June 14, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases For The Second Half of the Year

1. Heartless, by Marissa Meyer
I am a total Lunartic. Marissa Meyer's Lunar Chronicles series is one of my most favorite YA series EVER. As sad as I am that it's all done, I am excited to see what's coming next from this incredible author. Another fairy tale retelling? Abso-freaking-lutely. 

2. P.S. I Like You, by Kasie West
I've only recently discovered Kasie West's ridiculously entertaining and incredibly sweet stories. And this description has me completely enthralled. 

3. Overexposed (In Focus #4), by Megan Erickson
Every book in Megan Erickson's In Focus series has been absolutely incredible. This next one sounds like it's going to be especially angsty - and I can't wait. 

4. Ride Rough (Raven Riders #2), by Laura Kaye
Laura Kaye's books are auto-buys for me. Her romances are heart felt and sexy as hell. And her Raven Riders series gives me the best of two worlds - it's an MC series that has occasional appearances by my favorite Hard Ink boys. 

From the author of the On Dublin Street series comes something brand new. I loved ODS so much, so I'm excited to see where she goes with Hart's Boardwalk. 

6. Beautiful (Beautiful Bastard #5), by Christina Lauren
It's a sad day when we have to say goodbye to a beloved series. I read Beautiful Bastard in January 2013 and have read every book in the series that's been put out since then. It sucks that it will all be ending soon, but I have a feeling that the final book will be epic.

7. Into the Fire (Night Prince #4), by Jeaniene Frost
This is another series that we will be saying goodbye to this year. I'm so glad that Jeaniene Frost wrote this spin-off from her Night Huntress series about my favorite side character, the broody, snarky, flammable Vlad. I'm sure the end of his and Leila's story will be nothing short of explosive.

8. Bad Blood (The Naturals #4), by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
GAH! Why are all the most awesome series ending in 2016? A few years ago, I purchased The Naturals in audio because it sounded interesting. I had no idea exactly how brilliant it was. If you haven't read this amazing YA series yet, you have time to get all caught up before the final book launches in November.

9. Unknown (Unknown #1), by Wendy Higgins
Wendy Higgins is letting her inner bad girl off the leash. We saw hints of it in Kaiden Rowe, her Sweet Evil series hero, but this will be her first new adult novel, and it's set in a post-apocalyptic United States, so she can go crazy with her explosions and angst and sexy times. 

10. Torn (A Wicked Saga #2), by Jennifer L. Armentrout
It's been a year and a half since I read Wicked - and that ending. I've waited so long to find out what happened to Ivy and Ren. The wait is almost over.


  1. Nice!! I chose Into the Fire as well!! Heartless is another I can't wait to read. It's in my review stack, I just haven't gotten to it yet! So many in that stack I'm dying to read! Hope you enjoy all these later this year!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Oooooh. P.S. I Like You! I'm really looking forward to that one. And Torn, obviously. LOL

  3. P.S. I Like You!! So excited for that one. Heartless too! Great list!

  4. Lunartic, that's a great term. I'm definitely counting myself as one. Seeing a lot of PS I Like You today. Will be checking that one out.

  5. Yes, yes, yes, & oops, How did I miss that one??? And I can't wait for Higgins' new series, too!!!! I agree with your awesome list!!!

  6. I've only read the first couple of books in the Naturals Series, but I really liked the audio for The Naturals. I haven't read the third one, but that's going to have to wait until I re-read the first couple, because I don't remember much from when I first read them.

    Nicole @ Reading Books With Coffee

  7. I'm excited for Heartless as well! I also have a few others on here on my TBR! Great picks!
