November 25, 2014


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Books On My Winter TBR

Winter is officially from December through March. My list will encapsulate those books that will publish during that time, and I know I will need to read them immediately, but also other books that I've put off and want to catch up on.

1. Inspire by Cora Carmack - I just love this woman. I will read anything she writes. ANYTHING. Luckily, she doesn't make it hard for me. Inspire is a new adult book with roots in Greek mythology. And, the excerpts I've read so far are awesome. This one is a no-brainer. I can't wait!

2. Wicked (A Wicked Saga #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout - New adult + faeries (YES! FAERIES!) + Jennifer L. Armentrout = OMGIWANTHISBOOKNOW

3. The Ruby Circle (Bloodlines #6) by Richelle Mead - I think the wait for this one is killing me. I'm anxious to see how Richelle Mead makes Adrian's and Sydney's impossible situation possible.

4. Seventh Grave and No Body (Charley Davidson #7) by Darynda Jones - This book has been out for a month already, and I just haven't found the time for it yet. I love the narrator of the audio versions, so I will probably hold out for that. But, I definitely want to get it read before the 8th in the series comes out in the spring.

5. Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan - This book has been on my TBR for quite awhile. It was incredible ratings on Goodreads, and those of my friends who have read it have loved it. I really, REALLY need to see what all the fuss is about, and it's a goal of mine to do that sooner rather than later.

6. Shadow Study (Soulfinders #1) - It's been ages since I've hung out with Yelena, Valek, Ari, Janco and the gang from Maria V. Snyder's Study series. Gosh, I miss them. I was so excited to learn that Fire Study would not be the end of their story.

7. Dark Debt (Chicagoland Vampires #11) by Chloe Neill - The next Chicagoland Vampires book is always high on my list. I never get tired of them. Merit and Ethan continue to be two of my most favorite characters ever.

8. Salt & Stone (Fire & Flood #2) by Victoria Scott - I fell completely in love with this series and its characters after reading Fire & Flood. I have a feeling that things are about to get even more difficult for Tella and Guy in Salt & Stone, and I can't wait to see how they handle it together.

9. Bound By Flames (Night Prince #3) by Jeaniene Frost - As if I wasn't already super excited to read the next book in Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress spin-off series, but then last week, she announced on her blog that Bound By Flames will NOT be the last of Vlad and Leila! There will be a fourth book coming, which means that things in the third book are bound to get scary. I. Can't. Wait.

10. Deliverance (Defiance #3) by C.J. Redwine - I own the first two books in this series, and only very recently got around to reading them (in fact, I'm working on the second one right now). I know I'll be anxious to finish up Logan's and Rachel's story, so this one has made my Christmas list for 2014.


  1. Oh wow! Great picks!! Can't wait for Shadow Study either!! And I still need to read 7th Grave. Vlad made my list as well and yay he gets a 4th book!!! Still waiting to see if I get my ARC of Salt & Stone...seems to be late or missing...!!!!

    Ruby Circle and Dark Debt are naturally 2 more I can't wait for! Great picks all around!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I'm so excited for Wicked, The Ruby Circle and Shadow Study!! I need more Sydrian and I miss Yelena and Valek! So much excitement for these~~

    Eileen @ BookCatPin

  3. Love your list! I am also eagerly awaiting The Ruby Circle! I need more Sydney and Adrian!
    And I am definitely adding a few more books from here to my to read list - it is everlasting growing...

  4. Oh! Wicked...I forgot about that one! I wa t to add it to my list! It sounds amazing. And Shadow Study...another one I forgot. Great list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  5. I've been wanting to read the Fire & Flood books. They sound great!

  6. Hello,
    I'm a member of Double Decker Books here is a message from them
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    We hope we get the chance to work with you. Thanks, Double Decker Books"
    Hope you'll think about joining us!

  7. I'm also really excited for Inspire, Wicked, and Salt & Stone! Oh and The Ruby Circle! I can't wait to see how everything wraps up! :D I have read the first book in CJ's series, but haven't gotten around to the last two. I'd like to finish those up this winter myself! :D Great list girl!
