May 27, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

This week we can choose whatever topic we want. And, since I have BEA on the brain since I'm leaving for NYC TODAY, I'm listing the top 10 bloggers I can't wait to meet/see again while I'm there.

Top Ten Bloggers I Can't Wait To 
Meet/See Again at BEA

1. Jen from At Random - Without a doubt, Jen takes the top spot. She is my bookish partner in crime. I've never attended a signing without her. Since we only live 15 minutes away from one another, we see each other frequently. She was my only roomie at BEA last year, and she's one of three others this year. I can honestly say my BEA experience would be nowhere near as amazing if she wasn't with me.

2. Anna from Annaberry Reads - If it's possible to have a bestie without ever meeting them in person, Anna is evidence of that. We met on Goodreads over a year ago, and we now rarely go a day without texting each other. Anna is roomie #2 this year, and I can't wait to meet her in person... FINALLY.

3. Val from Stuck In Books - If Val wasn't going to be my roomie #3, I'm sure I'd see her in line for every Jennifer Armentrout signing on the BEA books. Luckily, we ARE rooming together, so I'm ensured to see her even outside of those lines. I've participated in a few of her hops and one of her tours, and I'm so excited to finally meet her.

4. Hannah from The Irish Banana - I met Hannah in person last year at BEA, then I just kept seeing her at local signings after that. Hannah is one of those bloggers that would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it - a rare thing these days. I can't wait to be on the receiving end of one of her famous tackle hugs again.

5. Jessica from Lovin' Los Libros - I've said in blog comments and on Twitter several times that I swear Jessica and I are sisters from another mister. Many times our Top Ten Tuesday lists are almost identical and we always seem to end up on the same blog tours together. I can't wait to meet the twin from whom I was separated at birth!

6. Danny from Bewitched Bookworms - Somehow I missed Danny at BEA last year. *GASP* My New Adult Mondays feature was started over at Bewitched Bookworms, and it's one that I continue every week here. Danny is so so nice and we also seem to share many of the same bookish tastes. We both have a deep love for the new adult genre and all things Jeaniene Frost (and, we're finally going to get to meet her!!!!). I'm absolutely determined to find her this year!

7. My fellow Carmcats - When I was one of only 25 bloggers named to Cora Carmack's street team, I felt immensely honored. Bonding with the other 24 bloggers was icing on the cake. We've spent the past three months chatting daily on Facebook and supporting each others' blogs in some incredible ways. A few of us are going to be at BEA - Kim from Kimberly Faye Reads, Andy from Owl Always Be Reading, Danielle from With A Book, and Katelyn from Kate's Tales of Books and Bands. I'd be willing to bet I'll see them in all the Cora Carmack lines. :) Can't wait to meet you, girls!

8. Giselle from Xpresso Reads - Giselle runs an incredible blog tour company - Xpresso Book Tours. I've been participating in her tours for more than a year now, and I've found her to be so organized, well connected, knowledgeable, and just plain nice. I'm really looking forward to meeting such a respected and well-known figure in the book blogging community.

9. Tabitha from Not Yet Read - I met Tabitha last year at BEA and have had the pleasure of conversing with her via Goodreads and text since then. She feeds my urban fantasy addiction with lots of good book suggestions, and her blog is on my daily read list. Can't wait to see you again this year, Pabkins!

10. Jen from Jenuine Cupcakes - Since Jen is not usually too far away from Hannah (see #4), I've also run into her at a few local signings. She's never hard to spot in a crowd - the pink streak in her hair is always a dead giveaway. Plus... she always has cupcakes in tow. Jen is a good friend to have, and she's as sweet as her treats. :)


  1. OOh nice!! I sooooo want to go to BEA at least once! I'm thinking of trying in 2016 when it takes place in Chicago! Have fun!!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Thanks for including me, Krista! I'm looking forward to seeing you again too. :D

  3. You're so sweet! I'm rally looking forward to seeing all of you ladies hopefully tonight! I'm sorting in the airport right now. Flight boards in 40 minutes...But doesn't take off for another hour and a half.

  4. Eeeeep! This completely made my day! I can't wait to meet you either so we can talk about all the books! I love that our TTT's are always so similar! (Even though I've been horrible and haven't done them in a while!) Yay for twins! See you Thursday girl!!!!

  5. Aaaaaa!!! I still can't believe we missed each other last year, I was so sad! We must meet this year and hug! ( are you a hugger?) ;-)))

    Most definitely will we be in the same Jeanine frost line. I try to get her directly on Thursday.

    See you soon!! This year is refuse not to see you lol;-))
