August 1, 2013


Can you believe it's August already?! Summer is on the other side of halfway over now. Have you read a bunch of good books, perhaps by the beach or poolside? No beach trips for my family this year, but we have spent a lot of time at the community pool.

Summer always makes me think of water - either the ocean or the pool or a sprinkler in the backyard. So, for the Summer Giveaway Hop 2013, hosted by I Am A Reader and BookHounds, I'm going to give away any book that features WATER on the cover in some way. Here are a few examples:

So, knock yourself out! If the book you choose (remember - WATER on the cover) hasn't been released yet, I'll pre-order it for you. I'll place my order through The Book Depository, so make sure they ship to you. Fill out the Rafflecopter below, then hop to the next blog. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Unknown said...

Definitely, the beach:)
Thanks for the giveaway!

R3musak3 said...

The beach :D

Lola said...

I don't which I prefer I like both the pool and the beach equally I think. I hate the sand that comes everywhere when swimming on the beach, but I also hate the artificial smell of pool water. And actually I have to admit I don't go often to either one. I hate busy places and prefer to go swim somewhere with some shade in the form of trees nearby. I do like swimming, but I actually don't go swim that often. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

mareb said...

The beach, but it's just too far away!

Naga said...

Definitely the beach :D

Unknown said...

I'm a Florida girl, so I'll always love the beach!

Krystianna said...

I prefer the beach. :)

Aza said...

The beach cause its just so amazing to stare at the waves and feel the breeze that comes with it :)

illflyawayoneday said...

I prefer the pool!

Joseph Hawkshaw said...

The Beach.

Katy said...

I prefer the beach because there is sand to make sandcastle :)

Jillyn said...

I prefer the pool. Nothing in the water to feel icky on my toes!

Unknown said...

The beach, for sure! But see how the closest beach isn't terribly close, I'm at the pool more often.

Thanks for the giveaway!

~Andrea @ ​Beauty but a Funny Girl

Joana V. said...

Funny thing is that I've always prefered the pool but not this year...this summer is all about the beach :)

Joana @ Joana In The Sky With Books

Unknown said...

Definitely the beach!

Cali W. said...

The beach! Thanks for the giveaway!
-Cali W.

Stormy Vixen said...

Thanks for sharing the hop and your giveaway. I prefer the pool, no sand, and since I seriously dislike the sun, I go swimming at night, don't think that would be wise at the beach, unless there was a seriously hot merman there. evamillien at gmail dot com

laceyblossom said...

The beach for sure! :)
Lacey T

elin said...

Beach :D

sshah605 said...

I prefer pool ! I like how the sunlight reflects off of the surface of the water in the pool !!
{Raffle Name : Shivani}

Aleksandra said...

Definitely the beach, I don't like pools.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Beach of course! Thanks :D

RIN said...

The beach! Of course, we don't really have pools around here, but pools feel kinda fakey to me.


Unknown said...

I love them both however we only have pools available to us. The kids & I have been spending most of our summer at the pools too. We're going tonight for family swim. Excited to go! Love the family swim nights. :)

Unknown said...

The beach! Nothing beats nature. :)

Vera Machado said...

I prefer the beach!

Great giveaway!!! :D

Unknown said...

Beach! I hate the chlorine on the pool....

Wayne Lecoy said...

I entered your SUMMER GIVEAWAY HOP 2013
It would be great to win a copy of
Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A. Tucker.
In response to your question of Do you prefer the beach or the pool?
I prefer the beach.I like walking in the sand bare feet.
Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!

Bookishqueen said...

I prefer the beach.

Rebekah Gyger

sarah said...

I like both! But I love the ocean, watching the waves and walking the beach. I love the natural looking pools that mimic ponds or watering holes without the harsh chlorine smell.

Bube said...

I prefer the beach :)

Nara said...

I love the beach :)

Jamie E. said...

Beach. Can't stand the chlorinated water!

Dewi said...

definitely the beach

Selene Gomez said...

I like better the beach, we used to go with all my cousins and brings memories. Sunburn is another story, though XD...

Unknown said...

The Beach ! :) Thanks!

Cherry said...

Either one will do :)

Ashfa said...

The beach!

Kiku said...

Beach, all the way (:

Cheonchan said...

I prefer beach :D

Marilyn B said...

Definitely the beach!

books first love said...

The beach :)

Unknown said...

The beach! :D

miki said...

i ^refer the pool thank you a lot for the giveaway!

Filia Oktarina said...

I prefer the pool.
Thanks for giveaway :)

Unknown said...

Definitely the beach!

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Amanda D said...

I love being at the beach but I don't like going into the ocean. For swimming, I prefer the pool. So .. both I guess!

Unknown said...

The beach! Thanks for the giveaway! :D

fhms97 said...

The beach :) so many memories came from that place <3

meryvamp said...

I'd prefer the beach since I live in the midwest. Thanks for the giveaway!

LadyVampire2u said...

I like the beach. There is more to see and do there then at a pool. Thanks for the giveaway.

Aline Tobing said...

The beach, of course :))

Kristia said...

I love both but I prefer the pool! Thank you for the giveaway :)

Dovile said...

the beach

Unknown said...

either, depending on my mood but for ambiance and peace I prefer the beach. Something about listening to the waves calm me down.

fifi said...

pool all the way :D

Krista said...

I love the beach, but I usually end up at the pool.

deasuluna said...

I prefer the pool because of the lights for night swimming

Unknown said...

Totally the beach!! Love the smell of the ocean or just the fresh air!

vals_hemi at yahoo dot com

CK said...


Livvvy75 said... depends. Swimming in the pool and just being at the beach! Thanks for the giveaway!

Stacy said...

I like them both. I enjoy relaxing in my pool but there is more to do at the beach.

Makaela said...

It depends on how clean they are!

Kayla Prada said...

I love them both! I love swimming at the pool but I love to hang out at the beach and play in the water! Thank you for the giveaway!

Holly Letson said...

I [ prefer the beach. I miss it. When we lived in MS, we'd go most Summers. In AL, we live too far away.

Kamla L. said...

I like them both.

oriana said...

i like both, but i prefer the beach !

Tara W said...

I prefer the beach.

Danielle Schneider said...

I prefer the pool. I don't like the beach much. I have a shark phobia.

Brianna said...

It depends on the situation. I like them both, but for different purposes.

Unknown said...

I don't like sand much, so the pool.

Ari said...

I love the beach! Probably because I can rarely go there.

Eli Yanti said...

beach :)

LisaILJ said...

The beach!

Unknown said...

Love the beach but don't live near any good ones. Thanks!