November 20, 2013

PUBLICIST INTERVIEW: Cassie McGinty, Disney Publishing Worldwide

I may have mentioned that I'm turning *cough*thirty-something*cough* later this month. This past year has been a pretty good one for me, actually, in relation to my blog. I've read tons of amazing books, met some incredible authors, and gotten some fascinating insight into the publishing world through contacts made at some of the biggest publishing houses in the world. I'm living the dream, baby.

One such contact that I've recently made is the super talented Cassie McGinty, Marketing/Publicity Coordinator at Disney Publishing Worldwide. She graciously agreed to give us an insight into her world.

Thank you so much for participating in this interview, Cassie! – No problem!

*Note: All comments are my own opinion and not official statements or views of The Walt Disney Company.*

1.    My own undergrad degree is in marketing and public relations. When I was looking into careers, honestly, doing marketing and publicity for a major publisher didn’t even cross my mind (wish it would have!). Is this something you always wanted to do, or was it more of a “right place at the right time” kind of thing?

I always loved reading ever since I was little, and was the nerdy kid that always had her head stuck in a book. I didn’t think about working for a publishing company until college. I am from rural Nevada originally and I had never really been exposed to the publishing industry.

Because I love to read and write, when I started thinking about what job I would be qualified to do with my degree (English Major with a Minor in Creative Writing) that would make me happy, it was a no brainer. I was lucky enough to get an internship at Charlesbridge Publishing in Boston. I also interned for my school’s Literary Magazine, SHENANDOAH: THE WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY REVIEW, and I also helped a local author with publicity for her book. My alumni network was a huge asset when it came time to job hunt because I got to meet so many fantastic people that work at different publishing companies in New York. They were so supportive and encouraging and it was through their sharing of resources that I got my first job here at Disney Publishing Worldwide!

2.    What skills are essential if one wants to break into the world of publishing house publicity?

In Publicity (and Marketing) you need to know how to multitask. Be organized, efficient, and creative. There is always something new going on and there is never a dull moment in the day.

3.    What does a day in the life of Cassie McGinty look like?

I usually come in around 8:30-8:45 and catch up on emails. Then the day can consist of anything from creating sell sheets, coordinating author travel, processing invoices, keeping track of author events, corresponding with bloggers, checking NetGalley, submitting books for awards and events, mailing books or promotions, and more! I really enjoy corresponding with bloggers and reading their book reviews! It is one of the highlights of my job because I get to see how the book impacts readers in a very real way.

4.    Do you find time to read strictly for your own pleasure? What are you reading right now?

Totally! I read every day on my commute to and from work and usually when I get home as well. I am a Science Fiction/Fantasy nerd. Right now I am reading CROWN OF VENGEANCE by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory (TOR) which is just amazing. I also just started THE FOUNDRY’S EDGE by Cameron Baity and Benn Zelkowicz (Disney-Hyperion).

5.    What 2014 Disney Publishing releases are you especially excited to help introduce to the world?

DON’T LOOK BACK by Jennifer Armentrout, and not just because of the killer cover designed by Tyler Nevins! I am also super excited about PERCY JACKSON’S GREEK GODS by Rick Riordan and THE HUNT by Stacey Kade.

For December 2013 I am very excited about the release of THESE BROKEN STARS by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner. I have gotten to know Amie over email (she is from Australia and is HILARIOUS!) and am so excited for this book to come out. There are so many great things going for this book and I can’t wait for it to be out in the world!

6.    From your perspective, what are the things you like to see in a blogger’s review post?

I love it when a blogger falls head over heels in love with a book! Blogger reviews are such a great way to create Buzz about a book.

7.    What is the most challenging aspect of your job?

Just making sure that I have dotted my “I”s and crossed my “Ts”. There is always so much going on in any given day and I keep lists for everything that I have going on that is essential.

8.    Since this is happening in my birthday month, I have to ask – what is your favorite kind of birthday cake?

Hmmmmmm….. I love pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese icing!

Happy Birthday!

Thank you so much, Cassie, and OMG - I want cake now. Specifically the aforementioned pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese icing. Yum-o.

Don't forget to enter to win either a box of books (US only) or a book of your choosing from The Book Depository (International). Perhaps you might want to get These Broken Stars - I met Amie Kaufman and Megan Spooner at BEA this year and they were so incredibly nice. Good luck!

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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great interview. It is really interesting seeing blogging from a different perspective. I love that you love our book love!
    These Broken Stars is fantastic. I finished it in the (very) early hours of this morning because I just couldn't put it down.
