July 18, 2013


You all should know by now how much I love the new adult genre. I talk about new adult books every Monday in my New Adult Mondays feature. Most of the blog tours in which I participate are for new adult books. So, when I saw the New Adult Readathon, sponsored by Bookish Treasures and A Daydreamer's Thoughts, I thought it was perfect for my first readathon. Don't you think?

So, here's the deal. For a whole week, you read only new adult books. There will be giveaways, Twitter chats and mini-challenges open only to readathon participants. All you have to do is sign up on the linky list found on Bookish Treasures and A Daydreamer's Thoughts.

I can read new adult books faster than any other genre. I can polish one off in roughly 24 hours. I'm already thinking about the books I want to read during the New Adult Readathon week. I'm going with five books. That might be ambitious, but we'll see. These are the ones I hope to finish this week:

Know something else? I'm going to host a mini-challenge on the first day of the readathon - Monday, July 22. I'll have a challenge for you, as well as a giveaway. But, the giveaway will only be open to readathon participants on the list. So, what are you waiting for? If you love new adult books or, if you have been wanting to try them out, but haven't had a chance yet, this is the perfect excuse. Go sign up today and join the New Adult Readathon!


  1. Aw dang! I totally would've joined but it clashes with my Unearthly Radical Read-Along.
    Otherwise, I totally would've joined. Aw oh well, maybe next time!
    Laura @ Music Plus Books

  2. Great reading list. I loved The Secret Of Ella and Micha . I read it back when it was self published. It feels like I have had their sequel on my TBR list FOREVER ;)
    Catching Liam and Collide are new titles for me. I will have to check them out.
