October 15, 2012

Book #110 - Whispers at Moonrise (Shadow Falls #4)

Whispers at Moonrise (Shadow Falls #4), C.C. Hunter
paranormal romance
400 pages
Started 10/8/12
Finished 10/11/12

ARRRGGGHHHH!!! Are you freaking kidding me?! No, you idiot - don't say/do that! Shut. Your. Pie hole. OMG, I cannot believe this right now.

So, that pretty much sums up my experience with Whispers At Moonrise.

Don't get me wrong - it was a good book. Just intensely frustrating. You serious book fans know what I'm talking about. By the fourth book in a series, you've developed a sort of relationship with the main characters. You have a specific idea for where you want them to go. Who they should be with. And, when it appears the story isn't going in that direction, it makes you nuts!

Backing up, Kylie finally knows what she is, but doesn't understand it or how to control it. Another thing that she is unsure of is what to do about her Derek/Lucas problem (and, what a good problem to have, right?). Should she go with the boy she thinks she loves, but always seems to put other things first? Or with the boy who is completely devoted to her, but for whom perhaps her feelings have changed? Oh, and in the middle of all that, she's got a new ghost problem that hits very close to her heart.

You know, I've always thought the boy "teams" were silly. What it boils down to is, based on what you know about the main character and what you feel about her, which guy in this fictional world is what she needs/wants? I have a very clear opinion on this after four books, and if my opening paragraph is any indication, it should tell you in which direction things are going at this juncture. There's almost nothing more frustrating than that.

I don't know what it is, but it seems like all of these books are very similar. There's never much movement in the problems and challenges that are supposed to be overarching. Kylie's angst over what she is and her confusion over the boys have been going on since the first book in the series. I understand there's only one book left in the Shadow Falls series, and it's due out in December. For the love of all that's crazy, I hope that it REALLY wraps up then. (And, I hope she picks Derek!) 

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