July 4, 2013

Tournament Madness

First - HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to all my American peeps! Enjoy the hamburgers, hot dogs, watermelon and fireworks today - I know I will!

So, now on to bookish business. You may have heard about two little friendly tournaments going on right now - the YA Crush Tourney and the NA Crush Tourney. Don't know what I'm talking about? Well, allow me to enlighten you.

Sponsored by The YA Sisterhood, this is the third year they have conducted the YA Crush Tourney, and every year it is CA-RAZY popular. Readers nominate their favorite crushes, and once the forerunners are chosen, blogger advocates are chosen as sort of virtual cheerleaders.

It's absolutely no doubt that the YA Crush Tourney is the best kind of fun. We bibliophiles get to embrace the sometimes intense love we feel for our various book boyfriends and share it with the masses in extreme ways. New match-ups are posted every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and voting takes place for 24 hours for each match-up.

This year's bracket is packed full of amazing choices. I enjoy downloading it every year and filling it out before the match-ups even start to see if I can predict who will win. My choice for 2013? Will Herondale. Clockwork Princess just came out a few months ago, and thousands have read and ADORED it. The very first winner in the YA Crush Tourney was Jace from the Mortal Instruments series, so Cassandra Clare's ability to create incredible book crushes is well proven.

This year, for the first time, another crush tourney is being held at the same time as the YA Crush Tourney - the NA Crush Tourney.

With the explosion of new adult books on the scene in recent months, it was decided to hold a separate tournament for those NA fans to pay homage to the amazing bad boys we fall in love with every time we read a new NA book.

Hosted by NA Alley, the set-up is much the same as the YA Crush Tourney. Readers submitted their top crush choices, and the field was eventually narrowed to 20 amazing choices. Voting is taking place on Tuesdays and Thursdays and voting is available for 24 hours.

This tourney is going to be much more challenging for me. I've read 11 of the 20 books featured in the match-ups, and all of the guys picked are most definitely swoony. It's much more difficult for me to pick a front-runner in this tourney. Lucas from Tammara Webber's Easy is the first seed. But, honestly, it's really anyone's game.

You may have noticed by my Twitter avatar that I'm throwing my weight behind Garrick from Cora Carmack's Losing It. Not only do I think he has a good chance of winning, but I really, truly love this guy. He's hot (of course), British, loves to read, snuggles with kitties, and best of all, he loves and takes care of his girl. Today is his day - so, don't forget to go vote for Garrick!

Have fun in these two tournaments! Who do you think will win the YA Crush Tourney? The NA Crush Tourney? Do you have a favorite? Who is it? 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about the YA Tournament... GO WILL!

    But Lucas is gonna win the NA Krista!!! HAHA

    If Lucas isn't running, I'm also having a hard time voting because some of the NA Books I haven't read yet (oops). But I do love Garrick too. And I was upset when Rule lost because I totally adore him lol.
