July 22, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Characters I Would Want With Me 
On A Deserted Island

1. Guy from Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott - Guy is a survival man. He's spent years learning how to stay alive in all types of climates and conditions. This is definitely a guy I would want on my team.

2. Sydney Sage from The Bloodlines Series by Richelle Mead - Sydney is freakishly smart. No doubt her intellect, powers of deduction, and of course, her witchy abilities would definitely come in handy.

3. Ruger from Reaper's Legacy by Joanna Wylde - I would imagine if I was stuck on an island somewhere that there might be some heavy lifting to do. And Ruger would be perfect for the job. And, he would, of course, do it without a shirt on. I would insist.

4. Cole Holland from the White Rabbit Chronicles by Gena Showalter - Cole knows how to fight all types of big bad things. And those violet eyes are just an added bonus.

5. Cinder from the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer - If I happened to retain anything from the ship I was on before I crashed on the island, I'd definitely want Cinder there to help fix it any time it broke. And this super cyborg queen can fix ANYTHING.

6. All the Merrick brothers from The Elementals series by Brigid Kemmerer - On a deserted island, these four cuties would come in very handy. Michael can make things grow. Gabe can start fires. Nick could blow some wind in the sails of a makeshift raft. Chris can find clean water. I definitely want them on my team.

7. Percy Jackson from the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan - When stuck on a deserted island, who better to help you out than the son of Poseidon?  His kind of divine intervention would be kind of perfect in this situation, don't you think?

8. Harry Potter from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling - If all other attempts at escape fail, you could always have Harry bewitch a few pieces of driftwood and have them carry you out of there.

9. Jamie and Claire Fraser from the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon - Jamie is like the 18th century equivalent of MacGyver and his wife Claire has wicked awesome medical training. They'd be a good pair to have if you got stuck somewhere.

10. Charley Davidson from the Charley Davidson series by Darynda Jones - I would want Charley around purely for comic relief. Sure she has some interesting powers and a super duper smokin' hot boyfriend. But this chick cracks me up. I'll need her around to lighten the mood.


  1. I should have just added all the Merrick brothers to my list! But I decided to just pick Gabriel, because he's my favorite and he makes fire. Great list! :)

    Holly @ Part of that World

  2. EEP! I chose Charley too! And Guy, OMG Guy is definitely someone I'd need on this island we're stuck on! LOL! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I would definitely go with Harry Potter. Magic can always come in handy.

    Here's my Top Ten list!

  4. Cinder and Harry Potter are fabulous choices! And Guy would definitely keep you alive for the practical sense...well, Percy Jackson can control water right? He can summon you dolphins for rescue! HUZZAH. Except with this awesome cast...who'd want to leave the island?! ;)
    My TTT!

  5. Yes, those Merrick boys could be useful!
