December 17, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2013

1. Samantha Young - I read On Dublin Street early in 2013 and immediately fell in love with Scottish author Samantha Young's in-your-face style of writing. Her characters are tough and their romances are tumultuous and hot. To date, I've read all four books (three full-length and one novella) in the On Dublin Street series, as well as her first new adult novel, Into the Deep. Expect to see her name plenty more in 2014.

2. Colleen Hoover - Slammed was the first book I read in 2013. I read four of her books so far this year - Slammed, Point of Retreat, This Girl and Hopeless. Her stories are absolutely heartbreaking, yet uplifting. It's impossible to not fall in love with her characters.

3. Katie McGarry - I read Pushing the Limits after hearing many of my friends rave about it. That was all I needed. Echo and Noah's story was so amazing that I followed it up quickly with Beth and Ryan's story in Dare You To. The best of the bunch, though, was Crash Into Me. Isaiah and Rachel were one of my favorite couples of the year. And to top it off, I had the pleasure of meeting Katie at BEA this year, and she was so nice!

4. Abbi Glines - One of the first new adult books I ever read was Fallen Too Far after purchasing it while on sale for $0.99 for my Kindle. After an ending like that one, I immediately purchased Never Too Far and Forever Too Far. How could I not? I've read six or seven of Abbi's books so far and have loved every one of them. She's definitely one of my new adult favorites.

5. Cora Carmack - Cora Carmack's ability to write these completely amazing book boyfriends made her an auto-buy author for me. I was on the Team Garrick street team for the NA Crush Tourney, and I've lusted after Cade since word one of Faking It. This woman knows her hotties.

6. Darynda Jones - There are several things I can count on in a Charley Davidson book by Darynda Jones. One, they will make me laugh my ass off. Two, there will be a few mysteries that will keep me guessing. And, three... Reyes Farrow. Darynda Jones also has a YA series, which has made it's way on my Christmas list this year. I will read anything this woman writes.

7. Courtney Cole - Courtney Cole can bring the pain. Her new adult stories are gritty, dirty, scary and sad. But the endings... OMG the HEAs are epically amazing as is the road to them. If you want a story that is gripping and compelling, you should definitely give Courtney Cole a try.

8. Jeri Smith-Ready - I've met Jeri Smith-Ready on a number of occasions and had collected all three of her Shade series books, signed and everything. I didn't get around to reading them until the fall of 2013, though. Stupid decision on my part, because they were completely and utterly AMAZING. Definitely ones I will read again and again.

9. Beth Revis - I admit, before Beth Revis, sci-fi wasn't really my thing. It seemed like something people who liked to wear Vulcan ears to the grocery store would read. I was SO wrong. Beth's story of a space ship searching for a new planet 300 years in the future completely captivated me. I can't wait to read more from her.

10. Nicole Williams - I put four Nicole Williams books under my belt this year, with the first one just in September. I still have the rest of the Crash series to read and the final Lost & Found book yet, and I can't wait. They're so good and sweet - kinda like M&Ms. There's no way you can have just one.


  1. Oh nice! I LOVE Darynda Jones!! Discovered her a few years ago just before her third book released! I like Abbi as well, but I only read her earlier trilogy Existence. It was the only paranormal books she wrote as far as I know!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I love all the authors on your list! I really need to read Darynda Jones though :)
    here's our TTT

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  3. Wow, so many amazing authors! I love love love Colleen Hoover, Cora Carmack, Samantha Young, and Katie McGarry! I'm so happy you discovered them too! Great picks :)

    Here's my Top Ten!

  4. I have literally read none of these authors. I am going to have to add these to my to-read-list. I'll start with Samantha Young. That sounds right up my alley.

  5. You met Katie? YOU LUCKY DUCK!
    Awesome list and Happy Tuesday <3

    Our TTT
    Doris @ OABR

  6. I'm familiar with most of the authors in your list but I haven't read their books :D
    My Top Ten Tuesday

  7. Great list!
    I also read my first Hoover book(well books) this year.
    And I was just told I need to read a Samantha Young book. So I guess I will add that to my 2014 TBR. :)

    My TTT:
