July 9, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Best/Worst Book-to-Movie Adaptations

The BEST Book-to-Movie Adaptations

1. Harry Potter series, by J. K. Rowling

2. The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins

3. The Firm, by John Grisham

4. The Outsiders, by S. E. Hinton

5. Stand By Me (The Body), by Stephen King

The WORST Book-to-Movie Adaptations

1. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, by Rick Riordan

2. The Chamber, by John Grisham

3. The Stand, by Stephen King

4. Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer

5. The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger


  1. Good list, I loved Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Stand By Me as well. I also thought that Percy Jackson and Twilight were bad.

  2. Holy yes to Twilight, The Lightning Thief and The Time Traveler's Wife being on the worst list. Those films just butchered their literary counterparts beyond recognition!

  3. It's funny how a lot of the same movies end up on people's worst lists. It seems like no one liked The Lightning Thief! I never read the book or saw the movie, but it's been on everyone's list that I've seen so far this morning.

    Totally agree with Harry Potter and The Hunger Games. Although a few of the Harry Potter movies really got on my nerves with the way they cut stuff.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

    Denise @ Life With No Plot

  4. Ohh good choices Krista!!! I LOVED The Outsiders and Stand By Me!! And YES they totally screwed up Percy Jackson!!

  5. Good call on The Firm, though in that case, I think I enjoyed the movie much more than the book.

  6. Good list. I love how you juxtaposed the photos of the covers with scenes from the movies. Very cool. Thanks for reminding me about Stand by Me. Great movie. And thanks for stopping by my TTT


  7. Great list. Sadly, I think we were all disappointed with The Time Traveler's Wife. :(

    My TTT

  8. I forgot about The Outsiders! I totally agree!

  9. Great list! Totally forgot about The Outsiders, what a great movie.

  10. I still haven't read The Outsiders - hmm, not sure whether I have a copy or not but I probably do, somewhere!

    I know I have a copy of The Lightning Thief, which I haven't read yet, and everyone's always warning me away from the movie. I'm fine with that!

    Overall the Harry Potter movies were excellent, though I find the first two, directed by Christopher Columbus, a little tedious for sticking too closely to the books, and the very last one a little tedious for dragging out the big finale scene between Harry and Voldemort. I loved it in the book but it didn't translate all that well to the screen, the way they did it. But the ones in the middle, awesome films!

    My TTT

  11. Hooray for The Firm! :) I still haven't seen The Lightning Thief.

  12. Great list- totally forgot The Firm and The Outsiders!

  13. Oh, I forgot about John Grisham movies. I really loved The Client

  14. I've never read Twilight but I saw about thirty minutes of the first movie and yeah, it was definitely bad...

  15. Great list! The Hunger Games is on mine too and I'm seeing it on a lot of other people list also :D

    Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Hunger Games and HP really are awesome. I wish that Percy had lived up to the book. Great list

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  17. Oh man! I completely forgot about the Outsiders! That movie is soooo good and the book is even better. That's one of the more brilliant book/movie combos we read/saw in high school. LOVE THEM! I also didn't know that Stand By Me was a Stephen King story! That movie is really good!

    Thanks for sharing your amazing list and for stopping by my blog, too! Happy reading and watching!
