December 29, 2012

Talk To Me! (And A Giveaway Announcement)

I have been thinking a lot about the goals that I posted about a few weeks ago. And, I thought, why wait until 2013? Most I can get started on immediately! So, despite being the self-proclaimed Queen of Procrastination, I started crossing items off my list. Starting with...

Krista's Dust Jacket is now on Facebook! Now, you lucky ducks can keep in touch with me six ways from Sunday - or at least four ways. That's something, right?

Like me on Facebook - Follow me on Twitter - Follow my reviews on Goodreads - Send me an e-mail

And now for the big news! On January 2, 2013, I will have been at this book review blogging gig for a whole year - *gasp*! In honor of the occasion, I'll be spending part of the week looking back at the year and reviewing my, uh, reviews. AND.... of course there'll be a giveaway. It wouldn't be a blogoversary celebration without one, right? I'll be giving away one January 2013 new release book. And, even better, if I crack 500 followers, there will be TWO WINNERS! The giveaway will open on January 1 and be open the entire month, so you'll have plenty of opportunity to enter.

Thanks for your continued support. Have a fantastic new year!