December 4, 2013

25 Days of Book Boyfriends: Meet Aiden St. Delphi

Welcome to my stop on the 25 Days of Book Boyfriends tour, hosted by Lovin' Los Libros, Starbucks & Books Obsession and Readers Live a Thousand Lives. Every day until Christmas a different awesome blog is featuring a different flavor of hotness. What better way to warm you up this month than that?? Check out each stop on the tour - many will have giveaways!

Today I get to introduce you to the incredible, brave, beautiful and amazing...

Aiden St. Delphi

...from Jennifer L. Armentrout's Covenant series. I'm not the only one who loves him. Alexandria, the object of his desire, had a thing for him from the very first time she saw him.
I'd never forget his name or face. The first time I'd caught a glimpse of him standing in front of the training area, a ridiculous crush had sprung alive. I'd been fourteen and he seventeen. The fact he was a pure-blood hadn't mattered whenever I'd spotted him around campus.
So, why, out of the hundreds of book boyfriends I've met over the years, does Aiden continue to resonate with me? Perhaps it's his many, MANY redeeming qualities.

And, I'm not just talking about how beautiful he is either. Aiden is...

"I know how brave you are, Alex. But you don't always have to be. It's okay every once in a while to let someone else be brave for you. There's no loss of dignity in that. Not for you. You've already proven that you have more dignity than even a pure-blood can muster."
"I can't let myself love you. If I did, I would take everything from you - everything. I can't do that to you. I won't do that to you."
After a few more moments of adjusting the tone, he started playing. The song was as haunting as it was soft, pitching high for a few strands, and then his fingers slipped down the chords. My suspicions were confirmed. Aiden could play. There wasn't one wrong slip or falter. 
Good With His Hands
Easing me down on the bed, his hands glided from my face to my arms. Next his hands traveled over my stomach, then my hip, and under the hem of my dress. Somehow the top of my dress ended up at my waist, and his mouth moved over my body... Aiden pulled his lips away from mine, and I made a sound of protest, but then his mouth trailed across my throat and to the base of my neck. My skin burned and my thoughts were on fire. 
A Warrior
Aiden stood above me, legs widespread and shoulders back, dark hair falling in messy disarray, eyes the color of steel and just as hard. Power - natural, trained power that came from years of dedication - radiated from him. He was a tall, looming force to be reckoned with... He was a warrior, and I was awed.
A Brother
Before either of us could say another word, Deacon darted from the door and launched himself onto the bed, soaring through the air like a human projectile... He landed with his legs on his brother and the upper part of his body between us. 

Deacon threw his arms behind his head, folding them as he tipped his head back and grinned at us. "It's like a puppy pile."

"A puppy pile?" Aiden arched a brow. "You are so weird."
Good With Words
He let out a ragged sound and when he spoke; his voice was so low that I barely heard him. "I think... I'll remember how you looked last night for the rest of my life. Gods, you were so beautiful."

If you haven't experienced the incredible book boyfriend that is Aiden St. Delphi, now is your chance. Enter below for a chance to win a copy of Elixir (Covenant #3.5), which is the novella told from Aiden's POV. This giveaway is open internationally, as long as the Book Depository ships to you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. *sigh* I love Aiden and I absolutely love all the quotes you featured... I especially love the puppy pile one... Deacon is the best! You did Aiden proud! Great post and thanks for participating!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. Deacon is so sweet!! And, I hear he's going to be in the spin-off series too - YAY!

  2. Aw he sounds dreamy! Why haven't I read this yet?

    1. Why, that is a very good question, my dear. Hasn't anyone every recommended this awesome series to you? Or is it because you don't own any of the books? I just know it can't be either of those reasons...

    2. Look a squirrel!!! *runs and hides*

  3. Seriously, this post just brought back all my Aiden feels. You picked some awesome quotes and totally reminded me why I freaking love him. I would say you will inspire many people to meet Aiden St. Delphi if they haven't already. Great post! Thanks for participating

    Chelsea @ Starbucks & Books Obsession

    1. I hope I inspired people to want to meet him, Chelsea! Aiden is just so... *sigh* You know?

  4. I am ashamed to admit this but I haven't read this series yet! I do plan to rectify this though ASAP. Aidan sounds swoony! :D

    1. Oh yay!! You totally should, Trish! It's AWESOME!

  5. Krista... you're going to be SO ashamed of me. I have not OFFICIALLY met Aiden. I've read the extra JLA has posted on her blog, but haven't read the series yet. *hides* I am remedying that THIS MONTH. Over my Christmas break. But WHEW. That 'Good with his hands' quote? I am DYING right now. DYING! Thanks so much for participating in this girl!! :)

    1. *GASP* Jessica! Say it isn't so!! I'm glad to hear you plan to rectify this travesty. Cause this series is completely amazeballs. Aiden is just the icing. And what yummy icing he is.

  6. MMmmmm... LOVE AIDEN!!! "GOOD WITH HIS HANDS"---- LOL That he is!!! I seriously loved him so so much, but gotta admit I was quite attached to Seth the cuddle bunny as well!! Nice job picking out those quotes!

    1. I wasn't a huge Seth fan until the very end. He totally redeemed himself to me. Can't wait for the spin-off series! EEP! Thanks!

  7. AIDEN!!!!! I love him so!! I adore the quotes you picked. A warrior for sure and the best person ever. Definitely one of my top book boyfriends!!! He's the best!

  8. hahaha good with his hands. Love it!!! I'm doing a different JLA boy for mine, but he's tied with Aiden. I loooooove me some Aiden.

  9. Aiden will always be my #1 book boyfriend. Sigh, I love him so much! You picked some great quotes/moments.

    AKA Vi3tBabe
    Deity Island

  10. Love love love Aiden...I think he might just be my top pick. From the very beginning of this series, I just couldn't get enough of Aiden. Seth had nothing on Aiden, that's for sure. Loved the quotes you chose...Good with his hands...hilarious. Great post! ~Pam

  11. Oooohh Aiden! I loved, loved, LOVED Aiden *happy sigh* Adored this post!

  12. I kno am late lol but Aiden is my favorite book boyfriend ever ❤! I love him so much 😍 i wish there was more books i miss him :(
