May 28, 2015

RELEASE WEEK REVIEW, EXCERPT & GIVEAWAY: Nowhere But Here (Thunder Road #1)

Katie McGarry has made magic once again with Nowhere But Here. I can't wait for you all to read this book. It may be the best one I've read so far in 2015. Read on for my review and an excerpt. And a giveaway!

Nowhere But Here (Thunder Road #1), by Katie McGarry
Publish Date: May 26, 2015
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Format: ARC, obtained from the publisher
Genre: young adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon * Barnes & Noble

Rating: 5 STARS

(From Goodreads) Seventeen-year-old Emily likes her life the way it is: doting parents, good friends, good school in a safe neighborhood. Sure, she's curious about her biological father—the one who chose life in a motorcycle club, the Reign of Terror, over being a parent—but that doesn't mean she wants to be a part of his world. But when a reluctant visit turns to an extended summer vacation among relatives she never knew she had, one thing becomes clear: nothing is what it seems. Not the club, not her secret-keeping father and not Oz, a guy with suck-me-in blue eyes who can help her understand them both.

Oz wants one thing: to join the Reign of Terror. They're the good guys. They protect people. They're…family. And while Emily—the gorgeous and sheltered daughter of the club's most respected member—is in town, he's gonna prove it to her. So when her father asks him to keep her safe from a rival club with a score to settle, Oz knows it's his shot at his dream. What he doesn't count on is that Emily just might turn that dream upside down.

No one wants them to be together. But sometimes the right person is the one you least expect, and the road you fear the most is the one that leads you home.

Oh my gosh. This BOOK. I wasn't sure what to expect. I mean, I love the MC books to bits and pieces. But.. this is a YA MC book. I know - right? Seems... weird. So, I admit, I approached my read with a small measure of trepidation. The best thing it had going for it was that it was by Katie McGarry. I've never read anything by her that I didn't like. 

Reading Nowhere But Here reminded me of when I read Pushing the Limits. The characters and the setting were different, but the feelings it invoked were familiar. Katie McGarry has this incredible way of telling a story. She sets up the superficial details early on and slowly - so, so slowly - injects more and more information as the whole picture comes into focus. Meanwhile, this thread of love and sacrifice add color and depth. 

Emily knows one version of her life story - the version she was told by her mother and step-father. She has a biological father who didn't want her, but who still shows up every year to see her. And, now she is being forced to spend a few weeks with him and his family, including family friend Oz, a boy her age who doesn't seem to like her very much. Emily is scared and confused by these people who are so unlike those she's used to. And, she is most scared by the fact that, as time moves on, she feels more alive and in touch with herself in this strange place than she ever has anywhere else.

Emily was amazing. She was sheltered her entire life by her mother for reasons she doesn't understand and doesn't know enough to ever question. Events in her life have caused her to be scared of different things - the dark, woods, dead things - it caused her to live her life with extreme caution. So, when she is thrust into this life of scary-looking men, strange traditions, and loud motorcycles, you would think she would shrink away and hide. But, amazingly, this is when Emily finally comes out of her shell. She learns that there are things to be afraid of. People to be afraid of. And the members of the Reign of Terror are not those people. When Emily is forced to immerse herself in this place and in these peoples' lives, it forces her to see all the wonderful things about them that she would've overlooked.

For Oz's part, the transformation happens in reverse. He's been so focused on becoming a part of the Terrors that he has blocked out all other interests and possible goals for his life. He has a singular direction, and everything else is just a distraction. Emily comes along, and at first, he hates her because she shuns his club, his family and his choices. But, when Oz is assigned to be her babysitter and is forced to spend a lot of time with her, he begins to see that not everything is as black and white as he thought it was. He is allowed to do other things. And he is forced to see that Emily's motivations for doing what she does are born not out of hate, but rather ignorance. And that, he decides, is something he can work with. 

I loved Oz in protective mode. At first, it was all forced, but later it was all completely voluntary. It was then that we got to see what he was really made of, and it turns out, Oz is made of some really awesome stuff. The levels he would go to, and the things he decides he's willing to sacrifice, for her make him absolutely one of the most dreamy book boys ever. 

The big secrets surrounding why Emily and her mother left the Terrors and why Emily is in so much danger now that she's back are very slowly revealed. Emily's grandmother Olivia had a lot to do with the gradual reveal of those secrets. I had this sense throughout the book that the secrets were huge, and yet, I was kept deliciously in the dark about them for nearly the entire time. I loved that I was surprised when the full picture was brought into focus. It was everything I wanted and needed. 

Nowhere But Here has its share of heartbreak. I shed a few tears over the course of the book. I also laughed a lot. Emily is pretty good with the snark, as is her grandmother. And the romance - good golly. Oz and Emily have some wicked awesome chemistry. They were perfect together. Katie McGarry did a great job painting all the side characters with very bold strokes. It has already made me fully anticipate upcoming books in this series. And, knowing that I'll likely catch up with Oz and Emily is icing on the cake. 

If you choose to read only one YA book this year, it should be this one. 

From Emily's Point of View. Set up: Emily is riding a motorcycle for the very first time and she's riding it with Oz.

THE MOTORCYCLE ACCELERATES AND THE FEW inches I had established between me and Oz: gone. My body slides forward, colliding into his, and we click together like two puzzle pieces. Heat rushes up my neck and onto my cheeks. My thighs are too close to his, too tight against his body and this is way more intimate than I have been before with a guy.

Even when the two of us kissed.

Oz veers left, away from Olivia’s, away from the main road, and the entire motorcycle pitches to the side. My heart thun­ders and my fingers clutch not only at Oz’s belt loop, but at the material of his jeans, and his hips.

Oz glances at me over his shoulder as the bike straightens out. “Lean with it, Emily.”

Right. Lean with Oz and the bike. Got it. The narrow road curves ahead and this time when Oz and the bike tilt, I move along with it. Oz releases one of the amazingly high handlebars and massages my knee before returning his hand to the grip. Whether in reassurance or to affirm I mastered the curve I don’t know, but either way, I sit higher.

The wind whips through my hair and onto my face and I shut my eyes for a brief second and pretend that I’m flying. There’s something energizing, something hypnotic, something inside me that begs to burst out of a cage in search of freedom.

The motorcycle kicks forward and our speed increases. Beams of sunlight filter through the towering trees and green foliage blurs together as we fly over the road. From head to toe, my body vibrates with the loud growling of the power­ful machine.

My knee still tingles from where Oz laid his fingers on me and I’ve never been more aware of my hands in my life. I should let go of Oz’s body, but I can’t. Belt loops weren’t enough and my fingers have somehow edged up and onto his sides. Oz is solid. Yes, definitely solid. Every inch of him that I touch is tight muscle.

Oz is a year older than me, but somehow he seems older, wiser and hotter than any other guy I’ve known. Just the way he rides his bike creates this overabundance of confidence.

Warm sensations I’ve never experienced before blossom through me. We enter another curve and I lean with him. I like how in sync I’ve become with Oz and the motorcycle. Like we’ve merged into one.

The purr of the engine deepens and Oz eases the bike to a stop. His feet hit the ground and he turns the machine off. It’s as if all sound in the world ceased, or maybe I’ve gone deaf because there’s no way anything can be this still or silent.

The wind picks up and the silence is frightened away with the roar of the trees bending. Both Oz and I shift with the flow of air and Oz doesn’t move the bike until the breeze gentles.

Oz kicks down the stand and the bike tilts, but not too much. He sets a hand over the fingers that I laced together across his stomach. Oh, hell, I’m plastic wrapped to him. I drop my head onto his shoulder and it places me closer, and closer is not what I need.

I go to unglue myself, but Oz squeezes my fingers, send­ing a jolt of electricity up my arms. “You okay?”

I have to clear my throat to speak and that just sucks. “Yes.”Oz slides his fingers against mine and a fluttering occurs in my stomach. It’s a light fluttering. Ticklish even, and my survival instincts scream at me to get off this motorcycle.

Katie McGarry was a teenager during the age of grunge and boy bands and remembers those years as the best and worst of her life. She is a lover of music, happy endings, reality television, and is a secret University of Kentucky basketball fan.

Katie is the author of full length YA novels, PUSHING THE LIMITS, DARE YOU TO, CRASH INTO YOU, TAKE ME ON, BREAKING THE RULES, and NOWHERE BUT HERE and the e-novellas, CROSSING THE LINE and RED AT NIGHT. Her debut YA novel, PUSHING THE LIMITS was a 2012 Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction, a RT Magazine's 2012 Reviewer's Choice Awards Nominee for Young Adult Contemporary Novel, a double Rita Finalist, and a 2013 YALSA Top Ten Teen Pick. DARE YOU TO was also a Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction and won RT Magazine’s Reviewer’s Choice Best Book Award for Young Adult Contemporary fiction in 2013.

Links:Website ** Twitter ** Facebook ** Goodreads ** Pinterest ** Tumblr ** Instagram

BLOG HOP: Thoughts About Slack and Taut

Guess what? J.A. Huss has a new book coming out next month, and in honor of Sasha's story, WASTED LUST, a few blogs are getting together to take a walk down memory lane. Last week, we remembered the epic romance of Rook and Ronin in their books, Tragic, Manic and Panic. But, you can't tell Rook and Ronin's whole story without mentioning Ford. Ford and Ashleigh's story plays out over a novella and a full length novel - Slack and Taut. Today, we get to hear from Beverly at Reading is Sexy.

Taut is one of my favorite books, not of JA Huss’s, but ever written. These characters are intelligent, witty, and so incredibly unique. Ford isn’t a guy to just up and change who he is, but seeing Ashleigh with Kate evokes things in him he never thought he would feel. Like all Huss books the chemistry and romance is off the charts, but she also gives us suspense and mystery. Taut is the perfect balance of sexy, heart and angst!  - Beverly, Reading is Sexy

Over the next four weeks, we'll be looking through JA Huss' series until Wasted Lust is here! Be sure to check out the other blogs in the hop...

JA Huss is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty romances. She likes stories about family, loyalty, and extraordinary characters who struggle with basic human emotions while dealing with bigger than life problems. JA loves writing heroes who make you swoon, heroines who makes you jealous, and the perfect Happily Ever After ending.

You can chat with her on Facebook (, Twitter (@jahuss), and her kick-ass romance blog, New Adult Addiction (

If you’re interested in getting your hands on an advanced release copy of her upcoming books, sneak peek teasers, or information on her upcoming personal appearances, you can join her newsletter list ( and get those details delivered right to your inbox.


May 27, 2015


Get ready world, because Victoria Scott has a new book coming in the winter of 2016, and it sounds AMAZING.

Titans, by Victoria Scott
Publish Date: February 23, 2016
Publisher: Scholastic
Genre: young adult fantasy

(From Goodreads) In a heart-stopping new novel from Fire & Flood author Victoria Scott, one girl bets her entire future on a race that she has no hope of winning.

How much can you rely on the family you're born into? What can't you accomplish with the family you make?

Astrid Sullivan's family can't catch a break. Her grandfather played cards and her dad bet on the Titans--half-horse, half-car that race around impossible tracks. They've lost their home, their savings, and each other.

So when Astrid makes some new friends who give her the chance to participate in this year's Titan races, she wonders if it's worth risking everything. She never thought she'd even touch a Titan, and this one is first gen when the models racing are Titan 3.0s. There's no way for her to win...but with her family slipping away and her dad without work, Astrid can't help but feel like the only person she can bet on is herself.

Titans delivers Victoria Scott's signature blend of incredible action and impossible odds, and will leave readers' hearts racing.

May 26, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Books I Plan to Have in My Beach Pool Bag This Summer

I gotta be straight with you - I'm not a big beach lover. I much prefer the mountains. So, that's where we're headed for vacay later this summer. And our mountain resort has a pool! Romance books, whether they be new adult or adult, are the perfect book for me to lose myself in for awhile. So, there's a 99% chance that all the books in my pool bag will have kissing. Lots and lots of kissing.

1. The Bourbon Kings (The Bourbon Kings #1), by J.R. Ward - A new series by J.R. Ward - meep! And this one sounds completely different from anything I've ever read by her before. I'm completely intrigued and totally excited.

2. Chaos (Mayhem #3), by Jamie Shaw - I love the first two books in Jamie Shaw's new Mayhem series about a rock band falling in love, one member at a time. It's such a fun series, and Chaos will be as well, I'm sure.

3. Sweet Sinful Nights (Sinful Nights #1), by Lauren Blakely - I love Lauren Blakely's Seductive Nights series. It's so hot and romantic. I'm sure the spin-off series will be equally as awesome.

4. Safe at Last (Slow Burn #3), by Maya Banks - This series by Maya Banks is unique in that, it's sexy and kinda freaky too. Following women with psychic abilities, these books are suspenseful, heartbreaking and sexy. I love how unique it is.

5. Manwhore +1 (Manwhore #2), by Katy Evans - Oh, that cliffhanger! I need to know what happens next so badly!

6. Toxic, by Kim Karr - I'm a fan of Kim Karr's Connections series, and this new second-chance romance standalone sounds like something right up my alley.

7. The Deal (Off-Campus #1), by Elle Kennedy - This one's already out, and I already own it. But, I've had no time to read it! I keep hearing great things, so I must experience this book for myself.

8. Need Me (Broke and Beautiful #2), by Tessa Bailey - You could really swap out this book for any of Tessa's book, and I'll read the heck out of it. I LOVE her books, and the first Broke and Beautiful book made me laugh like none other by hers has.

9. Caged (Mastered #4), by Lorelei James - I've read all the books in the Mastered series, and they're so good. I love that the books center around martial arts and these rough, manly men who are taken down by the right women.

10. Release Me (Stark Trilogy #1), by J. Kenner - This one has been out for a few years, and it's been on my TBR for a very long time. I'm determined to read this one before the end of the summer.

May 25, 2015

NEW ADULT MONDAYS: You Really Got Me (Rock Star Romance #1)

The New Adult genre - their bad boys and big problems and epic loves make them engrossing tales that are so easy to lose yourself in. What's not to love about that? And, now, thanks to the cool chicks at Bewitched Bookworms, we can show these books the love they deserve in a weekly feature - New Adult Mondays.

You Really Got Me (Rock Star Romance #1), by Erika Kelly
Publish Date: January 6, 2015
Publisher: Berkley Romance
Format: paperback, gifted
Genre: new adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon * Barnes & Noble

Rating: 4 STARS

(From Goodreads) Emmie Valencia has what it takes to be the music industry’s hottest band manager. She just needs to prove it. Determined to discover a killer new band, Emmie is ready to make her move. First stop: Austin, Texas.

As a sizzling-hot lead singer, Slater Vaughn has no trouble raising heart rates—but his band’s been flat-lining for years. When Emmie, his bandmate’s sister, crashes with them in exchange for some free management, her industry know-how lands them a spot in the biggest music festival in Texas. But it isn’t just her business acumen that catches Slater’s attention. Emmie is sexy and warm, and—for the first time in his life—he wants more.

But as irresistible as Slater is, Emmie is done with musicians. In her experience, a man can’t be a rock star and someone to trust with your heart—but Slater is determined to show her he’s both.

By now you all know how much I love the rock star romances. So, based on the name of this series, it was pretty much a no-brainer. Of course I had to read it. As it turns out, it had a bit of a different spin on the typical rocker story, and one that I loved a lot. 

Emmie is trying to break into the music promotion business, but her boss won't give her a job more important than picking up his dry cleaning. In defiance, Emmie takes a leave of absence and goes to hang out with her brother Derek and his band. Her goal is to discover a new band as a way to prove herself to her boss. But, the lead singer proves to be quite a distraction - just the kind she needs to avoid. Emmie has learned the hard way that musicians are bad news and nothing but heartbreak. And now Slater is determined to prove her wrong. 

I really liked this one! I LOVED seeing the other side of the music business, at the same time getting to see the hot rockers who make the magic. As a marketing person, I found this fascinating. It's not a side I've ever seen before in a book, and it was a fantastic new way of looking at the music business. So often, it's only seen from the fame side. These rocker stories are usually a member of the band hooking up with a nobody, and that's not the case here. Emmie isn't a nobody. She knows the music business, perhaps better than the band members, and we see them come to defer to Emmie in most things as she proves herself to them.

Slater was awesome, as were most of the other members of the band - especially Derek. I liked how the band members interacted. Slater is the newest member of the band, and is still somewhat on the outside of the inner circle. He's all about the music. Derek, Emmie's brother, is the band's business manager and is the most serious about their success.

This band - Snatch - is still trying to hit it big while playing in bars. As Emmie works her contacts, trying to get the band into bigger venues and in front of the right people, she and Slater become unlikely friends. There's a definite attraction there, but both of them refuse to take it anywhere, but for very different reasons. Emmie was hurt by a man in the business, and she refuses to open herself up to that again. Slater doesn't want to create tension in the band by messing around with Derek's sister. And, so, for awhile, they do this infuriating, chemistry-charged dance.

There comes a time, though, where Slater realizes that resistance is futile, and he goes balls to the wall to earn Emmie's affection. Sure enough, he does, but she refuses to allow their chemistry to become anything real. Their time together is finite, and she chooses to not take their relationship past that expiration date. And that made me CRAZY. She constantly brings up, in her own mind, all the reasons why she can't be with Slater. And they're just so stupid! I'm sure to her, they are completely valid. That other douchebag made her look like a naive idiot, and that had to sting something fierce. But, she was so blinded by her own pain, that she couldn't see the difference between the two men. 

You Really Got Me was an awesome rock star book with an interesting look into a new side of the music business. Put together with a great band, my favorite dual POV, and some super sexy times, I'd have to say this was a great start to a new series. I can't wait to read more!

May 22, 2015

BEA Prepared Part 5: The Aftermath

So, you’ve got your hands on a ticket to BEA/BookCon. You have made transportation arrangements and know where you’re staying once you get to the Big Apple. NOW WHAT?

This is my third year attending BEA, and will likely be my last. So, through a series of blog posts, I hope to impart upon you, my little grasshoppers, some insight I’ve gained over the past two years as you continue to make your plans. I’m calling this series BEA Prepared. In case you missed them, check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4. In only five short days, I'll be in New York (OMG!), which means, it's time for the fifth and final part of my BEA Prepared series.

So Many Books, So Little Time
My time at BEA both years was completely crazy. I didn't have a moment to just breathe until I got home on Saturday and unpacked. And, let's face it - that's part of the fun, right? Finally sitting down with all your books and swag and taking a few moments with all of them - moments that you just don't have when you're on the show floor. I definitely recommend taking that time to bond with your books. Put them in pretty stacks. Take pictures. Pet them. Count them. Lurv them.

2013 BEA Books
2014 BEA Books
But, now what? So, I'm a little OCD. I made piles - Already Read, Read Now, Read Later, Might Not Read. Chances are you will end up bringing home books you've already read, but either only have a digital copy or an unsigned copy. Those are easy. Put them on your shelf and forget about them for now. 

The rest of your books, you need to prioritize. How you do that is up to you. But, please, don't feel guilty. Guaranteed, soon after BEA is over, there will be blog posts or Tweets out there, usually delivered by people who didn't get to go to BEA, shaming us for bringing home more books than what we will read. They will call us greedy and will say we're not doing our duty if we don't read and review every single one of them.

Look. Publishers hand out these ARCs for exposure. They want them in people's hands. They want people to read them. To read other books by the same author. To recommend them. In past years, I've done a few giveaways with some of my books. I've also given some to friends and family members who I knew would like them more than me. I've donated them to my local library (as long as they have an ISBN number, libraries will take them). I've NEVER thrown any of them away. The books I bring home are getting into the hands of readers. So, it's all good.

Oh, and a word to the wise - you might want to pick up a few new bookshelves now. Because you will need them. Last year I had stacks of books on my den floor for more than two months before I finally got two new bookshelves. ;)

Tell Me About It
One of my favorite parts of the aftermath of BEA is reading everyone's recap posts and seeing all the pictures. So, if you're there, and you have a blog, write about your experience! Make sure to take lots of pictures while you're there - pictures of you with other bloggers, you with authors, the books you come home with - whatever interests you. I love to see where everyone went after hours too. There's so much to do in New York. It's fun to see what everyone did in their spare time.

So, this is it! I'll see you next week at BEA. Travel safe, and have fun!

May 21, 2015

BLOG HOP: Thoughts About Rook and Ronin

Guess what? J.A. Huss has a new book coming out next month, and in honor of Sasha's story, WASTED LUST, a few blogs are getting together to take a walk down memory lane. First up is a week of Rook and Ronin. Tragic, Manic and Panic started it all. Today, we get to hear from Christy at Book Babes Unite

Rook and Ronin’s journey is like no other couple I’ve read about. That is what I love about this series. That is what makes it so special. It’s unique. The writing is brilliant, and I loved the twists and turns. With JA Huss, you learn to expect the unexpected. Not only do you get to meet two amazing characters (Rook and Ronin), but the rest of the ‘team’ just make the book. If you’re looking for a sexy, intriguing, entertaining and exciting series, THIS is the book you want to pick up next!

If you’re a fan of Rook and Ronin, come on over to Shrike Bike’s and join the fun-

If you haven’t met them yet, here is the link to the complete trilogy-

This is an amazing and original series by

- Christy, Book Babes Unite

Over the next five weeks, we'll be looking through JA Huss' series until Wasted Lust is here! Be sure to check out the other blogs in the hop...

JA Huss is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty romances. She likes stories about family, loyalty, and extraordinary characters who struggle with basic human emotions while dealing with bigger than life problems. JA loves writing heroes who make you swoon, heroines who makes you jealous, and the perfect Happily Ever After ending.

You can chat with her on Facebook (, Twitter (@jahuss), and her kick-ass romance blog, New Adult Addiction (

If you’re interested in getting your hands on an advanced release copy of her upcoming books, sneak peek teasers, or information on her upcoming personal appearances, you can join her newsletter list ( and get those details delivered right to your inbox.


May 20, 2015

BLOG TOUR, EXCERPT & GIVEAWAY: Falling for His Best Friend (Out of Uniform #2)

Drew and Avery are finally here! FALLING FOR HIS BEST FRIEND was such a fun read - I can't wait for you all to experience it too! Check out my review and the excerpt, then enter the giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card!

Falling for His Best Friend (Out of Uniform #2), by Katee Robert
Publish Date: May 19, 2015
Publisher: Entangled Brazen
Format: ARC, obtained from the publisher
Genre: adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon * Barnes & Noble

Rating: 4 STARS

(From Goodreads) Avery Yeung’s biological clock just went off early. Thanks to her family’s medical history, she’s running out of time to get knocked up. And the only guy within donating distance? Her overprotective—and irritatingly hot—best friend. So clearly she needs an anonymous donor…

Anonymous donor? Over Sheriff Drew Flannery’s dead body. While daddyhood will never be in the cards for a man with his past, Drew won’t let Avery shop for a “popsicle pop.” He’ll do what’s right for his best friend by doing his best friend. But only if they do it properly.

But there’s nothing “proper” about it. Between the bed, the kitchen counter, and against his squad car, Avery and Drew are having the hottest sex ever. They can’t get enough of it—or each other. And without knowing it, they’ve crossed the one line that could ruin their friendship forever…

This book was just what I needed. It was a light, quick read that made me laugh and smile a lot. After a string of angsty emotional stories, Falling for His Best Friend was perfect. 

Drew has been in love with his best friend Avery for a long time. When she decides she is ready to have a baby before an impending illness prevents her from doing so, Drew decides that now is his chance to finally have at least part of what he's always dreamed about. He volunteers his swimmers, as long as they can make a baby the old fashioned way. Except, as always, sex without feelings just doesn't exist among friends. 

Drew's and Avery's relationship is pretty awesome. They've been friends since they were kids, so they have inside jokes, traditions and secrets. They are completely comfortable around each other. They've been there during the worst of times in each others' lives. And, they're not afraid to bust each other's balls when the situation calls for it. I'm surprised Drew was able to keep his feelings under wraps as long as he did. 

Drew has been in love with Avery for awhile, but he has chosen to not say anything. Until she starts talking about getting pregnant, and then the idea of that baby belonging to anyone but him jump starts his timeline. He thinks convincing Avery to do it will take some work, but turns out, Avery's been having thoughts about Drew too. 

These two kids made me nuts. When did the art of communication go by the wayside? All it would take for so many of Drew's and Avery's problems to go away would be for them to sit down and freaking talk to one another. Talk about how they feel about each other. But, nooooooooo. Drew thought Avery didn't like him like that. Avery thought Drew didn't like her like that. So, they both continued to have lots of hot sex and feel things inside, but play it off on the outside like they're both just marking time until a baby is made. It. Was. Maddening. 

But, Drew and Avery truly care about each other. They get each other, which means they need to find a way through this, especially if they are going to be parents. It was the best part. 

 All she had to do was pick up the phone and make the call.

Well, she refused to be a coward, and there was never a better time than now. She dialed, hating herself for holding her breath, and nearly hung up in a panic when he answered,

Her nervous energy got away from her, and words popped out of her mouth before she could think better of them. “Morning! Just calling with your daily sex status report.”

A heartbeat, and then he laughed. “Okay, I’ll bite. How’d I do?”

“Oh, you know, just fine.”

“Fine?” A car door slammed somewhere in the distance.

“Sweetheart, that was a far sight better than ‘fine.’”

She was going to get through this with sheer bravado. The only other option was to sit down and talk about their feelings, which so wasn’t on the menu if Avery had anything to say about it. A little more relaxed now, she settled onto the rocking chair and propped her feet on the chest. “It was a solid six.”

“That’s so cute when you mix up your numbers. Yesterday was a ten.”

She paused, pretending to consider. “Oh, no, definitely not a ten. I would have noticed if Sam Elliott or Sean Connery showed up.”

“You have seriously questionable taste.”

“I do not. I have excellent taste. Those voices…” She sighed, putting a little extra breathiness into it. “Actually, I’m adding Benedict Cumberbatch to that list. He’d be a ten.”

“No. Absolutely not. I draw the line at being outranked by a man with better cheekbones than most women. He is not attractive.”

“Don’t be jealous that you can’t make women come just by talking to them.”
“Two words—phone sex.”

Her laugh died. After what they’d just done, she didn’t like the reminder that he’d rocked other women’s worlds, but she’d better get used to it. This was Drew, and he’d never had a problem with the ladies. “Kudos to you, then.”

His tone shifted, the playfulness disappearing. “What are you doing for lunch?”

You. No, wait, she couldn’t say that. She still didn’t know where they stood. She couldn’t just assume they were going to keep having sex because they were joking about yesterday.

Avery twisted her hair. “I hadn’t decided.”

“I’ll make it easy on you—my place, noon.”

The growl in his voice made her shiver, but she forced a laugh. “Are we going to walk twenty paces and have a shootout?”

“If by shootout, you mean you’re going to come screaming my name, then yes.”

New York Times & USA TODAY Bestselling Author

Katee Robert learned to tell stories at her grandpa’s knee. Her favorites then were the rather epic adventures of The Three Bears, but at age twelve she discovered romance novels and never looked back.

Though she dabbled in writing, life got in the way—as it often does—and she spent a few years traveling, living in both Philadelphia and Germany. In between traveling and raising her two wee ones, she had the crazy idea that she’d like to write a book and try to get published.

Her first novel was an epic fantasy that, God willing, will never see the light of day. From there, she dabbled in YA and horror, before finally finding speculative romance. Because, really, who wouldn’t want to write entire books about the smoking-hot relationships between two people?

She now spends her time—when not lost in Far Reach worlds—playing imaginary games with her wee ones, writing, ogling men, and planning for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

Stalk Her: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Goodreads

RELEASE BLITZ: Shuttergirl

Shuttergirl, by CD Reiss
Publish Date: May 16, 2015
Publisher: self-published
Genre: adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon * Barnes & Noble

(From Goodreads) I am not hurt.

I don’t need a second chance with him, or a life I thought I had.

While he was out forgetting me to become a movie star, I was building a career out of nothing. A career as a paparazzi, but a career. For a foster kid who bounced around every home in Los Angeles, that wasn’t easy.

This camera is all I have.

He’s nothing to me. Every time I take his picture and sell it, I remind myself that I did it all without him or his approval, his cinnamon smell or his clear green eyes. He lights up the screen like a celestial body, but he’s nothing but a paycheck to me.

He can throw my camera off a balcony, and nothing has to change. We can stay king and queen of the same city, and different worlds.

Except this is Hollywood, and here, anything can happen.

I stroked his hair, waist deep in peace, all worry gone for the moment, and floating in no more than an ocean of gratitude. I must have been more vulnerable than I realized, or he’d reopened some wound with his kindness, because though my sweet reverie stayed, as the minutes passed, a layer of need fitted itself on top of it.

I needed to tell him, if not the details, the outlines of who I was.

“I want you to know,” I whispered, starting somewhere small, then everything I didn’t want to say spilled out. “I have stuff. I’ve never been to jail, but you know, it’s stuff, and it’s ugly, and it scares me. Because, I mean, you’re so perfect, and I’m… I’m just a mess. I’m not whole. I’m a bunch of pieces of a person I cobbled together.” My eyes got wet when I thought of the comparisons between us and that picture in my silverware drawer. “So if you have to move on when you realize that, I’ll understand. You have an image, and if anyone understands protecting a career, it’s me. I mean, I’ll be mad, don’t get that wrong, but also.” I swallowed and blinked, shifting my head so he wouldn’t feel the tear on his forehead. “I won’t blame you.”

I waited for an answer. Anything. A change in position or a word on any subject. The weather. Sports. Something. But all he did was breathe.

I smiled so wide, tears fell into my mouth. He was sleeping.

CD Reiss is a USA Today and Amazon bestseller. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn’t pick up, she’s at the well, hauling buckets.

Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master’s degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere, but it did embed TV story structure in her head well enough for her to take a big risk on a TV series structured erotic series called Songs of Submission. It’s about a kinky billionaire hung up on his ex-wife, an ingenue singer with a wisecracking mouth; art, music and sin in the city of Los Angeles.

Critics have dubbed the books “poetic,” “literary,” and “hauntingly atmospheric,” which is flattering enough for her to put it in a bio, but embarrassing enough for her not to tell her husband, or he might think she’s some sort of braggart who’s too good to give the toilets a once-over every couple of weeks or chop a cord of wood.

If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.

Stalk Her: Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads | Pinterest | Instagram

A Note from CD Reiss:

I am so happy with the response to Shuttergirl, and I cannot wait to send Michael and Laine out into the world, because who doesn’t swoon over a second chance at love?

It’s a new genre for me, and I’m exploding with excitement, so I’ve dropped some fantastic reasons for readers to get the book right away.


$500 Spa Gift Card

If you could get an hour, or ten away from the daily grind of paparazzi and interviews (or the job and kids), what would you do?

Get a foot rub/slash/pedicure? A massage? Maybe something called a Sleep Treatment that right now sounds better than sex?

Maybe you’d bring a friend or two, or maybe you’d just get a manipedi when you wanted one. Because the life of a megastar ain’t for the weak-willed or lazy, and running from paparazzi can really wear down a girl’s nails.

Woodhouse Spas are no joke. They’re all over the country and they’re….sigh. Fabulous. But if you don’t live near one, we can do Burke Williams, Halcyon Days or Red Door.



The link to the quiz is in the back of the book, and yes, that’s the ONLY place to find it! There are bonus questions relating to Jonathan and Antonio for extra prizes. You have until June 3rd to enter! That gives you a solid two weeks to read the book and get your chance at a $500 movie star spa treatment!

If you are a paperback reader, email me and we’ll work it out .

May 19, 2015

ARC REVIEW: Vicious Cycle (Vicious Cycle #1)

Vicious Cycle (Vicious Cycle #1), by Katie Ashley
Publish Date: June 2, 2015
Publisher: NAL Trade
Format: ARC, obtained from the publisher
Genre: adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon * Barnes & Noble

Rating: 4 STARS

(From Goodreads) Deacon Malloy’s life is dedicated to the Hell’s Raiders motorcycle club. Tough, hard, and fast with his fists, he serves the group as sergeant at arms. But his devil-may-care approach to life is thrown for a loop when the five-year-old daughter he never knew existed lands on the club steps.

Alexandra Evans is devoted to all her students—but there’s always been something about Willow Malloy that tugs at her heart. There’s an aura of sadness about her, a girl in need of all the love Alexandra can give. When Willow stops coming to school, Alexandra’s search leads to a clubhouse full of bikers…and a father hell-bent on keeping his daughter always within sight.

The moment Deacon sees Alexandra, he has to have her in his bed—and he’s never met a woman yet who couldn’t be persuaded. No matter how attracted she is to Deacon, Alexandra refuses to be just another conquest. But it’s Deacon himself who could be seduced—into a brighter future for himself, his daughter, and the woman he’s falling for against all odds.

I'm all about the MC books, so I'm always looking for new ones to try. When I came across this new series by Katie Ashley, and realized it was an MC book, I was all, 

This was a really intense book. Well, I mean, most MC books are, but this one especially was pretty hairy at times. Deacon Malloy is the Sargent at Arms, which means he's the muscle, for his club. He's seen and done a lot of things that have given him a pretty tough exterior. So, I have to say, he was absolutely adorable when his 5-year-old daughter who he didn't know he had is dropped on his doorstep. He was painfully awkward and completely out of his element with this little girl who loves ballet and dress-up and the color pink. 

The impact of little Willow on the Hell's Raider's motorcycle club is big. Not only are the prospects forced to have tea parties with her, but all of a sudden, all the members have one more person to love and protect, and they do it fiercely. I think that's what I love most about these MC books. The members will do anything for their own and their families. They will protect them with their lives. 

So, when a rival club threatens Williow, and Deacon pulls her out of school to keep her safe, her teacher comes to her. Alexandra is a fish out of water when she walks into that club, but her overriding concern for Willow propels her forward. Because of her desire to educate Willow and because of how wonderful she is with the little girl, Alex is also folded into the unofficial MC family. Deacon was brought along with the plan kicking and screaming, but eventually, he found he loved Alex as much as Willow did. 

Alex showed fierceness beyond what she thought she was capable of. To be honest, it was one of my only issues with Vicious Cycle. Alex is portrayed as a somewhat sheltered, white-bread girl. When she's also targeted by the rival gang, because of her association with Deacon and Willow, she shows a lot more chops and bravery than I would've ever expected from someone like her. Don't get me wrong - I like my heroines strong and capable. But, I also like them believable, and there were times when Alex was a bit of a stretch for me. 

Despite the light moments with Willow, there was a lot of heavy ones too. Vicious Cycle had some pretty violent parts that really helped drive home the severity of the situation in which Deacon finds himself. The bad guy he was up against was no joke. 

When Deacon and Alex got together, they were actually really great. Deacon was all hard and rough and Alex is all sunshine and sweetness, and together they were kind of perfect. They were also combustible. I loved their heat and chemistry together. And, I loved that Vicious Cycle was dual POV, especially during those really pivotal scenes. 

I can't wait for the next book in this series. It was set up at the end, so I already know it's going to be about Deacon's brother Rev. I hope the magic created in this new MC world continues, because I'm here to stay.

May 18, 2015

ALL PLAYED OUT BUCKET LIST TOUR & GIVEAWAY: 5 Movies Everyone Should Have to Watch

Welcome to my stop on the All Played Out Bucket List Blog Tour! If you're at all familiar with Cora Carmack's newest Rusk University book, you know that the heroine, Nell, is a big fan of lists. She makes a bucket list of the things she wants to do before she graduates from college. So, Cora's street team did the same thing. Today, I get to highlight for you my bucket list of the 5 movies I think everyone should have to watch. Check out my list, and then enter the giveaway for a complete signed Rusk University set!

As you'll see from my list, my movie-viewing habits are somewhat diverse. I'll watch most anything, so I picked five different movie genres, and picked my favorite movie in each. What can I say? There's always a method to my madness. 

1. Drama
Of all the genres, dramas are one of my least favorite. I don't like feeling sad, and so many times, dramas make me sad. But, The Shawshank Redemption is one drama I can watch over and over again. This movie about a man wrongfully convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison is beyond compelling. The things he goes through and the way he wins the respect and friendship of his fellow inmates is incredible, as is the shocking and satisfying ending. Everyone should watch this movie if they like dramas.

2. Super Hero Action
Super hero movies are all the rage right now, but in my humble opinion, there is none better than Superman The Movie. Despite how yummy Henry Cavill is, in my mind, he comes second to Christopher Reeve. Despite all the modern technology and special effects, sometimes it's better to go back to the classics.

3. Camp
There are SO many good choices in this category. But, I have to go with Ash and his boom stick for my favorite campy movie. Partly because, IMO, Bruce Campbell is a camp God. And, partly because there are so many awesome quotable lines from this movie. I've seen it a hundred times, and the same lines make me laugh every single time.

4. Comedy
I do believe that Pitch Perfect is among one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time. It has everything I love in it - good music, good friendships and so many laughs. I hear about so many comedies, and when I see them, I laugh a little bit here and there, but, it's largely a disappointment. Pitch Perfect is one of the few movies I've seen that make me laugh even after the 50th time I've seen it.

5. Romantic
At this point, who hasn't seen Dirty Dancing, right? I mean, it's quite possibly one of the most perfect romantic movie ever. It's a classic story about the good girl getting together with the bad boy and helping him see the light. And, it turn, he dirties her up a bit. There's amazing music, really sexy dancing and Patrick Swayze at his finest. Goodness, I love this movie.

So, what do you think about my list? What five movies are on your bucket list? Want to know more about Nell and her bucket list?

All Played Out (Rusk University #3), by Cora Carmack
Publish Date: May 12, 2015
Publisher: William Morrow
Genre: new adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon * Barnes & Noble

(From Goodreads) First person in her family to go to college? CHECK.
Straight A’s? CHECK.
On track to graduate early? CHECK.
Social life? …..yeah, about that….

With just a few weeks until she graduates, Antonella DeLuca’s beginning to worry that maybe she hasn’t had the full college experience. (Okay... Scratch that. She knows she hasn't had the full college experience).

So Nell does what a smart, dedicated girl like herself does best. She makes a "to do" list of normal college activities.

Item #1? Hook up with a jock.

Rusk University wide receiver Mateo Torres practically wrote the playbook for normal college living. When he’s not on the field, he excels at partying, girls, and more partying. As long as he keeps things light and easy, it's impossible to get hurt... again. But something about the quiet, shy, sexy-as-hell Nell gets under his skin, and when he learns about her list, he makes it his mission to help her complete it.

Torres is the definition of confident (And sexy. And wild), and he opens up a side of Nell that she's never known. But as they begin to check off each crazy, exciting, normal item, Nell finds that her frivolous list leads to something more serious than she bargained for. And while Torres is used to taking risks on the field, he has to decide if he's willing to take the chance when it's more than just a game.

Together they will have to decide if what they have is just part of the experiment or a chance at something real.

Cora Carmack is a twenty-something New York Times bestselling author who likes to write about twenty-something characters. She's done a multitude of things in her life-- boring jobs (like working retail), Fun jobs (like working in a theatre), stressful jobs (like teaching), and dream jobs (like writing). She now splits her time between Austin, TX and New York City and spends her days writing, traveling, and spending way too much time on the internet. In her books, you can expect to find humor, heart, and a whole lot of awkward. Because let’s face it . . . awkward people need love, too.

Links:  Website ** Twitter ** Facebook ** Author Goodreads