December 4, 2012

Book #131 - Hard Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires #4)

Hard Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires #4), Chloe Neill
urban fantasy
350 pages
Started 11/27/12
Finished 11/29/12

Seriously? I mean, SERIOUSLY?? By the end of Hard Bitten, Ms. Neill had left me a spineless puddle of goo. My brain was scrambled. Still is, actually.

For Merit, it's pretty much SSDD - some unknown group out there is trying to wreak havoc on the city of Chicago and blame the vampires for it along the way. She and Ethan are enlisted by the mayor to find out what's going on and put a stop to it. Meanwhile, Ethan's boss is in the house breathing down his neck. Which doesn't make Merit's job any easier. Especially since she and Ethan are still trying to wade through the weird relationship waters.

I just don't even know what to say about Hard Bitten. It was an incredible book. Merit was amazing as usual. Ethan was broody as usual. His wooing of her was so sweet. I loved seeing that part of him. The regret and the sadness - it was a nice change.

I really can't say anything more than that. The ending - well, it was unexpected and... unexpected. Although I loved this book, as I have all the others in the series, I'm just not sure where it will go after this one. I haven't started book #5 because I'm afraid the magic will be gone. Stay tuned to find out.


  1. I promise you -- keep reading! The next books are just as good!!

    1. I hope you're right, Eva! Because I'm so in love with this series. I was beyond shocked. I do have the audiobook reserved at my library. I just can't stay away. :)
