January 8, 2015

BLOG TOUR REVIEW: With a Twist (Last Call #4)

Sawyer Bennett is back with another book in her amazing Last Call series. WITH A TWIST features dreamy Wyatt, and just wait until you meet him. Don't forget to visit all the stops on this tour, organized by AToMR Book Tours!

With a Twist (Last Call #4), by Sawyer Bennett
Published January 6, 2015
Publisher: Big Dog Books
Format: e-ARC, provided by the author and AToMR Tours
Genre: adult contemporary romance
To Buy: Amazon * Barnes & Noble

Rating: 4.5 STARS

(From Goodreads) Wyatt Banks is ready to give one woman the world. Unfortunately, his job as a cop tends to interfere with other goals. When Wyatt is sent deep undercover to investigate a sex slave ring, he doesn’t have time to do anything but focus on staying alive in a dark and dangerous underworld.

Wyatt isn’t alone though in his quest to save the women that are being sold into sexual slavery.

His partner, FBI Agent Andrea Somerville, is immersed just as deeply as he is, and she’s the bait to lure the sex slavers out into the open, as she poses as an erotic dancer in an attempt to snare the enemy. But danger runs as high as the sparks between them, and now Wyatt is caught between the job he loves and the woman he wants.

Wyatt Banks is an enigma. A hot, ripped, police detective enigma. Why? Because unlike 99% of the guys I read about in my beloved sexy books, Wyatt actually WANTS to be in love. Crazy, right? Most of the time, love and relationships and being tied to one woman makes guys all twitchy and nauseous. They’re like,

Wyatt has watched his best friend in the world, Hunter, fall in love, followed by Hunter’s twin brother Brody and their new friend Gavin. Now, weddings are being planned and babies are being born, and Wyatt wants some of the happiness his friends have for himself. But, he puts his desires on hold for one last undercover operation to take down a sex trade business. I’m sure Wyatt had no idea when he started his assignment that he would find that love he wanted in a strip club.

Wyatt is passionate about everything he does. He loves his job and he loves the sense of satisfaction he gets when good triumphs over evil. He really is the quintessential good guy. He loves his family and friends fiercely, and you just know as you’re introduced to him that, when he finds the right woman, he will love her unconditionally and completely.

At first glance, you’re not sure if Andrea is the right girl for him. She’s a bit colder than Wyatt is. She doesn’t have much family to speak of – just a brother that she’s close to. She has no time for relationships. She thought she did, but when her previous relationship failed because she was forced to choose between him and her job, she figured she’d just marry her job instead. It’s safer that way, and it’s what she’s always wanted – the stellar FBI career her father had.

Then, Andrea gets her big break when she’s asked to go undercover as a stripper in the club Wyatt is working in. The first time Andrea and Wyatt meet in person is kind of funny. And the second time they see each other in person is awesome. I was pumping my fist at all the girl power that was oozing off the page during that scene. Wyatt and Andrea quickly gain a ton of respect for each other, which ends up morphing into something more, as one would expect from two attractive, unattached people.

I have to be honest – I thought the entire book would be about their assignment in the strip club. But, about halfway through the book, the assignment ends, and the setting of the book shifts back to the shores of NC. Don’t get me wrong – I’m glad that it gave me a chance to see more of my three favorite couples from the previous books. But, I was really, REALLY enjoying the tension and passion and volatility that came with the undercover operation, so I was disappointed when it ended so quickly.

When Wyatt and Andrea have a chance to be together without their alternate personas muddying the waters, it was nice watching them get to know one another under more normal circumstances. There was Wyatt’s concern as to whether his friends would like her and Andrea’s concern over what would happen at the end of her 10-day leave from work, which is based in Pittsburgh.

Despite the lack of danger in the second half of the book, I was still completely captivated. Sawyer Bennett’s writing is fantastic, and like the previous three books in the Last Call series, this one is a scorcher. The relationship drama that we saw in the other books is decidedly absent from With a Twist, but that doesn’t mean that it’s completely smooth sailing for Wyatt and Andrea. There was just enough uncertainty about how these two would get to that happy place to pull me through to the end.

When I look at the four guys in this series – Hunter, Brody, Gavin and Wyatt – it’s impossible to pick a favorite. Usually, one stands out among the rest, but in this case, each guy has had his own unique set of strengths and flaws to make him stand out. Hunter is the fun-loving jock. Brody is the introspective brooder. Gavin is the bawdy, artistic Brit. And Wyatt is the serious romantic. If you haven’t experienced the Last Call boys for yourself yet, you are really missing out on something good.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man I LOVED this book! Wyatt was so great! It was so refreshing to meet a guy who actually was all for love! The storyline was what really got me though. I loved all the undercover business. I felt the same way- I was a little bummed to go back to the beach, just because I loved the danger, intrigue, and tension going on! I really liked Andrea too- I felt she was a good match for Wyatt and I loved how much they respected one another. Such a great read- awesome review girl!
