Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!
Top Ten Best Sequels
1. Unravel Me (Shatter Me #2), by Tahereh Mafi
Shatter Me was really excellent. Thankfully, Unravel me was too. Tahereh Mafi doesn't know the meaning of the words "sophomore slump."
2. Catching Fire (Hunger Games #2), by Suzanne Collins
Hunger Games was an absolutely incredible book, and although Catching Fire wasn't quite as good, it was still a fantastic book in its own right.

As with most dystopians, there's a lot of backstory to be told in the first book. Once that's all out of the way, it's all story and characters. And Perry, Roar and Aria are some of my most favorite characters ever.
4. Clockwork Princess (Infernal Devices #3), by Cassandra Clare
In my opinion, this is one of the best series enders EVER. Loose ends were tied up, twists and turns abounded, and the most most epic love story ever was at the core.
5. Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood #3), by J.R. Ward
Dark Lover was really good. Wrath is really hot. Beth is an awesome heroine. But, Zsadist's and Bella's -
their story was the best of them all.

I really loved Throne of Glass. Celaena Sardothian is my kind of bad ass assassin. But, sadly, in book one, there weren't many... well, assassinations. That problem was rectified in Crown of Midnight - in a big way.
7. Fifth Grave Past the Light (Charley Davidson #5), by Darynda Jones
How weird is it that I thought the fifth - THE FIFTH - book in this series is actually the best? Usually by this time, the story and characters have started getting stale. Not so here - Charley, Cookie and Reyes are at their best.
8. Twice Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires #3), by Chloe Neill
The third book in this series remains my absolute favorite. Why? The presence of one Gabriel Keene, a super hot werewolf, and the resolution of some of the ridiculously off the charts sexual tension between Merit and Ethan. Ahhhh.....

9. Spirit (Elemental #3), by Brigid Kemmerer
With each book in the Elemental series, the suspense, the intrigue, the intense feels all are ramped up more and more. By the time you get to Spirit, you're laughing out loud in public and crying real buckets of tears.
10. Faking It (Losing It #2), by Cora Carmack
Losing It was amazing - I absolutely loved Garrick. But, there was something about Cade and Max that really got me.
Catching Fire & Crown of Midnight are both on my list too :)
How on earth did I forget about Faking It?! I can't believe I forgot about Golden Boy & Angry Girl. I definitely agree that there was something about Cade & Max. I just enjoyed their story a lot more.
Great list!
My Top Ten
The only two of those I've read are #'s 9 & 10 but I definitely agree that they're both great books!
Clockwork Princess- such an amazing ending to this series. You are so right, everything was cleared up, in a huge good way.
I have been meaning to the reading the Throne of Glass series!
And it sounds like I am going to have to read the Chicagoland Vampires series, I am not sure how I missed it!
I haven't read the LOSING IT series, but I hear it keeps getting better. It's definitely on my radar! :)
We have Catching Fire in common. :)
Such a great list! Most of these are on my TBR list, but I haven't gotten to (the series) yet. Glad to see them on lists, though. It makes me excited. :D
Nice list. Some of the first books of series mentioned have mysteriously found their way to my TBR list...which keeps getting longer and longer ;)
I haven't read any of them :(.
Well except for Catching Fire. But it's been so long since I've read it. Even though I remember liking it...did I like it more than the Hunger Games?...I can't remember.
Love your list! I adore Unravel Me, Catching Fire & TTEN, even though I didn't post them on my list.
Mary @ Mary Had a Little Book Blog
i really want to read Throne of Glass. Glad to see you enjoyed the sequel as well. Thanks for stopping by.
Great list! I still need to read Unravel Me and Fifth Grave, hopefully, I will get to them soon :)
Catching Fire, Lover Awakened, and Unravel Me were on my list too :) I really need to read Through the Ever Night - I've heard so many amazing things about it.
I haven't read Hunger Games (I know?!?!?!?), but I really liked the first movie (JLaw is amazing) and can't wait to see the next one. I haven't decided if I want to read the books or not yet. The Losing It books have been on my radar for a while. I'm thinking I might read those soon :) Cool list!
Thanks for stopping by My TTT -I love your header, it's really pretty!
Unravel Me was so amazing! I can't wait for the third book. I still have to read Throne of Glass, but I'm glad to hear Crown of Midnight is just as good as the first. Awesome list :)
Seeing Through the Ever Night in majority of the lists makes me crave for that book. But the third one's next year so *deep sigh* need to hold it together for a while and will read that one this December. Great list!^^
I definitely agree with your Catching Fire, Twice Bitten and Lover Awakened. BDB is pretty cheesy but it is good cheesy fun.
Great list! Lots of books I've read (how could I not put Chloe Neill on my list??? How???), and a lot of books that are on my TBR.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Denise @ Life With No Plot
We have a lot of overlaps! Great list :)
Here’s my TTT
Unravel Me and Crown of Midnight were on my list too. And I agree, Clockwork Princess was one of the best series enders I've read, maybe the best. I read Losing It, but I haven't read Faking It yet. I'll have to add it to my TBR list. Great list and thanks for visiting! ~Pam
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