June 18, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Books At The Top Of My Summer TBR List

Initially, I thought this week's list would be nearly impossible. Like many of you reading this, I have many, MANY books on my shelf and on my Kindle that I own but have not read yet. Trying to pick just 10 of them would be really hard.

Then, I decided to simplify things. Below is the list of books that I'm most looking forward to reading with release dates sometime this summer. Of the 10 on this list, I currently only own one (Crown of Midnight). So, without further ado...

1. Until Fountain Bridge (On Dublin Street #1.6), by Samantha Young (releases June 18)
I've read On Dublin Street, and Ellie and Adam were not together. I've also read Down London Road (On Dublin Street #2), and Ellie and Adam ARE together. In Until Fountain Bridge, we finally get to see how it all went down for them.

2. Fifth Grave Past The Light (Charley Davidson #5), by Darynda Jones (releases July 9)
I'm working my way through the Charley Davidson series now, and am loving it! I should be just about ready for book #5 when it releases in early July. 

3. Biting Bad (Chicagoland Vampires #8), by Chloe Neill (releases August 6)
How could I NOT include the next installment of one of my most favorite series of all time?! When we last saw Ethan and Merit, they and the rest of the Cadogan Vampires had decided to go it alone, which comes with its own host of problems. I can't wait to see how it turns out for them.

4. The Redemption of Callie & Kayden (The Coincidence #2), by Jessica Sorensen (releases August 6)
As much as I hate cliffhangers, they certainly do serve their purpose, don't they? Months after reading The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden, I'm still dying to know what happens next after that doozy of an ending. I'm already exercising my "one-click" finger. 

5. Keeping Her (Losing It #1.5), by Cora Carmack (releases August 13)
Oh, Cora, thankyouthankyouthankyou for letting us take a peek inside Garrick's head! Keeping Her is a novella from Garrick's POV, and it follows the events at the end of Losing It. I've read both Losing It and Faking It, so I know how things turn out for Garrick and Bliss already. I'm SO looking forward to seeing how they got there through Garrick's eyes.

6. Afterburn, by Sylvia Day (releases August 15)
I'm a total Sylvia Day fangirl, and I'm seriously hot for her new series, which will include Afterburn and Aftershock (due out in November). This cover is to die for, and the story sounds like just what I've come to expect from Ms. Day - sexy, fun and exciting. 

7. Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea, by April Genevieve Tucholke (releases August 15)
I have my favorite genres. Generally thriller/mystery books are not one of them. But, the description and the cover have me incredibly intrigued. This book has been on my TBR list since I found out about it several months ago. 

8. Origin (Lux #4), by Jennifer L. Armentrout (releases August 27)
I do believe that this book is the one I am most looking forward to this summer. I love this series so much, I've read each of the first three books several times apiece. And, after the heartbreaking ending of Opal, I'm desperate to find out what happens next. 

9. Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass #2), by Sarah. J. Maas (releases August 27)
This is one book I picked up at BEA, and I'm so excited to read it. I fell in love with Celaena in Throne of Glass - she is such a bad ass chick. I bet she'll be a great assassin for the king. And, I'm dying to know if she decides which guy she wants to be with.

10. The Liberator (Dante Walker #2), by Victoria Scott (releases September 3)
The Collector (Dante Walker #1) was one of the big surprises of the spring for me. I loved this book! Dante was such a great reluctant hero, and things between he and Charlie are sure to get complicated moving forward. As if they aren't complicated already now that he's gone rogue. 


  1. Some great books to read this summer! Happy Reading :-)

  2. Great list. I see some I will adding to my TBR list. Thanks.

  3. Great list. I really want to read Until Fountain Bridge, forgot to add it to my own list.

  4. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea seems to be a popular one, it's on my list as well. Great book choices. A lot of those are on my to reads list :)

    Jenn @ Book Jems

  5. So many books I also need to read Krista! Liberator, Crown of Midnight, Origin... whew! I still need to read Coincidence, but from everyone says- I need to wait until Redemption is almost out. I also would like to read Samantha's series at some point!

    My TTT

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  6. Oh, those are some great picks! Can't wait to read Origin and Keeping Her. I still have to read the Collector and the Coincidence, I've heard good things about those :)

  7. I can't wait to read The second book about Callie and Kayden. What was with that first ending!?!? Leaving me hanging!

    My TTT

    Happy Reading!

  8. I've heard really good things about the Charley Davidson series! And all the titles are so cool, lol. I also cannot wait for Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea - it sounds so dark and mysterious. Great list!

  9. Great list! I should make me one too. ;)

  10. i am very much looking forward to reading the cora cormack books & i didn't know there was a novella. there are a lot on here that look really good. *goes to tbr* ~daphne

  11. I also need to read the second book of Throne of Glass, though I didn´t like a Throne of Glass too much. Great picks =)

  12. I'm excited for The Redemption of Callie and Kayden, I was really surprised at how much I liked the first book and that cliffhanger definitely killed me a little ;)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  13. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea definitely catches my eye, what a fabulous cover! Plus, love that your list features books that are coming out this summer. Talk about building suspense. :)

    Here's our TBR list: http://madbutmagicya.blogspot.com/2013/06/top-ten-books-at-top-of-my-summer-tbr.html

  14. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea is such a great title and gorgeous cover. I have to admit, I'm really intrigued by it as well!

  15. OOh nice! I tried not to do too many new releases myself, but I cannot wait for 5th Grave Past the Light (as you already know!), The Liberator, Biting Bad, and OMG I sooooo cannot wait for Origin as well!

    Thanks for visiting my Tuesday post!

  16. There's a heartbreaking ending to Opal??? Oh boy! I didn't think that was going to happen! I'm kind of nervous now, but I cannot wait to read it!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!



  17. Crown of Midnight, Crown of Midnight, Crown of Midnight... Maybe it can be like Beetlejuice and if I say the name three times it will come!

    Just kidding :) Great list though!

    Here's mine: http://suchanovelidea.wordpress.com/2013/06/18/top-ten-tuesday-3/

  18. This is a great list! There are a lot of authors on here that I haven't read but have been meaning to for a while. Thanks for sharing :)

  19. That Throne of Glass series looks so interesting. I keep meaning to check it out, but I already have way too many books waiting to be read on my shelves as it is. Great list! I hope you're able to read them all!

    Litza at She Dreams in Fiction

  20. Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea looks really good. I still also really need to look into Jessica Sorensen's books. Have a great Summer of reading!
    Here is my post from Tuesday.

  21. I have not read any of these, but they sounds awesome :D Happy reading ;)
    Thank you for commenting on my Top Ten. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  22. I think we share a few of these! I cannot wait for The Liberator, Crown of Midnight and Under the Devil. I've heard wonderful things about Callie & Kayden,and I even have book one.

    Thanks for stopping by!
