November 8, 2013

NetGalley November Update - Week 1

Week 1 Update

So, I've reached the end of week 1 of NetGalley November, and I have some good news and some bad news.

Good Krista
I was able to clear off FOUR books from my initial NetGalley/Edelweiss list - go me!

The Edge of Always, by J.A. Redmerski – release date 11/5/13
Pawn, by Aimee Carter – release date 11/26/13
Crash Into You, by Katie McGarry – release date 11/26/13
The Temptation of Lila and Ethan, by Jessica Sorensen – release date 10/22/13
Hard to Handle, by Jessica Lemmon – release date 10/1/13
Can’t Let Go, by Jessica Lemmon – release date 9/3/13
The Bet, by Rachel Van Dyken – release date 6/25/13
The Wager, by Rachel Van Dyken – release date 10/1/13
Twisted, by K.A. Robinson – release date 5/7/13
Breaking Nova, by Jessica Sorensen – release date 9/3/13
Foreplay, by Sophie Jordan – release date 11/5/13
How To Run With a Naked Werewolf, by Molly Harper – release date 12/31/13
Rome, by Jay Crownover – release date 1/7/14

Bad Krista
I was bad this week. I downloaded two books from NetGalley. I know, I know. Counterproductive much? But, they were both books that I was DYING to get my hands on - Four Seconds to Lose by K.A. Tucker and Before Jamaica Lane by Samantha Young.  I promise, I'll read them before the month is out.

In any case, my overall feedback percentage has increased to 59.2%. There are a few books coming up that I'm really looking forward to reading. It's going to be a fun week!


  1. Four books is a great achievement in the first week!
    Like you I got sucked in to netgalley and have requested more titles.
    I'm going to try and be good for the rest of the challenge and not look.

  2. I'm trying to read my Netgalley/arc books too. You've made great progress, Krista. Way to go!

  3. Four books is brilliant. Well done! I've had the same problem though...requested more books. I must try not to for the rest of November.. We'll see if I manage it!

  4. Krista Congrats on knocking out 4 NetGalleys! You should be very proud of yourself. I requested another title too! The NetGalley Temptation is so hard to say "no" to! LOL I'm being more selective of what I request now though, which has helped.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  5. You did well! And those two books you downloaded are very hard to resist :P

    My Updates

  6. Four books is a great start… of course, I may be saying that because I, too, read four this week. :) I also DNF'd three. :( And downloaded three new ones… It's a bad habit.

    My recap.

  7. I know all about downloading books! But you still kept your ratio read higher than downloading so that's amazing and look at those statistics! I say job well done! hehe. Keep it up!

    Faye :)
