November 21, 2016

GIVEAWAY: Rules of Contact and Play-by-Play Calendar

So, this week is going to be extra fun - it's Thanksgiving, which is always special because I spend it with my family eating too much and playing lots of games. Board, not video. We like to kick it old school

Also, said holiday means it's a short work week. BONUS.

And finally, my birthday is this week. Now, It's not really something I'm super excited about like I used to be, but it's still a good excuse to celebrate.

So, let's get to the celebrating part, huh? Today, for Jaci Burton fans, I have a really cool giveaway. Thanks to the amazing peeps at Berkley Publishing, I have an ARC of RULES OF CONTACT, which is due out on December 6, plus a copy of the amazing Play-by-Play calendar. This giveaway is open internationally too!

So, here's to a fantastic week for all of us. And best of luck to you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Happy birthday! :) My husband's b/day is on Friday so we'll celebrate this coming weekend.

  2. Happy Birthday!!!
    this week i plan to start ( finally) my hand crafted gift for christmas

  3. This week is going to be a bit stressful for me. I hope I'll get some quiet time to curl up with a good book.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you for the chance, and the most important....Happy birthday 🍰

  6. I finished my physical science class! :)

  7. Happy Belated Birthday! This week I get to celebrate my birthday! :-)

  8. Hope you had a fantastic birthday! The start of December means it's time to get out all the Christmas decorations and decorate the house!!! Thank you so much for the chance to win this awesome giveaway, love Jaci Burton's books!

  9. Happy Belated Birthday! :D
    Hope you had a fantastic day :)
    It was awesome week :)
