August 12, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Books I'm Not Sure I Want To Read

1. An Echo In The Bone by Diana Gabaldon - It seems blasphemous to put this book on this list. I LOVE this series. HARD. But, books 5 and 6 just didn't hold the same magic for me. And there was so much time between the release of book 6 and the release of An Echo In The Bone. I'm just not sure if I really need to continue the story.

2. Any of the "classics" - I'd like to read one. Really. I'm just afraid it won't be any fun for me. I'm afraid I won't be able to get past the old world language to really get what's going on. And, that would be the final nail in the classics coffin for me.

3. Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead - I'm a huge Vampire Academy and Bloodlines fangirl. I think Gameboard of the Gods sounds interesting, but I've heard conflicting things about it, and I think I'd rather not pull Ms. Mead down off her pedestal just yet.

4. Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor - I read the first book, and it just wasn't my cup of tea. I've heard wonderful things about this whole series, so I've contemplated continuing with the series anyway. I'm just not sure it wouldn't be a waste of my time.

5. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo - This is another series I've heard fantastic things about. I even own it in hardback - asked for it for my birthday. A year ago. I wasn't sure why I had put it off, but now the final book has come out, and I've heard some things that make me not want to start it in the first place now.

6. Eve by Anna Carey - I was on a dystopian kick for awhile when I bought Eve. I fully intended to read it, but ended up loaning it to a good friend first. She is also a big dystopian fan. And, she didn't care for it at all. For some reason that kinda killed my desire to read it.

7. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater - Holy cow - I've been back and forth so many times on whether I should read this book. I've held it in my hand in several formats from the library only to return it unread. I love werewolf books. And, everyone I talk to seems to either love or hate this one. I'm just not sure on which side of the fence I would land.

8. The 100 by Kass Morgan - I was so excited to read this book. I didn't get around to buying it right away, and now I've got the benefit of reviews on Goodreads to help me out. And they are not good. I do follow Goodreads reviews, so I'm thinking this one may be off my list now.

9. City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare - I've read the other 5 in the series. Loved the first three. And, I do really, REALLY want to see Clary and Jace get their HEA. I just... I don't know. It's a huge book and the last two haven't been my favorite. I've been tempted to just walk into a book store, plunk down on a chair and read the last chapter.

10. Torn From You by Nashoda Rose - I've heard great things about this book. I've also heard it's dark and twisted and I'm just not sure if maybe it's not TOO dark for me.


  1. I put Shadow and Bone off for awhile and finally finished it yesterday and it was pretty good. I am nervous about what I heard about the ending but I also didn't want to miss out on a good series. I agree with Eve, I read the first one, got a quarter into the second one and stopped. It just bothered me.

    Amber @ The Book Bratz

  2. I really enjoyed Shiver, but I can't speak for the other books since I didn't finish the series. I agree with you on The 100- it's been on my shelf for awhile now but I just haven't picked it up.

  3. Yeah I can't get into classics myself either. Although I do plan to read Frankenstein at one point! I liked the Shiver series myself, but it does tend to get a bad rep with some readers. Gameboard of the Gods is one I had hoped to love since it's Richelle Mead but I just couldn't get into it. I forced myself to read it, but didn't love it. Tried the second one and DNF'd it.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I love the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series but I loved the first book too. Shadow and Bone is another favorite of mine. I know some people had mixed feelings at the end but not for the same reasons as some have been disappointed by other series endings. And City of Heavenly Fire is a HUGE book. Do you happen to listen to audiobooks? That's how I "read" it. It was the perfect ending, like Cassandra Clare is known to give.

    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

  5. I've read a few on your list. In terms of classics I find a lot of classics I don't like I loved Wuthering Heights, it's the one classic I can read over and over. Days of Blood and Starlight is a miss for me. I abandoned the series after that. Shiver I loved but I read it years ago and feel like I wouldn't enjoy it as much now as my reading preferences have changed a lot.
    The 100 I read and enjoyed it. It's a good storyline and I love the show. My issue with it is that you can tell it was wrote for TV first and then adapted to books so there isn't as much depth in it.
    City of Heavenly Fire is really good. I too didn't like book 4 and 5 as much but I feel like Cassie Clare found her stride again with CoHF.

  6. Totally with you on that classic game. Some are great, some aren't. Just like anything else! Be selective and jump on in!

  7. I can completely understand about Shiver. I heard some conflicting things about it too but decided to give it a chance. I hated it. I don't think I even finished it. I am still undecided on Outlander. I have heard so many people love the first book. It is just so LONG.

  8. I was one of the few that loved The 100. The show isn't like the book, if that's what you're thinking.

    And there are 2 classics I liked - The Great Gatsby and Jane Eyre. The rest? Ugh. No.

  9. Classics... hmm, I think you can start with Jane Eyre or Jane Austen, since those are favorites of mine. I'm with you on the Immortal Instruments series. I LOVE the Daughter of Smoke and Bones series SO much. Oh, and I pretty much will read anything that Maggie Stiefvater writes. Anything.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  10. This was a great post. I'm the same way with classics and City of Heavenly Fire is a HUGE book! lol Hopefully I can finish it before September since I started it like last week! lol

  11. I think City of Heavenly Fire would be on my list too. It makes me nervous. I wasn't a happy reader after book 5. I just want to think about the end of book 3 and call it good. I probably will at some point.

  12. I own Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead but still haven't started it, on the one hand I really want to as so far I enjoyed all Mead her books, but on the other hand I am also afraid it won't be as good as her other books. Guess we'll find out when I finally read it.
    I actually have read Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor, I loved the first book, but thought the second book was slightly less good and I still haven't gotten the third book.
    I want to read Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo, I even ordered it from TBD when I saw it for really cheap and then they cancelled my order and the normal price is twice as much of what I paid for it. Guess I'll get it eventually, but not right now.
