October 29, 2012

Book #117 - Reflected In You (Crossfire #2)

Reflected In You (Crossfire #2), Sylvia Day
432 pages
Started 10/25/12
Finished 10/26/12

Really? Was the ending really realistic? Ok - so, maybe I shouldn't even be asking that question of a story in which a stinking rich, devastatingly handsome man falls instantly and totally in love with a hum-drum girl the second he sees her and wants nothing more than to dote on her constantly and ravish her six ways from Sunday every second of the day. And, yet, I still feel the need to ask if that ending was necessary. Because, other than that, I thought Reflected in You was better than Bared to You, the first in the Crossfire series.

Believe it or not, I think there was less sex in this book. *shock!* And, it was a good thing. *double shock!* There were so many questions left unanswered at the end of Bared to You - this book really got into some of the "whys" surrounding Gideon's many neuroses. And, now that Eva's craziness is all out on the table, she got on my nerves considerably less this time around too. She seemed to want to overcome her insane jealousy and her desire to run when things got hard. She really wanted to work at getting better. And, she and Gideon seemed good together for awhile. For, oh, about 20 pages or so. :)

True to form, there was still plenty of arguing and misunderstanding by these two completely messed up individuals. Although, in this case, the arguments seemed to be much more founded in legitimacy. Eva had every right to be mad and jealous and hurt and betrayed this time around. And, I found myself crying along with her at times.

The thing that bothered me most about this installment in the Crossfire series was that, for some unknown reason, the violence was ramped up. That kinda came out of left field at me, and I'm not really sure it added anything to the story. Well, ok, the one incident did, I guess. But, I still felt it was all not needed to move the story forward and to get the point across.

All in all, this was a really good book with a few missteps that I'm willing to overlook. I have a feeling I know where the third and last book will go. I think it will be a thrilling end. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for the 3rd book to come out. These were great books. Couldn't put them down, I will re read both before the third comes out.

    Marlene Detierro (Austin Search Engine Optimization)
