April 28, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Books Which Feature Characters Who Are... Athletes
1. Garrett by Sawyer Bennett - Garrett is the crazy, fun-loving member of the Carolina Cold Fury professional ice hockey team who completely falls for a girl who might not be around for very long. Is he ready for what all that might entail?
2. While It Lasts by Abbi Glines - Cage York is a hot shot baseball player who has to take some time off to get his head on straight. While on his work vacay, he meets Eva and falls in love. Did you all know this book is going to be a movie soon? Yeeeeeees.
3. The Perfect Game by J. Sterling - Jack F-ing Carter is a star college baseball player on his way to the pros when he meets Cassie and his supposed life plan goes completely off course. 
4. Play With Me by Kristen Proby - Will Montgomery is nicknamed "Football Star" by his would-be girlfriend Meg McBride, a children's oncology nurse. Will is a professional football player who uses his skill and charm to win her over. 
5. Driven by K. Bromberg - Colton Donovan is a professional race car driver (I'm saying this counts as an athlete - it's sort of a sport, right?) with a tragic past who thinks he's unlovable. Rylee sets out to prove him wrong. 
6. All Lined Up by Cora Carmack - It's like Friday Night Lights in a new adult book, and it's oh, SO good. Carson is the backup QB for Rusk University's football team who may stay on the sidelines when his coach finds out he's fallen for his daughter. 
7. Bound by Lorelei James - Ronin Black is a champion MMA fighter and a eleventy-billion degree black belt. who has no idea how to get in touch with his softer side. Amery helps him out with that while he helps her out with her more wild side. 
8. Real by Katy Evans - Remington Tate is an MMA fighter who keeps a secret from everyone except for those in his very inner circle. When he brings Brook Dumas into that inner circle, it's with intentions more interesting than just sharing secrets.

9. One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker - This was my favorite book in the Ten Tiny Breaths series. There was just something about Ashton, captain of the Princeton rowing team, that completely captivated me. 
10. On the Rocks by Sawyer Bennett - Hunter is a professional surfer who thinks he's ready to hang up his board and retire to become a bar owner in a North Carolina beach town. Gabby also happens to be in that beach town, which makes his plan equally appealing. 


  1. What a unique list! I'm not athletic in the slightest haha.
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  2. so i dont know any of these books. shame on me.

  3. Nice topic choice and picks! These are all totally new to me I must say!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Really interesting topic, but I haven't read any of these books ... at least not yet!

  5. Great choice of topic. I have never read any of these, but have considered picking up a K.A. Tucker book. Thanks for visiting my blog and giving me some new books to check out.

  6. Lots of athletes in fiction, especially YA! Since I don't have any, I like reading about people with athletic ability :) Haven't read any of these books, but a couple of them are on my TBR list.

    Happy TTT!

  7. Oh this is a great choice for a topic and there are so many books on this list I need to read, especially One Tiny Lie!
