February 5, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This is one meme I can get on board with - I LOVE lists! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Top Ten Best Bookish Memories

Maria V. Snyder and Jennifer L. Armentrout at YA Fest
1. YA Fest 2012 - This was the first author event I ever attended. I know, I know - I was a 36-year-old read-a-holic and I had never met a real live author. Sad. But, my good friend Jen from At Random took pity on me and brought me to an event with more than 30 authors in one place! I met authors like Jennifer L. Armentrout, Maria V. Snyder and Michelle Zink. I had a chance to chat with them and they signed my books. It was amazing!

2. PAYA 2012 - Less than a month after YA Fest, Jen and I attended another multi-author event. I got my tote bag and books signed by the likes of Wendy Higgins, Jessica Spotswood and Jeri Smith-Ready.

3. The creation of this blog - On January 2, 2012 I wrote my first post on this blog. I initially started it as a way to challenge myself and to get all my thoughts out of my head about the books I was reading. It's grown into so much more than that.

4. Reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon - In 1996 my best friends from college introduced me to a little book called Outlander. I hadn't been reading much at the time - I was a senior with a boyfriend and had recently turned 21. I had other things going on. But something about that book... it reignited the passion that I had for books when I was a kid. And the rest is history.

5. Joining Goodreads - I joined Goodreads in December 2011, but didn't get involved with an amazing group of ladies who share my love of paranormal romance and urban fantasy books until March 2012. Now I consider them some of my very best friends even though I've only met one of them in person.

6. Scholastic book order day - I remember that the days when I would come into elementary school and there would be stacks of brand new shiny books lined up on the tables along the back wall, well, those were the best school days of the year.

7. Reading Nancy Drew by flashlight - When I was around 10, I found a box of books in our attic that had belonged to my mom when she was young. Most of the books were original Nancy Drews. I ended up reading every one of them, even though some scared me a little. I would read in bed until my mom came to tell me to turn out my light, and then I'd read a little more with a flashlight. Awesome thing is, my mom still has those books, and some day soon, they will go to my daughter.

Me reading to my 8-month-old daughter
8. Reading to my daughter - When I was pregnant with my daughter (who was my first child), I read that if you read to your child from the get-go, there is a greater likelihood that your child will be a reader too. So, starting from the time when my daughter was about 2 months old, I would read a book to her every night before bed. Even though she didn't really start paying any attention until she was closer to a year old, I still did it. Now, she is 6, and sure enough. reading is one of her most favorite things to do.

9. Signing up to go to BEA - In December 2012, I clicked the button that signed me up for my first trip to BEA. I am so excited to go and meet authors and other bloggers! I think that when I get there I will likely do a little fangirling (which I DON'T normally do), and maybe a little squealing. I can't wait!


  1. OMG! Kait and I can't wait for BEA! It'll be our first time too and we're soooo excited. We're still hoping our registration doesn't flop on us *fingers crossed*! Great memories, and new follower! :)
    It's great to hear other bookish memories, and get a different perspective!
    -Beth @ YA Vixens

    Vixens Top Ten

    1. I can't wait until the author list is posted in April so I can start planning and strategizing! We should totally meet up and talk BOOKS!

      Thanks for the follow!

  2. Awww So sweet Krista!!! And I'm still so jealous you're going to BEA AND that you've met JLA!!!

  3. Aww that's a great list, Krista!

  4. oh i want my future children to be readers as well so thanks for that tipp :) lucky you going to bea!!

  5. Reading NAncy Drew by flashlight - YES! I did that too :)

  6. Reading books in general by flashlight was always a fun thing to do!!
