May 8, 2013

REVIEW: Destined For An Early Grave (Night Huntress #4)

Destined For An Early Grave, by Jeaniene Frost
Published July 28, 2009
Publisher:  Avon
Format: audiobook - borrowed from the library
Genre:  adult paranormal romance
To Buy:  Amazon  * Barnes & Noble

Rating:  5 STARS

(From Goodreads) Her deadly dreams leave her in grave danger

Since half-vampire Cat Crawfield and her undead lover Bones met six years ago, they've fought against the rogue undead, battled a vengeful Master vampire, and pledged their devotion with a blood bond. Now it's time for a vacation. But their hopes for a perfect Paris holiday are dashed when Cat awakes one night in terror. She's having visions of a vampire named Gregor who's more powerful than Bones and has ties to her past that even Cat herself didn't know about.

Gregor believes Cat is his and he won't stop until he has her. As the battle begins between the vamp who haunts her nightmares and the one who holds her heart, only Cat can break Gregor's hold over her. She'll need all the power she can summon in order to bring down the baddest bloodsucker she's ever faced . . . even if getting that power will result in an early grave

Destined For An Early Grave was a different kind of Night Huntress experience. Up until now, the books in the series have been on the light side, I mean, if you don't take into consideration the fact that Cat and Bones are constantly fighting for their lives. At least they did it with a smile and some really hot sex. Right? 

This, the fourth book in the series, marked a major turning point for our favorite blood suckers. Cat's and Bones' relationship has seemed pretty solid up until this point. But, when a super powerful master vampire stakes a claim on Cat that can't be refuted, neither she nor Bones handle it in the best way. And, suddenly, everything they thought they had is gone. 

Destined For An Early Grave is the perfect example of why Jeaniene Frost has very quickly rocketed to the top of my My Favorite Authors list. This book really had it all. It was not without the wit, sarcasm, and laugh out loud hilarity that I've seen in the other Night Huntress books. But, for the first time, Ms. Frost made me laugh, and then on the very next page, made me cry. Like. A. Baby. It was easily the darkest installment in the series, and also the saddest. Which also makes it the most incredible. 

The supporting characters that we have grown to adore play a huge role in Destined For An Early Grave. Vlad, Mencheres, Spade, Don, Cat's team, and even Ian provide a much needed support system and distraction while they work through their issues with each other and with the baddie trying to force them apart. 

Honestly, it was a bit refreshing to see Cat and Bones tackle a rough patch in their relationship. They love each other so much - it all seemed just a little too perfect, y'know? Bones was kind of an ass. And Cat was super defensive. It made these characters seem so genuine and real. 

Jeaniene Frost is a genius. Who else can make me think, if only for a little while, that maybe somewhere out there vampires really do exist. And, if they don't, she makes me really wish they did.


  1. THIS is my favorite in this series and I cried and was so heartbroken in the middle! So damn awesome! The next two are not nearly as good as these, but … since it's Cat and Bones you'll love them anyways :)

    1. I KNOW. This is my favorite series, and this is the best book in the series. It was amazing. Can't wait for the next one to come out - the cover and stepback are so awesome!

  2. When I was introduced to NH, about two years ago, I read them at a clip of one per day, downloading the next one immediately upon completion of the book before. I loved everything about the series from the end of the first book, especially Bones, who remains my number one, by book husband, even after many, MANY UF heroes have come and gone. The piano scene in this book is still one of my top five ugly cries at the hands of a paperback. I agree, completely, that JF is a genius! To wring that kind of emotion from me is such a gift. As painful as this one is, and as much as it still makes me cry whenever I read it, this book made NH even better for me, and I didn't think that was possible!

    I am so enjoying your reaction as you progress through this, one of my top-three series. I hope you continue to love it as much as I do!
