, May 7th - fiktshun
Thursday, May 8th - Bookcrush.in
Friday, May 9th - Alice Marvels
About the Author

She lives in Northern Virginia with her husband, daughter, and son. Sweet Evil is her debut novel.
We have a really exciting giveaway for this tour! Lucky winners will receive either:
• A Kai Prize Pack (3) - leather bracelet, drumstick pencils, Lascivious Tour pass, Kai button, and signed bookmark/bookplate
• A Bookmark Bundle (10)
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