April 2, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Characters I Would Crush On If I Were Also A Fictional Character
 Otherwise known as "a post with so much WIN, I can barely contain myself."

1. Bones - Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost:  He's snarky, brave, protective, loyal. And he loves Cat completely and passionately. Oh, and he's British, so he's got a sexy accent. I love this vampire. 

2. Rhage - Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward:  His nickname is "Hollywood" because he's drop dread freaking gorgeous. And, he's one of the BDB which amps up his hotness quotient exponentially. 

3. Aiden St. Delphi - Covenant series by Jennifer L. Armentrout:  He's a God. No really - he is. And, he fights and loves with his entire body and soul. 

4. Daemon Black - Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout:  Daemon is not your typical alien. Those aliens don't look like this. And, when he figures out he's in love, nothing will keep him from keeping his girl safe. That's even more attractive than those eyes. 

5. Will Herondale - Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare:  Will broke all our hearts before he put them back together again. This boy has honor and integrity and would give his life for his friends. What's not to love about that?

6. Adrian Ivashkov - Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead:  He might not be the ass-kicker in fights like some guys are, but Adrian has his own skills. And he uses everything he has to take care of Sydney. He's smooth and sexy and artistic. 

7. Dimitri Belikov - Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead:  He tries to save Rose by staying away from her, but how could any girl stay away from DIMITRI? Impossible. 

8. Ethan Sullivan - Chicagoland Vampires series by Chloe Neill:  Ethan is flawed and beautiful and everything that Merit needs when she's thrust into a difficult situation. Although he tries to save her, it seems that she does all the saving most of the time. The fact that he allows her to do so makes him even more awesome. 

9. Lucas - Easy by Tammara Webber:  Lucas has it all. He's smart. He can handle himself in a fight. He's creative. He's a bad boy with a heart. 

10. Vincent Delacroix - Revenants series by Amy Plum:  Vincent is willing to put aside his own comfort for the benefit of the girl he loves. Oh, and did I mention that he has a sexy accent, speaks French and lives in PARIS?


  1. I'm seeing a lot of Jennifer Armentrout and Cassandra Clare boys today! I agree with Adrian, love him.

    1. I've been seeing Jennifer Armentrout and Cassandra Clare a lot today too! Adrian is so sigh-worthy, isn't he?! Thanks for stopping by!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really need to read a Jennifer Armentrout book. The boys keep popping up. I love that Adrian makes your list too. Lucas from Easy sadly was cut out of my list when I had to narrow it down to 10. finally, I would say I'm more of a Jules person than a Vincent.

    1. Jules is wonderful, though, isn't he? He definitely needs a HEA. And yes - you must give a Jennifer Armentrout book a try - she's one of my favorites!!

  3. Very nice list Krista!
    Somehow I wasn't following you?!
    I finally got mine sort of running so here's my list! http://foreverdream21.blogspot.ca/

    1. Hey Britt! Thanks for following - I returned the favor! And, I was happy to see Z on your list. I waffled between he, Rhage and John Matthew. But, in the end, Hollywood ended up on top. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Ethan is one of my most favorite characters ever!

  5. I clearly need to read ALL OF THESE BOOKS. Thanks for including photos. ;) And even though I'm Team Jem...I still love Will. Is that bad? Or does that just make me like Tessa? xD Great list!

    My TTT

    Randi @ Cardigans, Coffee & Bookmarks

    1. Ha - searching for the visual aids was my favorite part of this week. :) And no - that's not bad at all. If I had listed my honorable mention list, Jem would've topped the list. I think I'm more jealous of Tessa than any other bookish girl!!

  6. Rhaaage <3 ahhh hes just AMAZING! :D

    1. Isn't he, though?? He, Z and John Matthew are my favorites!

  7. Clearly I need to read some Armentrout and Clare. They're on everyone's lists. And whew, you found some drop-dead gorgeous photos to illustrate these guys!

    I also love your blog description -- sassy and to the point! Nice, uncluttered design, too. Now following via GFC!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and for the follow, Lark! And yes - I definitely recommend Armentrout's Lux and Covenant series - they're two of my all time favorites!!

  8. Great list! I would agree with all but 8, because I haven't read that one yet. But the others are crush worthy for sure. I'm doing a lot of swooning today! Thanks for stopping by my list.

    1. Oh my, Lauren, then you MUST give the Chicagoland Vampires series a try! It's fantastic!

  9. Wait a minute, I'm still drooling over those pictures....

    I have GOT to get around to reading more of these books! Love Adrian, Dimirti and Lucas, but the other I haven't even met the other guys yet. *pouts*

    1. Heh - I know, right? I love TTTs like this. :)

  10. I'm horrible and I've read none of these! I do, however, plan on reading and meeting some of them. (: Thanks for sharing and stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

    1. It was so hard narrowing my list down to just 10!!

  11. Great list, I love that you have both Adrian and Dimitri on it. I have just Adrian. I usually go for his personality in books, but in real life I'd probably go for Dimitri. Thanks for the comment on my blog!
    Book Nerd & Critic

    1. I loved Dimitri in the VA series. I love Adrian in the BL series. It's like each setting was tailor made to show off each guy's strengths. I do love them both. :)

  12. Jennifer L. Armentrout must really know how to write her male characters! I haven't ever read any of her books but her characters are very popular choices today. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    ~Merin @ Read and Reviewed~

    1. JLA is the absolute living end. I love her books and her male characters are the swooniest I've ever read. You should definitely give her books a go!

  13. Bones and Rhage fangirl high five. ;) And I'm team Will also. That reminds me, I really need to buy book #3 soon. :D
    I adored Easy by Tammara Webber but I don't know why I'm not much attracted to Lucas. One of life's mysteries. LOL
    Great list!
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT.
    Dragana @ Bookworm Dreams

    1. You know, I'm not drawn to the "bad boy" either. I think there was just something about this particular bad boy and the fact that he was such a GOOD bad boy that made him appealing. :)

      *fangirl high five* back atcha!

  14. I totally adore Aiden and Daemon. JLA is such a great writer of sexy boys! As well as Richelle Mead.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Annie @ Tar Heel Bibliobabe :)

  15. Easy is the only book on your list I've read and I fully support choosing Lucas!
