January 3, 2012

My Personal Challenge

I'm Krista. I've been married for 10 years. I have a five-year-old daughter and a four-year-old son. This is me:

I'm a reader. I've always been a reader. I can remember devouring my mom's old Nancy drew books when I was young. Scholastic Book Club days were better than pizza day in the cafeteria. I doubled up on English classes my senior year of high school so that I could take American Lit, British Lit and Creative Writing courses. I am a certifiable book nut.

Then I got married. Had kids. Got busy with life. And my books and my love of reading got a little dusty.

Two years ago, I picked up a book again. Maybe you've heard of it - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It was like coming home. I found some online friends who also like to read. I joined Goodreads.com to keep track of my books. And, in 2011, I read 73 books. Pretty awesome, huh? My genre of choice is urban fantasy. I am also a hopeless romantic, so I love a good love story. Although most of my books in 2012 will fall into those categories, I want to broaden my horizons. So, my personal challenge in 2012 is to read 50 books, with at least one in the following categories.

1. High Fantasy
2. Steampunk
3. Biography
4. 750+ Pages
5. Crime/Mystery
6. Historical Fiction
7. Dystopian
8. Science Fiction

I will probably add to this list as I go, but for now, it's a start. And, as you may have guessed, I've already started. So, here goes...

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