July 15, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Favorite TV Shows

1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer - I have seen every episode of this epic show at least eleventy-billion times. I own them all on DVD. I LOVE Spike.

2. Supernatural - What can I say? I have an affinity for shows built around hellmouths. And getting to look at Sam and Dean for an hour every week is just a bonus.

3. The Fringe - The freaky Fringy stuff that happened was right up my supernatural alley. The romance between Olivia and Peter was icing on the cake.

4. Little House on the Prairie - This is the only other TV show of which I own all the episodes on DVD. Little House is my favorite show from childhood, and I loved watching Laura grow up from a feisty kid to a strong woman.

5. Star Trek The Next Generation - I had a crazy obsession with Wil Wheaton as a young teenager. Jonathan Frakes and Patrick Stewart weren't so bad either.

6. Friends - In my opinion, this was the last truly funny comedy on TV. All six main characters were loveable, endearing and hysterical. I still sing Smelly Cat in the shower.

7. ER (until Anthony Edwards left, anyway) - Thursdays used to be the best TV day ever. It started with Friends and ended with ER. In the beginning with Noah Wylie, George Clooney and Anthony Edwards all together, it was golden.

8.  The Walking Dead - Zombies, murderous psychopaths, Daryl Dixon... Perfection.

9. Glee - I could watch the first three seasons of Glee over and over again. The songs were incredible, the drama was intense at times, and the episodes were always super funny. Finchel will always hold a special place in my heart.

10. Property Brothers - I am ADDICTED to HGTV. House Hunters, Love It or List It, Flip or Flop - I love them all. But, my current obsession is Property Brothers. Twin tall drinks of water Drew and Jonathan Scott find a dump and fix it up. Color me jealous.


  1. God those first seasons of Glee were so good! I've stopped watching it now because after the Glee club got cut, it really just wasn't the same show. Friends is such a great show. I to watch the replays on TV and it's all still hilarious. Great list :)

  2. Oh nice! I LOVE Supernatural and Buffy is a classic! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Great list! TNG has a special place for me because it was the show that jump-started my love for sci-fi (DS9 however is my favourite of the Star Trek franchise). It was also more recently that I finally checked out the first season of ER and I really enjoyed it :)

    My TTT

  4. Yes to Supernatural! I really loved the first few seasons, and still really like it. And Sam and Dean are definitely a bonus!

  5. Oh, MAN! Star Trek TNG should have been on my list! How could I have overlooked it?

  6. I feel like we would get along great! I watch Jonathan and Drew ALL THE TIME!

  7. Aaww, I used to lurv ER!

    And of course WD is the sh!t

  8. I am overdue for a Buffy rewatch, but I haven't made time to do it! Oh, wow, I used to love Little House! Both the books and the show! Friends!! I haven't seen some of the earlier stuff...someday I'll watch my complete series! Again...I don't make enough time to watch TV. I'd rather read! I am also way behind on Glee. I'm still around when Rocky Horror aired...was it S2?

  9. Besides Buffy, Supernatural, and Friends, which I love, I also really like The Walking Dead. And I loved Glee in the beginning, but it's just too sad without Finn there. Awesome list, and thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

  10. Fun! I love that Star Trek is on there. Gotta agree with that.

  11. It makes me happy to see Buffy on so many lists after binge watching it last year. I really must get to Supernatural soon after seeing it on so many lists.

  12. I love Property Brothers too. And they're so handsome!!!

  13. Darn! I missed TWD on my list :/
    Nice shows! :D

  14. Aww, "Fringe"! I really liked that show too. I had a few issues with it, especially in seasons 4 and 5, but when it was good it was SO GOOD. The episode "White Tulip" is one of my favorite hours of television ever, period.
