April 11, 2017


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Eight Most Unique Books I've Ever Read

1. Cinder, by Marissa Meyer
Fairy tale retellings are all the rage now, but making Cinderella a cyborg queen? That's just the start of all the wildly creative and unique parts of this epic story about love, betrayal and 

2. Wings, by Aprilynne Pike
There are tons of fae books out there, but not a ton where the fae are actually plants. Sort of. It took a book or two for me to get on board with that, but by the final book in the series, I was hooked. 

3. White Hot Kiss, by Jennifer L. Armentrout
I may not have liked how the whole thing ended, but there's no denying that the concept of gargoyles who come to life in order to protect humanity from demons is pretty awesome. I loved White Hot Kiss before the love triangle fully came to light because of the incredible mythology created in this world. 

4. Unholy Ghosts, by Stacia Kane
This is one of the darkest series I've ever read, but also one of the most compelling. The Downside Ghosts series is this combination of dystopian and paranormal where our heroine is a strung-out witch named Chess and the hero is an uneducated bouncer named Terrible who looks like Elvis. And despite their flaws, you will root for them every step of the way.

5. Shade, by Jeri Smith-Ready
The Shade series is not merely a ghost series. It's a series about young love and letting go. And being able to see and talk to ghosts. There's that too. 

6. Fire and Flood, by Victoria Scott
It's like the Hunger Games meets Survivor when a group of teens is dropped off in the middle of a jungle with nothing but a weird egg and a faceless voice in their ears. But, what develops is an awesome story of friendship, love and survival. And those eggs turn out to be the best part of the whole thing. 

7. Poison Study, by Maria V. Snyder
Poison Study started my love of all things Maria V. Snyder, because it's a really cool story about how a lowly criminal becomes a leader's food tester and then she ends up becoming a sort of leader in her own right as she taps into her hidden power and forms relationships with awesome people. 

8. The Naturals, by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
I loved this book about a group of teens who are so brilliant and have such honed abilities that the FBI hires them to try and solve cold cases. I wish they would make a TV show around this book. I bet it would be a big hit. 


  1. Oh wow!! Great picks! I've read all of these except for the last one!!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Fire and Flood has me interested with that synopsis! And I want to know about the eggs now lol. The Naturals does sound like it would make a great TV show (and the book doesn't sound half bad either).

  3. It's so rare I see Downside Ghosts on anyone's list! This is my all time favorite Urban Fantasy ever, just because it is so unique. I love the dynamic of Chess and Terrible!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. So fun to see Marissa Meyer's book on this list. I really need to read those books (hopefully soonish!) and also Jennifer Lynn Barnes. Since I like mystery novels I'm curious about those. :)

  6. Fire and Flood and Poison Study are on my TBR, glad to see you liked them.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/04/11/top-ten-tuesday-102/
