April 12, 2013


I'm headed to BEA 2013!

I've got my registration confirmation and my hotel room. So, now what?? This will be my first time there, and I always approach new experiences the same way - research, research and more research. And, the more research I do about this amazing event, the more overwhelmed I feel. So, I plan to break down my schizo thoughts in an attempt to:
A.  Get organized
B.  Gather comments from seasoned BEA professionals

So, today, I want to talk about the authors I would give my right arm to see. Have you taken a look at the list of authors who will be appearing in the author signing area? This was me when I saw it:

Yeah. Pretty freaking excited. So, now comes the arduous task of whittling down my list to the authors that are a top priority and trying to maintain some semblance of decorum and professionalism when I don't get to see them all. Because, I am realistic. I do know that I won't see everyone I want to, despite planning this thing within an inch of its life. So, this is my Dream Team. My Ultimate Wish List.

1. Richelle Mead - This kick ass chick is numero uno on my list. She lives on the west coast, so seeing her is going to be difficult at any local events. Plus, she wrote the Vampire Academy series and is in the middle of the Bloodlines series, two HUGE obsessions of mine. I expect to see some ARCs of her new series, Gameboard of the Gods there, but if the BEA author signing list is correct and she has The Fiery Heart available, I might just hyperventilate myself into a coma.

2. Diana Gabaldon - I've been a huge fan of Diana Gabaldon's for a long time. She's another west-coaster, so I don't know when I might have another chance to see her. She should be signing the latest book in the Outlander series, Written In My Own Heart's Blood, which is a MUST for my bookshelf.

3. Jennifer L. Armentrout - Jennifer Armentrout doesn't live too far from me. In fact, I've seen her twice before. But, she's signing Frigid, which isn't due out until November. I really want that book. And, I think Jennifer is pretty frikkin' awesome, so I love any chance I have to get some face time with her.

4. Cinda Williams Chima - I have loved everything written by this woman. Her fantasy series, The Seven Realms, is the best I've ever read. When I heard she was going to continue the Heir Chronicles series, I was so stoked. When I heard that she was going to be signing copies of The Enchanter Heir at BEA, I totally fangirled.

5. Rick Riordan - Greek mythology is one of my favorite things to read, and the Percy Jackson series is one of the most creative and entertaining adaptations of Greek mythology I've ever read. I already have plans to hear him speak at the Children's Author Breakfast. My goal is to get his John Hancock of one of his books - specifically The Serpent's Shadow!

So, there you go - my favorites list. Wish me luck as I make my plans to stalk my favorite authors (in completely socially-acceptable ways, of course!)!


  1. Can we back up to the part where you live near JLA and have attended 2 of her signings ... because *I* live somewhat near her, too, and have been at her events.


    1. Hannah - LOL! I saw her at YA Fest in Easton, Pa. in early August. Then, I saw her again three weeks later at the PAYA signing event in West Chester. How funny would that be if we had been at the same event?

  2. Oh authors...trust me Krista you'll be amongst those who understand. Last year a gaggle of me and my friends practically assaulted poor James Patterson when we randomly saw him walking around XD

    1. I'm afraid I'll do that to poor Richelle Mead! I've been wanting to meet her for so long, and now that I have the change, I think I may regress about 20 years and embarass myself. :)

  3. Lexie - I was a stuttering idiot when I was in his signing line. He kept asking me where I was from and I just kept saying how much I loved his books. He finally released me with a frustrated little wave of his hand. Ugh. I wasn't too much better with john Green :) Gotta practice my meeting-authors-I-love social skills!

    Krista- Great post! You are going to have a blast!!! Diana Gabaldon is one of my faves too!!
