July 21, 2015


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Nine Books With Diverse Characters

1. Focus On Me, by Megan Erickson - Today, of all days, I have to lead off today's list with a book that not only features a gay couple, but a main character with mental illness. And, it releases today. Go get it now - seriously, it's awesome.

2. Scorched, by Jennifer L. Armentrout - This is another recent read that hit me right in the feels because of the head-on tackling of mental illness. It was so well done and so emotional and unlike anything else I've ever read.

3. Two of Hearts, by Christina Lee - This is the only book I've ever read that features main characters that are Native American. The story even takes place in a casino on a reservation. I loved all the research the Christina Lee did into the Native American customs and culture.

4. One Night With a Billionaire, by Jessica Clare - This might seem like an odd choice for this list, but bear with me. The female MC is not slender like in ALL BOOKS EVERYWHERE. She is a solid size 18 and still manages to snag the hot rich guy. I love this and wish other authors would follow suit.

5. Maybe Someday, by Colleen Hoover - This was the first book I read in which the MC was deaf. Not only that, but he's a musician, which makes for an incredible story.

6. Real, by Katy Evans - Real brought attention to what some people with bi-polar disorder go through, and the fact that not only can they live full lives with it, but they can fall in love too.

7. Catching Liam, by Gennifer Albin - In this book, the female MC has a life-shortening illness which causes her to push away people who care about her. Until a hot Scot enters the picture, and he decides one moment with her is better than a life without her.

8. Perfect Chemistry, by Simone Elkeles - The MC in this book is Hispanic, and a lot of the focus in the book is on his family, his neighborhood, and how different they are from some others in town. 

9. Hard To Hold On To, by Laura Kaye - Although it's only a novella, this book packs a powerful punch. It focuses on Easy Cantrell, the big, quietly contemplative African American member of the team. Not only is he dealing with his growing feelings for Jenna, the beautiful sister of Shane's girlfriend, but he's also got some scary stuff going on in his head, and Jenna's just the person to help him with that.


  1. You have a few here I haven't heard of! I need to read Maybe Someday and I LOVED Perfect Chemistry. Great list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  2. There are so many books I haven't heard of, but I really need to read Colleen Hoover and Perfect Chemistry. Great list!

    My TTT

    Nicole @ Reading Books With Coffee

  3. Scorced sounds greats and I been meaning to read more books by her. Awesome Post Check out my Top Ten Tuesday

  4. Really great picks! I loved Maybe Someday, you have a lot ontour list I haven't read yet, I will check them out! :)

  5. I love Colleen Hoover's writing. Maybe Someday has been on my TBR for a while.

  6. Love Maybe SOmeday adn it made my list as well. I really want to read Scorched by JLA - Great list!

  7. Wow I haven't read or heard of any of these books! I'll have to check them out.

  8. I really liked Focus on Me! Overall, I liked it better than Trust the Focus, though I liked JusLan better. Perfect Chemistry is one of my favorites! I haven't read any of the others on your list, but I see quite a few that I'm interested in reading.

  9. I've only read Perfect Chemistry and Maybe Someday from your lists and I love them both. I really will have to check the other ones :)

  10. I loved Prefect Chemistry and both Maybe Someday and Scorched are on my TBR list. I'm probably going to move Scorched up the list now :) My TTT
