August 8, 2013

COVER REVEAL: Ignite Me (Shatter Me #3)


A few hours ago, MTV's Hollywood Crush blog revealed the title and cover for Tahereh Mafi's third book in the Shatter Me series. And, seriously, in my opinion, this cover is the most beautiful one yet. You ready for this?

Okay, now wipe the puddle of drool off the floor and keep reading. 

In the blog article, Mafi included a note about the book.

Hi guys! 

I'm so so thrilled to be able to share this final cover with you all. The "Shatter Me" series is swiftly coming to a close, and though it's a bittersweet feeling, I'm anxious for everyone to know how the story will end. Also I'm hoping we can still be friends after you finish reading. Ahem.

If you follow me around the internet, you know I've teased you a lot about what may or may not happen in book 3, but the truth is, most of the time I was just messing with you. What actually happens in the third book is probably almost definitely not what you think is going to happen. (Don't let the title fool you! "Ignite" is so much more than it seems.) 
Of this final book I can promise you this much, though: Juliette is back. She's pissed. And she's ready to kick some ass. No regrets.

And mom, if you're reading this, I'm sorry I just said ass on the Internet. Twice.

-Tahereh Mafi

What the hell does that mean???? Will Juliette end up with Adam (pleasepleasepleaseplease)? Will she stay with Warner? Does anyone die? ARGH! How will we wait until the February 2014 release date?

So, tell me - what do you think? I think I stared at this cover for a full 10 minutes before my brain started working again. SO. GORGEOUS.

1 comment:

  1. OMGOMGOMGOGOMGOSJOIWEJR I JUST CAN'T! I'M SO EXCITED! THE COVER LOOKS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! And hey hey hey, Adam? Hell no, she has to end up with Warner! When I saw this on my Bloglovin' feed, I just died. You're right, it's beautiful!
    Laura @ Music Plus Books
