April 23, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Books I Liked More/Less Than I Thought I Would

Today, we're going to look at the books that either didn't meet my expectations or far exceeded them. Luckily, it was harder to come up with the books that I liked LESS. But, I've narrowed both lists down to five apiece.

Books I liked MORE Than I Thought I Would

Urban fantasy isn't typically what I go for in a pinch. I've found some of the books in this genre confusing and without a romantic entanglement, they don't really grab me. I read Moon Called when it was gifted to me by a friend. Despite the lack of romance (that comes in later books), it most certainly did grab my interest immediately, and not only was the world not confusing, I found it utterly fascinating. The Mercy Thompson series has become one of my favorites. 

Although I enjoy watching sci-fi (Trekkies unite!), I didn't really think I'd enjoy reading it. I was in need of a new audiobook and saw Across the Universe at my library. I decided to try it. From the very first chapter, I was hooked. This is a fascinating series that I can't say enough good things about. 

3. The Demon King (The Seven Realms #1), by Cinda Williams Chima
High fantasy is my least favorite genre. I picked up The Demon King for two reasons - first, I had just finished Chima's The Heir Chronicles and loved it. I wanted to read more by her. And, second, I loved the cover. I was so surprised when I loved it as much as I did. I fell in love with all the characters and the story - wow. It was absolutely incredible. 

I just finished this last week, and was shocked at how awesome it was! I liked Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin #1), but I did have some problems with it. I wanted to see the series through, so I picked up Dark Triumph, albeit a bit reluctantly. It was so amazing, I'm still thinking about it a week later. 

I had heard a lot of mixed reports about The Selection. It seemed that readers either loved it or hated it, and I had no idea which side of the fence I would fall on. Then, I was gifted a copy of it by a friend. Even then, I was reticent. Finally, after two other friends read it and liked it, I gave it a go... and found myself firmly on the "loved it" side of the fence. I absolutely fell in love with America and Maxon (go Maxon!), and already have The Elite (The Selection #2) pre-ordered.

Books I liked LESS Than I Thought I Would

The reason I picked this book up to begin with should be self-evident. It's THE WARDEN. And, I'm a gi-normous fan of her Black Dagger Brotherhood series. I knew that her Fallen Angels series was a spin-off that also takes place in Caldie. I figured it would be a slam-dunk. But, I don't know. The magic just wasn't there. Maybe it's the lack of the Brothers' presence (although there are a few cameos by a few different Brothers). Maybe it's the lack of anything vampy. It just was most definitely not the same and not what I had expected.

I loved Matched (Matched #1) and Crossed (Matched #2). So much so that, as soon as Reached was available for pre-order, I clicked that button. And, although Condie's beautiful writing was still present, the story just fell so flat for me. I was kept wanting so much more at every turn. I wanted more emotion, more action, more character development, and more of an epic, sweeping ending to the main love story. And, since it ended the series, I didn't think that was asking too much. 

Look at that cover! You would expect passion and blistering heat and a great love story. Meh. Not so much in the passion and blistering heat department. There is quite a love story there, and yes, it's touching most of the time. But, after awhile, I kinda wanted Gabriel and Julia to get mad at each other and say some things they didn't mean. Because it got a little sickeningly sweet after awhile. I wanted them to have mad sex. Or make-up sex. Hell, any sex at all would've been great. Instead, I just got "meh."

Spell Bound suffered the same fate as Reached. It was the final installment in a series that I had grown to love. So, I put it atop a pedestal and expected very great things from it (which I had ALSO pre-ordered after finishing Demonglass (Hex Hall #2)). Instead, we were left with an extremely unfulfilling resolution to the love triangle. Some very interesting characters who were introduced in books 1 and 2 were barely mentioned. And all of it just left me feeling completely cheated.

Oh yeah. I went there. I know this is a beloved series. I know it's also now a blockbuster movie juggernaut. But, let's be serious for a minute. The Hunger Games - EPIC. Catching Fire - AMAZING. Mockingjay - erm, not so much. It was so rushed, that I felt that so many important things were left out. It was the most depressing, with Katniss being a zombie most of the time. She did things completely out of character that I didn't buy for a second. And that epilogue?? So frustrating (and I was totally Team Peeta all the way, so it wasn't that).


  1. Series are very uneven, aren't they? So much so, for me, that I rarely read past book one!

    Here's my Top Ten List of Books I Never Expected to Like.

    1. I always try to finish a series, but sometimes, I just can't bring myself to do it!

      Thanks for checking out my list!

  2. Yay for Across the Universe!!! That's one of my favorite books, I wish more people would pick it up but they're so hesitant because it takes place in space. =/

    1. I know, right? Space isn't just for Trekkies! I absolutely loved the entire series.

      Thanks for checking out my list!

  3. I really need to read Across the Universe. I've only read positive reviews of it, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet.

    1. I loved it so much - I hope you love it too!

      Thanks for checking out my list!

  4. Yay for Across the Universe! I really need to read The Demon King already - I've heard such great things! You know, I agree with you about Mockingjay. It was kind of a letdown for me, almost the whole way through. And that ending was WTF. Yeah. Totally with you on that one.

    1. The Seven Realms series is one of my all-time favorites. I will tell anyone who will listen to read it!

      Thanks for checking out my list!

  5. I actually loved Gabriel's Inferno, but I definitely understand your frustration, lol. Across the Universe was a pleasant surprise for me, as well. Not usually that into sci-fi. Nice list. :)

    1. Across the Universe was my first sci-fi book. It was such a great surprise!

      Thanks for checking out my list!

  6. I thought about including mockingjay, but I've already knocked it so much on my blog :) and for exactly the same reasons. Thanks for visiting me.


    1. It does get a lot of flack, doesn't it? Sad but true.

      Thanks for checking out my list!

  7. I really want to read Across the Universe. Everyone seems to love it! :-) And *guilty face*, I still haven't read Catching Fire or Mockingjay. Really need to read them before the movies come out!

    1. I dunno - you might be okay with just seeing the movies. :) At least with Mockingjay.

      Thanks for checking out my list!

  8. Great TTT, Thanks for stopping by mine :)
    LOVE your blog header, the moroccan tile pattern at the top is beautiful!
    New GFC Follower
    Danielle@ Coffee and Characters

    1. Thank you so much for the follow and the compliment!

  9. It's so sad when the last book in a series is a disappointment! I really need to get onto the His Fair Assassin series...so little time!

    Great list :-D

    1. It's such a great series - Dark Triumph was amazing!

      Thanks for checking our my list!

  10. I've been meaning to read Across the Universe for SO long! Great List! Laura :)

    1. I hope you have a chance to read it soon - it's wonderful!

      Thanks for checking out my list!

  11. I really want to read The Selection & Across The Universe! :) Glad you liked them!

    1. I just got my copy of The Elite today so that I can continue the story started in The Selection. It was really good!

      Thanks for checking out my list!

  12. I agree with a lot of your list, the last book in the Hex Hall series was a bit disappointing, I LIKED Grave Mercy but I also had some problems with it, but I've heard Dark Triumph is better SO I went ahead and ordered it. :)
    I wasn't a big fan of Across the Universe. I LOVELOVE The Black Dagger Brotherhood series SO.Freaking.MUCH. Love those dudes. I've been wanting to read the Covet series, but I have a feeling I would find the same things disappointing, so I'll probably check it out from the library.
    Great list! :)

    1. The BDB is the best series ever. Have you read Lover at Last? So good! But, her Fallen Angels series just isn't the same. :(

      Thanks for checking out my list!

  13. I'm a Trekkie too (woohoo!) and I didn't love Across the Universe, but I've only read the first book. I do plan to keep reading because it was OK and I've heard it gets better. I just found The Season way too descriptive and disturbing, and I wanted MORE sci-fi. I'm also a fan of The Selection (and Team Maxon!) for reasons I cannot really explain. I totally agree about Reached and Mockingjay (though I put the series as a whole on my pleasant surprise list, Mockinjay was definitely not the best). Great list; thanks for stopping by!

    1. I just got my copy of The Elite today. I'm there with you on Team Maxon. I love that guy!

      Thanks for checking out my list too!

  14. I was so disappointed in Mocking Jay. After The Hunger Games it was a total let down. But I didn't like Catching Fire either. I haven't read any of the other books. But there are some on there that I think I might have to check out!

    1. Yay! I love making new recos! I have to wonder if the movie version of Mockingjay will be any better. There's always hope, right?

      Thanks for checking out my list!

  15. Oooh, I love the Mercy series too! I wasn't sure if I would, because I need a little romance in my books, but I knew it would come later so I kept reading! I also really liked The Selection! I haven't yet read Dark Triumph, but I LOVED Grave Mercy.

    I totally agree with you on Gabriel's Inferno! I need more. I just thought it was an ok read. I did like Reached more than Crossed though. And I haven't yet read the last Hex Hall book. I'm glad we both agree on Mockingjay, even though I really hate what Collins did to Peeta.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    New GFC Follower!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

    1. When the romance started in the Mercy series, wasn't it just the best?! I love Adam!

      Thanks for checking out my list and for the new follow!

  16. Yeah, Spell Bound and Mockingjay were definitely disappointments. I hate how the love triangle was solved in both books, couldn't the authors think of something better?
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT! (:

    1. UGH! That was my biggest gripe with Spell Bound. SO annoying!

      Thanks for checking out my list too!

  17. How fantastic is Mercy? I also love the Alpha & Omega series that's set in the same world. I'm so glad I found these books.

    And I agree that Covet was a let down after the BDB. But after reading Crave and Envy (I've not read Rapture yet) I do like the series. It's better than a lot of the other UF/PNR that's out there. It's just not up to the standard Ward set with the Brothers.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT - I really appreciated it.

  18. 1,2, and 5 all got me curious. And I agree, Mockingjay wasn't really the ending I was hoping for either. And yay for Team Peeta! :D

  19. Interesting list! I haven't read any of these yet, but Cinda Williams Chima keeps crossing my radar. (Note to self: pick up a copy of the first in either series at earliest opportunity.) I think I'll also give The Selection a try.

  20. I totally agree with you on Mockingjay. There were lots of things that happened in that book that I did not approve of.

    Yay for Across the Universe!

  21. Completely agree with you on Reached and Mockingjay! Reached was just so boring and I found myself really not liking any of the characters with the exception of Xander. His chapters seemed to be the only chapters with anything really happening. Mockingjay was just such a huge let-down to me. It almost felt like I was reading a different trilogy because like you mentioned Katniss was just so out of character.

  22. I get what you mean about Mockingjay! Catching Fire was my favourite of the series, so to then read Mockingjay was a bit of a let down. I enjoyed the book, just not as much as I thought I was going to.

    Thanks for stopping by! :)
