January 14, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten 2014 Debuts I'm Excited For

This may be slightly cheating, but after taking a look at everyone else's list, I felt the need to explain mine. I took "debuts" to mean debuting series - brand new worlds, concepts, characters and stories. Some are from established authors we all know and love. Some are from brand new authors. In any case, these are all brand new exciting books that I'm seriously jonesing for in 2014. Let me know what you think of my choices and my take on this week's list!

1. White Hot Kiss (The Dark Elements #1), by Jennifer L. Armentrout - To be honest with you, I've already read this book. It's on my list because I just can't wait for the rest of the world to read it too. It was absolutely incredible.

2. All Lined Up (Rusk University #1), by Cora Carmack - Cora Carmack's brand new series is due out in May 2014, and she's billed it as a Friday Night Lights type of new adult novel. Um, yes please.

3.  Fire & Flood (Fire & Flood #1), by Victoria Scott - New from the author of the Dante Walker series is a series debuting in early 2014 about an epic race to save a life. Like, a real race.

4. Talon (Talon #1), by Julie Kagawa - I think dragons are my new favorite paranormal character. And now, one of my favorite authors is writing about them. I think this series is going to be amazing.

5. Avalon (Avalon #1), by Mindee Arnett - Luckily, the wait will be short for this one. Sci-fi is one of my new favorite genres, and this new series about a spaceship carrying a bunch of teens is out next week!

6. After the End (After the End #1), by Amy Plum - The author of the incredible Revenants series is back with a new dystopian novel to kick off a new series.

7. Uninvited (Uninvited #1), by Sophie Jordan - I really enjoyed Sophie Jordan's Firelight series. I really, REALLY loved Foreplay, her first new adult book. And, now she's written a cool new YA sci-fi. This author is so multi-faceted!

8. NIL, by Lynne Matson - I loved Survivor for a long time. NIL is being billed as a scary sort of YA Survivor, and that's good enough for me.

9. Panic, by Lauren Oliver - I don't know what it is about these dystopian books about races and contests where the winner gets to live, but here's another one that is most definitely on my list in 2014.

10. The Maddox Brothers #1, by Jamie McGuire - Jamie McGuire's writing a spin-off series about Travis' brothers!! The first book, as yet untitled, is due out sometime in 2014, and I am deliriously excited about it!


  1. Oh yes! Forgot about Talon, but I chose Julie's other two releases this year! I went overboard! There are sooo many YA titles I wanted to choose!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I cannot WAIT for After The End! Amy Plum is a must read author for me. I loved your take on this list. What fun to look forward to all the new series coming out!

    Kristalyn @ The Sarcastic Palmtree

  3. Love your list! I had no idea that their were so many great series comming out this year.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier.
    El @ So Bookalicious

  4. What a great list did you make.
    Hope you can read them as soon as they are published.


  5. Awesome list! You have quite a few on here that I can't wait for! And I'm excited about the Maddox brother books :)

  6. Great list!! I have a TON of JLA's books still on my TBR list. I plan on reading Obsidian next month. From what I hear, I will want to keep reading that series...so I held off until I caught up on a few others. I started After The End last night, so I should have a review later this week.

    I hope you get to read all of these books this year and thanks for stopping by my TTT!!

  7. Ahh, I"m soo excited for a new Julie Kagawa book! I loved the Iron Fey series!!! White Hot Kiss looks really good too, I love gargoyles. Great list!

  8. Well there's 6 more for my already massive tbr :-P

  9. Great list! Some of these series I definitely gotta read! Especially the book by JLA and Victoria Scott!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

  10. I LOVE the look of After the End. I went ith Debut Authors so it didn't make my list but it is definately one that I am most excited for. Nil made my list too! White Hot Kiss sounds interesting. Not something that I'd usually go for, but something about it is drawing me in! Avalon looks good too, I have wandered into Sci Fi Genre a few times and have mostly liked what I read and this looks like a good choice for my next wander :)
    How did I not know that Jamie McGuire was writing a book about Travis' brothers. BEST NEWS EVER! Massive thanks for that one being on your list, you made my day! :)

  11. Great list! I love your unique spin on the debut series.
    Ashley @ Chronicles

  12. I've heard about Avalon and it sounds interesting, but I haven't seen any of the other books on this list. I like the take you took on this list. Thanks for stopping by my top ten. Happy Reading!

    Alex @ The Book Banner

  13. I just read Avalon and LOVED it! So good. I need more right now. :) I'm very excited for Panic. I loved her Delirium series (except for the ending of Requiem...) After the End, Fire and Flood, and Uninvited are all ones I'm looking forward to as well. And I just saw Nil today on someone else's list for the first time and already added it to the TBR. It sounds awesome! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

  14. Some great books on there. Looking forward to some of those myself. But I see a few that I am going to have to add to my TBR list.

    Once Upon A Dream Books

  15. That's a great idea to break it down that way, series instead of authors. I actually had a hard time with this one, and wish I would have taken that route. I don't keep up on all the new authors coming out so I searched through some listopias on goodreads to get my ideas. Which was fine because now I have a whole bunch of new book in my list to get. lol.

    I'm definitely looking forward to After the End. That looks so good!!

  16. There is not one book on your list I'm NOT excited for! Kristaaaaaa! I love how we have the same taste in books! It always makes me grin! Eeeeeeep! I have a few e-ARC's of these, so I can't wait to jump in soon!
