January 21, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Six Things on My Reading Wishlist

These are things, locations, characters, worlds that I wish authors would write about. This is my list, short that it is this week.

1. Submarines (or other equally inescapable places) - Nothing heightens romantic stress and angst than a situation where the two involved have nowhere to run. You put two people in 800 square feet of confined space and hit them with tons of sexual tension and lots of misunderstandings, and it makes for a really fun book. 

2. Rockers - I know. I know. There are TONS of bad boy rocker books out there. But, they're my favorite. So, in my opinion, there can never be too many.

3. Regular people with irregular abilities - I'm a big fan of groups like The Justice League. The X-Men. The Super Friends. I loved the TV show Heroes when it was on. So, I'm always drawn to books that feature people with powers.

4. Other planets/worlds - I've read a bunch of stories about aliens coming to Earth and interacting with humans. I'm not sure I've ever read a story about a human going to another world and interacting with millions of aliens. I think that would be a cool story.

5. The South - I've read a few books recently that took place in the deep south. I absolutely love the flavor and richness of the environment. The people are interesting and the culture is diverse.

6. Lakes - I've never been a beachy kinda girl. But, lakes? They're totally different. There's something peaceful and slightly creepy about them. There's something about a cool, still lake surrounded by trees and cabins - it seems like anything could happen.


  1. Ohhh SUBMARINES! This is an idea I would love to see! Also I'm always on board when there are people with powers...

  2. OOoh nice picks! Those are definitely different kinds of things! Guess I went a little more general. But in honesty I am enjoying what I read!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Oh! I really like the idea of submarines. I saw an old chick flick once where they were stuck on one and that would be a really great book idea. Love these!

  4. I think it's cool how a lot of the things on your reading list are settings for books, like lakes and submarines. All of those locations would be interesting. Nice list!
    Check out my TTT list and please follow my blog, Book Savvy: http://booksavvyblog.blogspot.com/

  5. #6 needs to happen asap ok?
    Awesome list.
    Here's our TTT
    Doris @ OABR

  6. A couple people have mentioned the south - I think that would be fun!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  7. Submarines sounds like a pretty fantastic idea! Actually that could be cool whether it is dystopian or contemporary. It could work with anything! Fantastic idea!

  8. It would be awesome to see more of these things, Krista! Especially the submarines (?) and the regular people with irregular abilities! :) I'm partial to rockers, the South, and lakes, too. :)

  9. I love your list Krista, especially the submarine idea. Brilliant.

  10. I love the idea of #3!! I absolutely adore the X-Men so more books like that would be fabulous. I also love books about the South. Especially when they mention food <3
