January 4, 2016

It's My 4th Blogoversary! I Have Presents!

So, something crazy happened yesterday. Krista's Dust Jacket turned 4.


Another amazing year is under my belt, and as I look back on it, I'm kind of amazed. I logged 266 posts, read 219 books, attended Apollyon, Avon KissCon and BEA and met so many incredible authors.

The best part is the connection I have with the blogging community. The blogger friends that I've made because of this little blog that I started on a whim are friends I will have for longer than this blog's existence.

So, with birthdays come presents, right? So, here is what I have up for grabs:

Giveaway 1: A stack of four YA books, including a signed ARC copy of Katie McGarry's NOWHERE BUT HERE and three surprise books.  US Only

Giveaway 2: A stack of four adult books, including an ARC copy of Lorelei James' WHAT YOU NEED, due out on January 5, 2016 and three surprise books (all ARCs of books that are now published).  US Only

 Giveaway 3: A book of your choice from The Book Depository, up to $10.  International

Before you get to it, I just want to say thanks for making this whole blogging thing such an amazing experience. If it hadn't been for you, I would've given it up at the six month mark, and what a huge shame that would've been. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Yay! Happy Blogoversary!! Wow 4 years! That's incredible! Hope you have many more happy blogging years to come!

  2. Yay! Happy blogoversary Krista! 4 years! That's awesome!!! I think I'm coming up on 3 in February. :D Here's to another year of good books, good friends, and all the awesomeness this community has to offer!

  3. Happy blogoversary, Krista! Here's to many more!

  4. Happy 4 year blogoversary to you !!!
