July 18, 2012

Book #75 - The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden #1)

The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden #1), Julie Kagawa
485 pages
urban fantasy
Started 7/9/12
Finished 7/11/12

I admit that I was apprehensive about this book before I started it. The Iron Fey is one of my all-time favorite series, though, so I felt I had to give a vote of confidence to Julie Kagawa and at least give her new series a go. But, let's face it - going from faeries in a wonder land to vampires and zombie-like creatures in a dystopian America is quite a leap.

In the words of Buttercup from The Princess Bride, "I will never doubt again."

Never doubt Kagawa's ability to weave an engrossing story in an incredibly descriptive and captivating world with characters you can't help but fall in love with, that is.

This book would not be even half as amazing as it is without Allison Sekemoto. She's brash and cranky, but not so much so that she's unlikeable. Thank goodness Kagawa took her time developing this character. Allison is trying desperately to hang on to the last shreds of her humanity - of her sense of self. In was deliciously heartbreaking to read. And, falling in love with a human boy both helps and hinders this process.

I detected none of the silly vampire cliches that are prevalent in so many vamp stories. Somehow Kagawa made vampires seem so much more... human. Real. Vulnerable. It's a breath of fresh air and I absolutely cannot wait until The Eternity Curse comes out in May 2013 (NOOOOOOOOO!!!). Bravo, Ms. Kagawa - you've earned a new super fan with this one.


  1. I'm glad to see that you like this book. I've also read it and it was good, not perfect but I can't wait to read the rest of this series! :)

  2. I can't wait to read this book! Sounds great!

  3. This was definately a 5 star book! I couldn't put it down!

  4. I am for sure gonna wait now, now that you say the next book is not out till May 2013, I have it, so will just wait, now that I read this, I see it will be a book I will like, I also LOVE the Iron Fey books, I can't wait till that newest spinoff book comes out. :)

  5. Thank you for the review! I already added this book to my wishlist. Can't wait to read it!

  6. I NEED this book, *cries*. :'( It sounds sooo good!

  7. You sold me! I have to read this now. Thanks! Also need to read the Iron Fey series!
