April 15, 2015

BEA: Ch- Ch- Ch- Changes...

Can you believe it's time to start talking about BEA again? It's almost time to start making schedules and dinner plans and packing lists. Who am I kidding - it's past time for those things, and I've already started. Let the madness begin.

This year will be different from all the others I've attended for a few reasons.

1. Goals - I haz them

Year one, I was blinded by the books. The first time at BEA, you can plan and plan, but when you walk in that convention hall, all those plans go out the window. It's inevitable - don't fight it. Year two, I was a bit full of myself. Although I was better prepared, I got cocky and still walked away with some goals unfulfilled and way too many books.

Yes - I said too many books. There's been a lot of BS thrown around by others out there who have a problem with the amount of books we can, and do, bring home from BEA. They sit on their judgy high horses and shake their bookmarks at us and say, "How dare you take books you don't think you'll read when those of us who didn't fork out the money and time to plan for the trip didn't get any! For shame!" Haters gonna hate and all that.

This year, I will come home with far fewer books than before. Not because of the people wearing the judgy pants. But, because I've learned how to say no better over the past two years. I've made a decision to plan better. And, I have to ship my books home this year since I'm not driving. What? You thought my reasons might be more noble?

2. BookCon - Take Two

Me last year at BookCon:

I'm such a damn hypocrite. I swore up and down after BookCon made me feel like a moody, sweaty crazy person that there was no way I was going to go back. So, yeah, about that...

I do think this year will be better. I really did enjoy the one panel discussion I attended last year, and I'm optimistic that ReedPop saw the huge clusterfuck that was BookCon last year and, by spreading things out both logistically and chronologically, made a better event for us all to enjoy this year. And, if not, well, I can always go shopping.

3. New Faces

I have been attending book signings and events for a few years now. I've been to a lot of them. And, I have never even once been to a book signing without my sister from another mister...

Sadly, I think Book Con pushed my sister wife, Jen from At Random, over the edge, so she's staying home this year. As this will likely be my last year attending BEA, I decided to cut the apron strings and go without her just to get that one last experience that only BEA can offer. It won't be the same, though.

I'll still have Val from Stuck in Books and Hannah from The Irish Banana Review to snuggle up with. And, I'll be rooming with some bloggers I've never met before this year, so I'm expanding my horizons. And, then I'll run home, and have a day with Jen where I tell her every sickening detail, and we both oogle my books and pet my swag. And, she knows I'll be bringing some back for her too. :)

Despite all the changes this year, I still have no doubt that BEA will be just as exciting and maddening as it was all the other years I've been there. In fact, I'm counting on it. Some thing have to stay the same, right?