February 12, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Favorite Romances

1. Ethan and Merit, Chicagoland Vampire series - First Ethan and Merit were enemies, then colleagues, then friends, and finally, FINALLY, lovers.

2. Dimitri and Rose, Vampire Academy series - Rose never gave up on Dimitri, even when things looked impossible for them.

3. Ash and Meghan, Iron Fey series - Ash gave up everything for Meghan, then risked what he had left to keep her.

4. Jamie and Claire, Outlander series - Wars, cultural differences, and even hundreds of years couldn't keep Jamie and Claire apart.

5. Daemon and Katy, Lux series - After Daemon saved her life, Katy realized she couldn't live without him.

6. Christian and Ana, Fifty Shades of Grey series - Ana's love helped Christian overcome his demons.  

7. Vincent and Kate, Revenants series - Even death can't keep Vincent and Kate apart.

8. Zsadist and Bella, Black Dagger Brotherhood series - Bella loved Zsadist when he was completely unlovable.

9. Aiden and Alex, Covenant series - Everyone said they couldn't be together, which made Alex even more determined to have Aiden in her life.

10. Adam and Mercy, Mercy Thompson series - Adam's tenderness and patience won Mercy's respect, loyalty and her love. 


  1. Ahhh I'm OBSESSED with The Lux series. And you can never go wrong with Vampire Academy :) Great list!

    Here's my Top Ten!

    1. Jessica, agreed on both points! Can't wait to check out your list too!

  2. Great list! Lux, Vampire Academy, and Iron Fey are all on my list for this year. Can't wait to get to them! Now following you via GFC, btw. :D My TTTs are at LKHill and Musings on Fantasia. Happy Tuesday!

    1. Liesel, VA and IF are two of my most favorite series ever! I hope you love them as much as I do. Thanks for the follow - off to check out your list too!

  3. Aiden and Alex <3

    Good choices! Although, I really was rooting for Rose & Adrian lol.

    1. Blasphemy, Sonnie! Dimitri is the best book boyfriend ever!!

  4. I pretty much agree with all your choices!!! Thanks for stopping by OUaT.


  5. Ok so I have a lot of books to add after looking at your list. I am seriously regretting not putting the Iron Fey series on mine. How could I forget? Great list!

    Deidra @ Simply Books.

    My TTT

    1. Deidra, you'll have to come back and let me know which ones you read and what you think. I L-O-V-E all the books on my list! Off to check out your list!

  6. Really enjoyed reading your list. A few books, I've not heard about and am checking them out.

    Jessica @ Literary, etc
    My list

    1. Thanks for checking out my list - you'll have to let me know which books from my list you end up reading!

  7. How could I possibly forget Mercy and Adam?! They are one of my all-time favorite couples! Sigh. Picking just 10 was way too hard. I really enjoyed your list!
