May 21, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Best Covers of Books I've Read

In most cases, the covers that I love are all part of a series. I love how they all go together - the symmetry is beautiful.

1. The Fallen Series, by Lauren Kate
 These covers are so dark and mysterious. I love how we never see Luce's face

2. The Shatter Me Series, by Tahereh Mafi
 They say the eyes are the window to the soul. The eyes on these covers are the most gorgeous windows I've ever seen. I'm SO in love with these covers.

3. The Selection Series, by Kiera Cass
The girl is so beautiful. And the dresses so vibrant. I love the symmetry and the colors in these covers. 

4. The Covenant Series, by Jennifer L. Armentrout
 The flowers. The light. The colors. What is NOT to love about the covers in this series?

 Have you noticed how many books now use a single iconic image on their covers? Fifty Shades was the first, and in my opinion, the best.

 6. The Hush, Hush Series, by Becca Fitzpatrick
 The black and white with a little bit of red is so compelling. But that first cover - I think I stared at it in the library for a full ten minutes just trying to take it all in. Beautiful.

7. The Matched Series, by Ally Condie
 Although these covers look amazing all together, they mean so much more if you've actually read the series. The use of those particular colors and the representation of Cassia busting out of her shell is perfect. 

 8. The Of Poseidon Series, by Anna Banks
 Under water shots are so pretty. Given that this series is about mermaids, it's very fitting that these covers were shot under water. 

9. The Divergent Series, by Veronica Roth
This is the first time I've seen all three covers next to each other, and I have to say, they are AMAZING. I can't wait to find out what the wave means in Allegiant. 

10. Across the Universe, by Beth Revis
Although there are two other books in the Across the Universe series, after the first book came out, the covers were all redesigned. I find that, usually, that's a good thing. In this case, I liked the original better.


Danny said...

Ok I soooo agree with you on the Fallen Series! Sooo sooo sooo pretty the covers! I could stare at them forever!

I also love the Hush Hush covers… Patch on the cover is epic! Of course, Of Trition- I love the colors!
What I do not love are The Convenant series.. I think these books could be more epic.. Why flowers?

Christina & Melissa @ Allodoxophobia said...

My first time seeing all the Divergent books together, so so gorgeous! Makes me want Allegiant NOW! :)

Book Nerd & Critic said...

I love this list!! They are all beautiful covers! :)

Susan said...

I love how you chose covers that are very simple, but also very evocative. That seems to be a trend today!

Happy TTT :)

Anonymous said...

Good call on the Shatter Me series. Those covers are kind of chilling!

Anonymous said...

I am soooo in love with covers 1,2 & 4 in the Fallen series, I felt they should have kept the back theme going with book 3 because she just looks weird to me, IDK why but she weird's me out on that one, lol.

The covers to The Selection series are just gorgeous! Absolutely love them. As well as the covers in sets 6, 7 , 8, 9 & 10.

Thanks for swinging by earlier. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I know what you mean about the covers for AtU! I prefer this third version on goodreads, which is available on book depository. Much better than the redesign :)
Glamourous choices and I love the Insurgent series covers too

Margo Berendsen said...

I love how you did the entire series! Except I was sad that A Million Suns, sequel to Across the Universe, didn't make your list, it was my #1 in my list!


Uncorked Thoughts said...

Some absolutely beautiful covers here! Unlimited money would be amazing to have aaaall of them.

Book Lady's Reviews said...

Love the covers you chose!!!

Anonymous said...

The Selection made my list too, but I also think the covers for Across the Universe and Matched are so cool! :) My TTT list:

Alice @ Alice in Readerland

kimberlybuggie said...

Great minds think alike!!
I love your list, and that you chose series too!

Thanks for stopping by my TTT
New Follower!!

bookburrowclub said...

Thanks for stopping by our TTT. I've wanted to read Shatter Me. It looks so good. I loved Across the Universe and Of Poseidon.

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Great picks!! Love the Divergent, Hush, Hush and Of Poseidon covers too! The others are nice as well! Love the Covenant series, but not all the covers are faves. I do love the first and fourth ones a lot though!

Thanks for visiting my post!

Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard said...

The Covenant series covers are very pretty, and the Matched and Divergent series covers are cool. And I really, really like that cover for Across the Universe, which I am going to have to read one of these days.

Adriana C said...

I love the Covenant series covers and Divergent trilogy covers. great picks!
Here is My Top 10 Tuesday

Krista said...

You know, Danny, the flower seemed to be prominent in Half-Blood, but not so much after that. I'm not quite sure why she stuck with the flowers...

Krista said...

Patty, you should give the Covenant series a try - it's one of my favorites! Thanks for checking out my list!

Deidra Monson said...

I didn't include the Divergent series, but I really love all of the covers. And the books so that's a plus. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Deidra @ Simply Books.

Krista said...

I know, RIGHT?? They look so great together!

Krista said...

I'm such a cover whore - I definitely have my favorites! Thanks for checking out my list!

Krista said...

Simple is usually best, isn't it? Thanks for checking out my list!

Krista said...

Aren't they? I can't wait to see what the next one will look like!

Krista said...

Ohmgosh!! I love that cover! Thank goodness we can pick up other versions through TBD!

Krista said...

Seriously? I could spend SO MUCH on books with pretty covers.

Krista said...

You know, the UK version of A Million Suns is pretty awesome. I absolutely LOVED the book, though. It was incredible - the whole series was!

Krista said...

Thanks for checking out my list!

Krista said...

I saw The Selection a lot today! Thanks for checking out my list!

Krista said...

We great minds have to stick together! Thanks for checking out my list and for following!

Krista said...

Shatter me is AMAZING. I hope you have a chance to check it out!

Krista said...

Thanks for checking out my list!

Krista said...

Across the Universe is such an incredible series!

Krista said...

I saw the Revenants series on your list - I LOVE that series!

Thanks for checking out my list!

Krista said...

Isn't it great?! Great story, too!

Krista said...

I can't wait for Allegiance! Thanks for checking out my list!

Flutters and Flails said...

You know, the Divergent series covers never really caught my eye until seeing all 3 of them together right now. They are really pretty amazing.

Thanks for checking out my list earlier -- I'm finally getting the chance to check out what other people selected. Better late than never :)

Shannon said...

I haven't read Torment, but that one is my favorite out of the series. Great picks!

Thanks for stopping by!

Shannon @ Rex Robot Reviews

Elle (Lost in Wonderland) said...

I'm like you, I love it when the series all match and have either similar use of colors, or poses etc. It just makes the series look complete.

Love your picks! New follower.

Kazhy @ My Library in the Making said...

OH, THESE SERIES. I totally love these, too! And oh, they redesigned the cover for Across the Universe AFTER the second book came out, so the second book's cover matches with the first one :D

Thanks for dropping by my Top Ten Tuesday post! :D

- Kazhy @ My Library in the Making

Kimberly @ Midnight Book Girl said...

So many pretty covers! I love when series have matching covers and when they match the books so well (as in the case of Matched).

Courtney said...

i LOVE the Matched series covers. What an understated, but perfect way to represent those!

Unknown said...

Great list Krista! I completely agree with you on Lauren Kate's books! I LOVED them! I also really like the Covenant series! (But have yet to read them... *hangs head in shame*)

Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

Teresa Mary Rose said...

I am a little bit in love with your list! Hush Hush covers are amazing. And I adore the Covenant series covers and Fifty Shades too! Thanks for stopping by my TTT

Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

Unknown said...

Wow! They are all gorgeous! I particularly love the ones to the Shatter Me and the Selection series.

Thanks for stopping by!

Elizabeth said...

I love the covers for the Hush Hush series! They probably would have ended up on my list but I haven't read them yet. The Shatter Me series covers just may be my favorites of all time! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)