November 18, 2012

Book #124 - Degrees of Wrong

Degrees of Wrong, Anna Scarlett
adult contemporary, sci-fi
212 pages (e-book)
Started 11/10/12
Finished 11/11/12

Anna Scarlett is the adult pen name for the YA author Anna Banks who burst on the scene earlier in 2012 with her debut, Of Poseidon. Degrees of Wrong is classified as an adult contemporary, but really, the only thing that makes it adult is the fact that the main characters are in the mid- and late-20s. There's no sex - not even any heavy petting. No bad language. Only a small amount of violence. So, it was a little odd in that respect.

Dr. Elyse Morgan lives in our world 40 years from now. A nasty flu which causes death in 48 hours 100% of the time has decimated the population. She is "recruited" (read:  kidnapped) by the UN and placed aboard a monstrous submarine in order to work on finding a cure. The only thing standing in her way is a difficult (and totally gorgeous) sub captain and her own self-doubt. 

Degrees of Wrong frustrated me. It frustrated me because I really, really loved it. I was engaged and engrossed and totally in love with the characters. I had a really hard time putting it down. The story was interesting; it really got me thinking about the possibility of floating cities and biological warfare. So, you may be asking, why was I so frustrated?

I HATE it when books have no ending.

I literally was like, "No. No! NO!!! That CAN'T be it!" when I reached the last page. There's no cliffhanger, or anything. It's just that, all these loose ends are just left hanging there, and that sucks! Because, to my knowledge, this is a stand-alone. There will be no second or third book in the series. That was it.

We don't learn what happens to the bad guys. Either of them. We don't learn how Elyse's discovery helps the world. I wanted to see that. I mean, it was kind of the whole point of the story.

I was hooked right up to the end. To the non-end. So, I implore Ms. Scarlett to PLEASE write a follow-up.  

UPDATE:  Thanks to the marvel that is the Twitter-verse, I learned right after initially posting this review, from Anna Scarlett's mouth (er, tweet) that there will, indeed, be a sequel to Degrees of Wrong. THANK YOU!

1 comment:

  1. I think the same thing happened with The Alchemy of Forever. So we both have to wait for sequels to get some answers.
