July 1, 2013

Cover Madness Giveaway Hop

It's been awhile since I've done a giveaway hop, and when I saw the Cover Madness Giveaway Hop, hosted by Alluring Reads and Xpresso Reads, I didn't even think. I get cover googly eyes all the time!

So, here's the deal. I've picked out 12 of my favorite covers from the books that are being released this summer (June, July and August). The winner will choose one of the books from the list. If it's already out, I'll get it sent to you right away. If it's not already released, I'll pre-order it for you. All hard copy books will be sent to you from The Book Depository. If a book is only available in digital format, it's indicated.

So, are you ready to be assaulted by some crazy cover gorgeousness? Here are your 12 choices:

Born of Illusion, by Terri Brown (June 11)
Fading, by E. K. Blair (June 19)
Ink, by Amanda Sun (June 25)
Some Quiet Place, by Kelsey Sutton (July 8)
Fifth Grave Past the Light, by Darynda Jones (July 9)
A Darkness Strange and Lovely, by Susan Dennard (July 23)
Burn, by Maya Banks (August 6)
Biting Bad, by Chloe Neill (August 6)
Infinityglass, by Myra McEntire (August 6)
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, By April Genevieve Tucholke (August 15)
Afterburn, by Sylvia Day (August 15)*
Crown of Midnight, by Sarah Maas (August 28)

* Available in digital format only

There's a little here for everyone - young adult, new adult, adult, contemporary, paranormal, high fantasy, urban fantasy - how will you ever choose?!

The giveaway hop goes until July 14. If you would rather, you can choose the first book in the series if the chosen book is a sequel. So, let's get it on!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Danielle Schneider said...

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. I think it's beautiful!

Lynn K. said...

I don't have a SINGLE favorite cover.. (more like close to 100+ and can be grouped by category: typography, pretty dresses, etc)
One of the books that I bought based on the cover alone and did not regret was Daughter of Smoke and Bone! :)

Neysa Kristanti said...

Taken by Erin Bowman. It's really pretty!
Thanks for the giveaway!

LRAtRandom said...

You're kidding right?!? Choose one all time fav cover?! That's just...not possible! Lol!

Vivien said...

Probably Wither by Lauren Destefano. Probably. There are SO MANY GOOD ONES!

nurmawati djuhawan said...

obsidian by jennifer l. armentrout is my fave...

i hope i win BURN by maya banks :)
thx u...

Unknown said...

Wow I have never thought of covers until this giveaway came up and I guess I am liking the cover of Born of Illusion by Teri Brown or the cover Champion by Marie Lu or Warrior by Ellen Oh...

Jenni said...

Oooh Fading is new to me! I hadn't seen that one before, it's awesome. Thanks for being a part of the hop!

Chenise Jones said...

I can't pick just one favourite but I'm absolutely loving the Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea cover!

deasuluna said...

I love the covers for the Everneath series by Brodi Ashton, each one only gets more gorgeous!

Sonnie said...

OF ALL TIME?! OF ALL TIME KRISTA?! Come on! That's so hard! LOL Hmm... I don't know. I really liked The Infernal Devices covers.

Aza said...

I think that Between the Devil and The Deep Blue Sea looks amazing !

Kelly said...

Hmm, this is hard. Probably Ironskin. :D

Unknown said...

Of all time? How can I have a favourite cover of all time...theres way too many to choose from! Thanks for the giveaway!

RIN said...

Of all time? I really don't think I can choose... Maybe Cruel Beauty? I am obsessed with that cover.


Angie said...

My favorite cover of all time is the original cover for EXILED by RaShelle Workman. :)

Cali W. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I love Die For Me by Amy Plum and Everneath by Brodi Ashton. <3

Gigi said...

The Everneath series, definitely! :D
(Ileana A.-rafflecopter)

Nara said...

I love the cover of Shatter Me :) (The eye one not the girl in dress one)

Tanja - Tanychy said...

Pure by JLA :)

May said...

A duke of her own!

Kristia said...

Of all time? That's difficult.. I like Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson.
Thank you for the giveaway :)

LhasaLuma said...

I liked the Redwall series covers!

Chantelle said...

Probably Shatter Me (the US cover), it's absolutely gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Such a difficult question!! I love the Harry Potter covers because there are always things hidden in them.

meryvamp said...

Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kim said...

There are so many beautiful covers! I think my favorite cover is Crewel by Gennifer Albin. But out of the ones above, I love the Sarah J. Maas covers :)

Unknown said...

I love the cover for Days of Blood and starlight and daughter of smoke and bone:)
They're gorgeous!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Imel Cullen said...

my favorite cover so far is Pushing The Limits by Katie McGarry but I'm not sure favorite all time cover. Thanks for giveaway

Unknown said...

All the time? I don't know, but if i look at the cover of recent books, I like The Sea of Tranquility

Makaela said...

I'm not sure, I still love the Gemma Doyle covers and The Orchardist. There are way too many pretty ones to have a favorite!

Christine said...

I love The Mortal Instruments series covers :)

Jaime Lester said...

I don't have one, honestly. There are so many absolutely stunning covers, and more come out every single day. I have never sat down and narrowed it down. I think I may have to do that, now! Thanks for the giveaway and Happy 4th!

Unknown said...

One of my favorite covers is Insurgent. I love the color!

Mimi Smith said...

I love Nalini Singh Guild Hunter covers. Pretty :D

Unknown said...

I love the cover for Ever! Beautiful! Thanks!

Szappanbubi said...

I'm still in Love with the covers of The selection, The elite and Incarnate :)

Jillyn said...

Of all time? I have to say the Matched series by Ally Condie.

Karen Maldonado said...

I am going to go with 'there are just too many too mention just one', the last book I read was After Daybreak and the cover was so pretty, and before that 'Dare you to' was also so pretty.
I am undecided.

Unknown said...

I can't pick just one! But I really love the cover art on all Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress books.

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Natalie said...

Look at all the great titles you are recommending!

Ashfa said...

The Graceling cover!

Unknown said...

While it's hard to pick an all-time favorite, I am deeply in love with all the covers of Starcrossed, Dreamless, and Goddess by Josephine Angelini :)

Unknown said...

Lover at last by J.R. Ward :)

Michelle Bledsoe said...

All of the covers for the Kate Daniels series.

Unknown said...

Oh there is so many all of Nalini Singhs covers, Jeaniene Frosts book covers and Kate Daniels series I can't choose just one please don't make me! lol
Thanks for the giveaway:)


Unknown said...

My favorite is the book cove for Cinder by: Marissa Meyer.

Unknown said...

There is so many beautiful covers!! Hmm... I like the cover for a A Darkness Strange and Lovely and Shadow of the Mark!

Sabrina said...

I can't decide! All I can think about is Some Quiet Place from your list! Amazing book and cover. :)

Sabrina @I Heart Y.A. Fiction

Unknown said...

Hmmmm hard to say but I really like the Soul Screamers covers.

HelloJennyReviews said...

That's actually pretty hard but I LOVE The Dark City in the lost relic series by Catherine Fisher. The HARDBACK cover is sooo flippin awesome =) But I also love the cover for The Friday Society. Its sparkly and so beautiful, the hardback of course ;)

Unknown said...

I'm not sure. I love the divergent US covers.

Sarika Patkotwar said...

I'd love to win Fading, thanks! :)

Isa said...

Some of my favourite book covers of all time are Ready Player One, Penguin's Classics 1984, Fangirl, Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore, Eleanor & Park and Watchmen. Thank you for the giveaway and enjoy your week! :)

Kiku said...

I like the cover of Taking Back Forever by Karen Amanda Hooper (:

Texas Book Lover said...

I love the hardcover of Shadowfever and the Perfect Play

Clever Girl said...

The watercolor Katie Fforde covers, they're stunning. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kamla L. said...

There are so so many covers that I'm absolutely in love with that it is
impossible for me to choose. The Reckoning by Alma Katsu, Daylight War by Peter V. Brett, ID by Madeline Ashby, Last Kiss Goodnight by Gena Showalter, Fall of Sky City by SM Blooding, Kiss of Steel by Bec McMasters, and The Archived by Victoria Schwab are just a few of my favorites.

Abby Joy said...

Crown of Midnight! ;D

AshleighSwerdfeger said...

I have no idea! Honestly, there are so many great covers out there. Hmm.

Krista said...

That's way too hard. I can tell you some of me recent favorites: Incarnate by Jodi Meadows, Angelfall by Susan Ee, and Above by Leah Bobet.

Unknown said...

The Harry Potter series. ♥ Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :D

Dovile said...

the cover of Fallen by Lauren Kate

Anonymous said...

Sempre( Forever)

illflyawayoneday said...

eon by alison goodman

Majer Gabriella said...

Envy by Anna Godbersen

Irene Jackson said...

I just can't think of any single favourite , there are so many beautiful ones around now!

Christina said...

Maybe Everneath by Brodi Ashton.

Juana said...

I like the book covers of Lora Leigh's The Breeds series.

jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

jmcgaugh said...

I don't think I could possibly pick just one cover! I happen to have Mary Kowal's Without a Summer sitting in front of me right now, and it is a really great cover.

Unknown said...

Hmm..probably Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson. I love how the dress looks like a flower. Thanks for the giveaway!

Alexju said...

I love the cover for Ink by Amanda Sun, even the texture of it is amazing! Thank you for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I don't have a single favorite cover.

Cherry said...

Yay!! Thank you Krista!! :D