February 4, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Books That Made Me Cry

1. Clockwork Princess (Infernal Devices #3), by Cassandra Clare - I have never cried while reading a book like I did while reading Clockwork Princess. It's amazing I could even see the words in the last 25% of the book. It was poignant and exciting and sad and romantic. In a word - it was epic.

2. Slammed (Slammed #1), by Colleen Hoover -  A boy whose parents died in an accident falls in love with a girl whose father died of cancer. They are exactly what each other needed. Aaaaaand, then they find out he's her teacher. It was agonizing and devastating.

3. Shift (Shade #2), by Jeri Smith-Ready - The Shade series is about ghosts. Which are people who died.When Aura's boyfriend dies tragically, then refuses to move on, I cried. When he finally did, I BAWLED.

4.Hard Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires #4), by Chloe Neill - I can't tell you exactly why I cried at the end of Hard Bitten without giving away a major plot point, but trust me when I say I was shocked and devastated.

5. White Hot Kiss (Dark Elements #1), by Jennifer L. Armentrout - The frustration and hopelessness that Layla felt the whole way through this book caused a perpetual lump in my throat. Her situation is so sad, it's impossible not to feel so much for her.

6. Origin (Lux #4), by Jennifer L. Armentrout - To be honest, the beginning of Origin was hard to read. Katy's at the mercy of the bad guys, and they are really not nice to her.

7. If You Leave (Beautifully Broken #2), by Courtney Cole - Gabe experienced some really awful stuff during his tour in Afghanistan. It's had a profound impact on his life. Reading about his experiences and his attempt to work through them was hreatbreaking.

8. Into The Deep (Into The Deep #1), by Samantha Young - I love books about lost loves. It's always hard when one part of the couple has found someone else. Charley and Jake find each other after years apart, but Jake has moved on and Charley is destroyed. It was super sad.

9. Spark (Elementals #2), by Brigid Kemmerer - This was my favorite of the Elementals series books. Not only is Gabe awesomely snarky, but, he brought on the feels. He feels like his brothers always think the worst of him no matter what he does to try and prove them wrong. He feels helpless and I swear, it killed me.

10. Simple Perfection (Perfection #2), by Abbi Glines - Again, I can't say too much as to why Simple Perfection reduced me to tears without giving away major plot points, but suffice to say, it was tragically awful and so very sad.


  1. I just got 'Clockwork Princess' even though I haven't read the second book and hardly remember the first book's plot except that I adore Jem and Will ! Seeing as there's is a whole lot I am missing I will be reading this series soon !! I love 'Lux' series but haven't had the chance to read 'Origin' yet ! I know I am so far behind the bookish wagon! I really need to read what happens with Katy !!

    - Gayatri @ Notorious Writer

    1. Keep tissues nearby for both books. Especially CP - that ending KILLED me. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Duh! How could I forget Hard Bitten?! OMG I was devastated after that one!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. IKR? How could you not be affected after that ending?? Big fat ugly tears.

      Thanks for stopping by, Jessica!

  3. I haven't yet had the chance to read any of these except for Clockwork Princes and that one brought me to tears!

    Here's my list: http://the-bookbee.blogspot.com.au/2014/02/top-ten-tuesday-1.html

    1. OMG, the ending of CP destroyed me! I wonder what the end of the Mortal Instruments series will be like - if it will be the same way.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Spark is a great one for this list! I think Spirit was a bit more emotional for me but can definitely understand why you included a Brigid Kemmerer book this week! Great list!

  5. It really was a toss up between Spirit and Spark. Both books in the series really got to me. Spirit for obvious reasons (and, didn't that suck a ton?). But, Gabe has always been my favorite brother, so I went with his book. :)

  6. Shade and Shift required the better part of a box of tissues for me. I still have to read the Infernal Devices series and the Lux series. They have both been on my TBR list for a long time.

    Great list and thanks for stopping by my TTT!

  7. You know, I like Gabriel in all Elementals books except the one that he's starred in. Haha, so weird! I like Nick more. :)

    and Origin! Katy was stronger because of those first chapters :D
